Inner Peace and Courage - The Road to Change Sri Ananda Mai

The power of will, inspiration, and the grace of God
"All things are accomplished by the power of a person's will. If someone can continue to have strong resolve and act with patience, their actions will eventually be led to inspiration that emerges from within. And such people are destined to be supported by God's power."
This phrase from Sri Ananda Mai Ma, an Indian saint and known as the "Happy Virgin" shows deep insight into human potential. It does not simply speak of effort or perseverance, but suggests the possibility that our inner will, when combined with higher powers such as spiritual guidance and God's grace, can lead to more than we imagined. When we listen to our inner voice and act with strong will and perseverance, it is not just an individual's actions, but a resonance with the great power that created the universe, and a force that makes the impossible possible. These words give us a ray of hope and give us the courage to believe in our inner potential.
To gain a deeper understanding of the truth of this word, let's focus on people in history who have achieved great changes in society through strong will and inner faith. The best example is Pastor Martin Luther King Jr., the great leader who led the American civil rights movement and challenged racism. He has faced social injustice by developing a non-violence-based struggle, and despite many difficulties he has achieved great results through his inner faith and willpower.
It is widely said that at the root of his actions there was not just human strength, but overwhelming spiritual power that could be considered "God's support." Furthermore, while the influence of Indian spiritual culture, particularly Mahatma Gandhi's non-violence, is essential to the formation of Pastor King's ideas, it is not overlooked by the teachings of Indian saints as elements that nurtured his inner faith. It is believed that the existence of Paramahansa Yogananda, who preached the path to self-realization, had a significant influence on the spiritual world of Pastor King.
This article focuses on how Pastor King overcomes difficulties and has grown into a great leader, and explores the connections to the truths that Sri Ananda Maa said. We will also touch on the connection with Yogananda's ideas that supported his spiritual growth. Tracing his life will provide a valuable guidepost for our belief in our own inner potential and renewing the courage to face difficulties.
1. Pastor King and the Nonviolent Movement: The Indomitable Spirit that Fights Discrimination
Pastor Martin Luther King Jr. was deeply impressed by the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi, who is known as the father of India's independence, and carried out activities based on the philosophy of non-violence. Just as Gandhi resisted the British Empire with a spirit of love and non-violence and achieved Indian independence, Pastor King also confronted the injustice of racism that was deeply rooted in American society with the same spirit. Gandhi's non-violence is not just a political strategy, but a philosophy based on the universal values of love and truth, and Pastor King had a deep sympathy for this idea.
At that time, American society was prevalent in the country, with black people being unfairly treated in all respects, particularly in the South. Public facilities and transport were divided by race, and violence and discrimination against black people was commonplace. In response to this unequal situation, Pastor King advocated that all people, regardless of race, should have equal rights, and therefore sought to change society in a non-violent way. He was convinced that violence would only produce new violence and that true change would only be brought about by the spirit of love and peace.
Pastor King's speech was powerful and deeply resonated with people's hearts. His words spoke to the anger and sadness of the oppressed black people, and also appealed to the white community to the conscience. The famous speech, "I have a dream," symbolized his hopeful vision, touching and sympathizing with many people across races. However, his activities also led to strong rebellion and hostility, with the radical white supremacists particularly lashing out at Rev. King and those who supported him.
The movement's leading the way, Pastor King, was the target of attacks not only by supporters, but also by extremist white supremacists and sometimes conflicting black activists. Harassment and threats were commonplace, and homes were often blown up and violence was often used during demonstrations. He also experienced many unfair arrests and imprisonment himself. Furthermore, criticism, false rumors and slander from the media also bothered Pastor King, putting a huge emotional burden on him. While he became known as a charismatic activist, he was deeply hurt as a human being, and sometimes forced into a desperate situation. In his mind, he has always had a conflict between his sense of responsibility as an activist and his weakness as a human being.

