Understanding the unreality of matter: The teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and its contemporary significance

- People live with spiritual energy
- 1. The need for breaking away from material centrism and internal exploration
- 2. Prana, life energy that connects matter and spirit
- 3. The importance of cosmic energy shown by Jesus' words
- 4. The power of will and the source that brings out the infinite energy
- 5. Proof of materialization and dematerialization and material imprecision
- 6. The significance of Yogananda's teachings in modern society
- 7. Practical approach: Utilizing yogananda teachings in daily life
- 1. The need for breaking away from material centrism and internal exploration
People live with spiritual energy
A passage from Paramahansa Yogananda's book, "The Eternal Quest of Man," "Peace Six: Understanding the Unreality of Matter," provides extremely important suggestions for a deeper look into how we view the material world.
This chapter cites the importance of experiential understanding of the unreality of material conveyed by Indian scriptures, not merely as a philosophical idea, but through scientific internal exploration.
In a situation where materialistic values are prevalent in modern society and spiritual abundance tends to be neglected, Yogananda's teachings can be a guidepost for our true and rich life.
1. The need for breaking away from material centrism and internal exploration
Modern society tends to place excessive value on visible material things. The criteria for success are measured by external factors such as income, status and possessions, and internal growth and spiritual fulfillment tend to be neglected.
Yet Yogananda suggests that material wealth alone does not provide true happiness, and emphasizes the need for internal quest. The unreality of matter as spoken by the Indian scriptures is the recognition that matter is not an absolute being, but merely an manifestation of more fundamental energy.
To gain this recognition, it is important not to simply believe in teaching, but to understand it experientially through scientific internal exploration such as meditation and self-observation.

2. Prana, life energy that connects matter and spirit
Yogananda challenges the general perception of the body as oneself and expounds the importance of prana (life energy), the fundamental element that supports the body's existence.
It is often thought that the body is nourished by food, but in reality, prana is the lifeline that connects the body with the source of cosmic energy. Once the Prana is lifted out of the body, no food or medicine can bring the body back to life. The ancient Indian sages discovered the existence of prana and established the science of pranayama (breathing techniques) as a way to control it.
Pranayama is not just a breathing technique, but is an advanced technique for controlling life energy and balancing the mind and body. For those of us who tend to be exhausted by stress and overwork in modern society, pranayama will be an effective tool to maintain physical and mental health and increase vitality.
3. The importance of cosmic energy shown by Jesus' words
Yogananda emphasizes the importance of cosmic energy by quoting the words that Jesus spoke during his 40-day fast in the wilderness, "Man does not live by bread alone; he lives by each word that comes out of God's mouth" (Matthew 4:4).
The word here refers to the vibrations of cosmic energy, and the mouth of God refers to the medulla oblongata that is located at the back of the brain and continues to the spinal cord. The medulla oblongata is the most important part of the human body and functions as the "mouth of God" through which cosmic energy flows into the human body.
Fasting is an experiential way to understand that by stopping physical food intake, the body becomes dependent on life energy. For those of us who tend to suffer from overeating and unbalanced diets in modern society, fasting will be an effective way to cleanse our bodies and restore connection to cosmic energy.
4. The power of will and the source that brings out the infinite energy
Yogananda describes the power of the human will as a great energy generator, and preachs that by willpower and positive will, energy can be drawn instantly from the inner, infinite energy treasure trove.
Even in everyday work, people who are not actively motivated will lack energy, but people who are motivated will be able to withstand harsh physical and mental tasks due to the influx of cosmic energy. By consciously incorporating this inexhaustible cosmic energy using the power of will, a person who has learned how to live spiritually can overcome various physical constraints.
In modern society, for those of us who tend to lose sight of our goals and become lethargic, increasing willpower and having a positive will be key to enriching our lives and achieving self-realization.
5. Proof of materialization and dematerialization and material imprecision
Yogananda introduces the Indian Yogis and the Holy Wisdoms who say, "Material is an embodiment of spiritual materials," and says that some, like Jesus, have demonstrated this truth by actually materializing and dematerializing their bodies and various objects.
These phenomena have yet to be fully understood in modern science, but suggest that matter can be altered by consciousness and energy rather than absolute beings. Believing in the possibilities of materialization and dematerialization will lead to belief in our potential and motivate us to transform ourselves.
6. The significance of Yogananda's teachings in modern society
Modern society faces a variety of issues, including information overload, stress, and loneliness. With materialistic values becoming prevalent and spiritual abundance being neglected, many people have lost sight of the meaning of life and are unable to feel happy.
Yogananda's teachings could be a prescription for such modern society's pathology. By understanding the unreality of matter, recognizing the importance of prana and cosmic energy, and increasing the power of will, we should be able to be free from material bondage and find true happiness.
7. Practical approach: Utilizing yogananda teachings in daily life
To incorporate Yogananda teaching into your daily life, the following practical approaches are possible:
- Practice of Meditation Meditation is an effective way to experience inner tranquility and deepen self-awareness. Meditation can be done little by little every day to stabilize your mental state and reduce stress.
- Pranayama Practice Pranayama is an effective means of controlling life energy and balancing the mind and body. By doing the proper breathing techniques, you can increase your energy and improve your concentration.
- By having a positive motivation, setting goals, and taking positive action towards them, you can increase your willpower and attract cosmic energy. Even when faced with difficulties, it is important to stay positive and not give up.
- Having a sense of gratitude - Having a sense of gratitude for the obvious things in your daily life will help you stay positive and feel a sense of happiness.
- Having a spirit of service and acting for others can overcome self-centered thinking and encourage spiritual growth. By helping others through volunteer activities and social contribution activities, you can feel the meaning of your own existence.
In search of true wealth
Paramahansa Yogananda's teachings provide a guidepost to satisfy the deep cravings of mankind that cannot be satisfied by material wealth alone.
By understanding the unreality of matter, recognizing the importance of prana and cosmic energy, and increasing the power of will, we should be able to be free from material bondage and find true happiness.
In modern society, Yogananda's teachings will be key to living a richer, more fulfilling life.