2. The Voice of God Stripped in Weakness - Rebirth from Despair and the Teachings of Yogananda
Pastor King was not always strong and brave. He also experienced deep anguish and despair as a human being. One of them happened one night when fatigue and stress were at its peak. He received a threatening call at his home. It was so gross that it threatened not only his own life, but also his family, especially the lives of his young children. Such threats would have deeply hurt his spirit and shocked him to the extent that he shattered his beliefs as an activist.
The blackmailing call caused Pastor King to tremble from the bottom of his heart. He was deeply concerned about not only his own safety, but also his beloved family, and was struck by great fear. On a sleepless night, he was surrounded by loneliness and despair, feeling as if he was left alone in deep darkness. At that time, the only last hope left for him was to pray to God. He confessed to God the fears and anxiety he was facing, and his weaknesses, and asked for help. This situation shows that he felt his limits as a human being and had no choice but to rely on higher powers.
He then says that he heard a clear voice from deep inside him. It was a powerful, warm voice, almost like God was speaking directly. He felt the voice rise from the depths of his own soul, trembling with surprise and emotion. This moment was a life-changing turning point for him. It was the moment when he connected with his inner divinity, and he found new hope in despair. This experience also supports the importance of Yogananda's recognition of the inner divinity of the self.
The voice spoke to him: "We don't rely on our father or mother, but we believe in the fear and power that goes beyond our limits within ourselves." These words encouraged him to change his attitude of constantly seeking help from others and to believe in the strength and possibilities hidden within himself. Additionally, the words "the fear and power beyond the limits within oneself" were key to the blossoming of his inner spiritual power. At this moment, Pastor King awakened to the infinite possibilities within himself, and felt that within his consciousness there was an infinite source of divine power.
Furthermore, the voice encouraged and guided him, as if Christ was speaking himself. He recalls: "In my prayer, I was guided by a clear answer: 'Rise Martin, do what you need to do in the name of justice, but don't worry, I will always be there.'" These words reaffirmed his mission and convinced him of the love and presence of God who supported him. This experience is also deeply connected to the importance of raising awareness of the self and deepening connections with God through meditation and prayer, as Yogananda preached.
This experience was a moment for Pastor King when religious teaching was experienced not merely as a theory or form, but as a living reality. He truly understood from the bottom of his heart that God he had previously believed in was not an abstract concept, but a being who always stood by his side, supporting and guiding him. Through this experience, he gained the strength to overcome despair and fear, and gained the courage to rise again. This experience also helped to deepen his inner faith and drive him to become a greater leader.
3. God-supported leaders: Trust in infinite power and the influence of Yogananda
After this special experience, Pastor King continued his civil rights movement without fear. His actions contained more unwavering confidence and confidence than ever before. This is because he came to deepen his belief in his own inner power and the existence of God. He never gave up in the face of difficulties, never held hope and continued his philosophy of non-violence. His actions were not merely political movements, but also a journey of spiritual awakening and self-change.
As a result, he has made a major change in American society and has contributed to the elimination of racism. His activities have influenced people all over the world and have become a symbol of the human rights movement. He received the Nobel Peace Prize, and his achievement was recorded as a Congressional Gold Medal recipient. However, his movement was not successful simply by the power of individual will. Atheists and materialistic thinking people may interpret his success simply as a result of his superior abilities and strategies. But Pastor King himself clearly states that it is not the case. He believed that his inner spiritual power and God's grace were the source of his success.
His words and actions clearly convey that he was supported by his firm faith. He knew well that he could not have come this far on his own. He always wanted God's help and followed his guidance. He gained new courage and strength through dialogue with God through prayer and exposure to His love and strength. This attitude is consistent with Yogananda's importance of always being aware of connection with God and seeking God's grace. Yogananda taught that uniting the will of the self with the will of God is the path to true self-realization.
Human power is limited. Sometimes we humans face situations that cannot be managed by our own power. But what Pastor King showed is that by being supported by the infinite power of God, one can surpass that limit. Throughout his life he has proved that by believing in God's power and following his guidance, he can accomplish things that seem impossible. This resonates with Yogananda's infinite possibilities hidden within the self and the trust in God's grace.
His life also teaches us that this God's power is never given to a special person. We all live with God's love and grace. There must be quite a few people who have experienced at least once a miraculous moment when we were in a difficult situation in this world. This may be due to the action of "something" that cannot be solved by coincidence or luck alone. It may be proof that we are constantly guided by inspiration or are enveloped in God's grace. This also supports the idea that Yogananda preached that God resides in all people.
Based on the words of Sri Ananda Mai Ma, this "something" is precisely proof that we are always surrounded by God's grace. And believing in that grace and listening to our inner voice may be the key to unfold the infinite possibilities that lie within us and pave the way for new paths. It means recognizing that there is a divine power within us, and acting in faith in it. Yogananda's teachings preach the importance of awakening the inner divinity through meditation, and in this regard we also see a resonance with the experiences of Pastor King.
The life of Pastor King teaches us the importance of having inner faith and trust in God when faced with difficult circumstances, never giving up. And it suggests that we, like him, can live our lives, surrounded by God's grace and spiritual guidance. The change he achieved was more than merely social change, but had the power to transform people's inner consciousness.

4. Summary - A light that illuminates the journey of the mind – References
The Life and Teachings of Sri Anandamai Maa,
"Autobiography of a Yogi" (by Paramahansa Yogananda)
This book is a masterpiece that records the hearts of a woman called the Virgin of India and the words she conveyed. This idea also appeared in "A Yogi's Autobiography," and has influenced many people. Her tranquil words are packed with unique insight into the difficulties faced by people and clues to discover spiritual peace.
The teachings spoken in this book are deeply rooted in the universal perspective that "no matter what happens, they have no effect on your true awakening." This shows the idea that the various difficulties and sufferings we face in life are trials that will help our souls grow and lead us to our true self.
The words of Sri Ananda Mai Ma teach us the importance of finding inner peace and having an unwavering core of our self, under any circumstances. Her teachings will serve as a valuable guide to our daily lives to become more conscious, listen to our inner voice, and connect with the great power that is the creator of the universe.
Additionally, "An Autobiography of a Yogi" is a masterpiece that describes the life of Paramahansa Yogananda and the path of self-realization he preached. Yogananda has taught us the importance of recognizing the inner divinity of the self and deepening our connection with God through meditation and prayer. His teachings are thought to have influenced the spiritual growth of Pastor King, and resonate with Pastor King's way of life in terms of his infinite possibilities hidden within himself and his trust in God's grace.
Reading these books will be a profound and fruitful learning about how we tackle the difficulties of life and how we find inner peace. These books can be read in a superimposed manner with the life of Pastor King, and will provide a deeper understanding of the process of inner change. And in our own lives, like great people like them, they will give us hope that we can go our own paths, believing in our inner power and God's grace. Their teachings will provide us with inner peace and courage and provide valuable guideposts to help us maximize our own potential.