
Aromatherapy that will help you develop intuition and creativity

Set With Bottles Of Different Essential Oils On White Background

Aromas promote spiritual growth

Aromatherapy can be a powerful tool to support our physical and mental health and even stimulate spiritual growth, rather than simply enjoying a pleasant fragrance. The vitality and scent power of plants deeply affect our subconscious, paving the way for deepening self-understanding and finding inner peace. Here we will delve deeper into how aromatherapy contributes to spiritual growth, including specific methods and points to be careful about.

1. The profound connection between aromatherapy and spiritual growth

Aromatherapy and spiritual growth may seem at first glance different realms. However, the two are closely connected and have an influence on each other. The reasons why aromatherapy promotes spiritual growth can be summarised in five main ways:

Transformation and expansion of consciousness

  1. Fragrance works directly on the parts of our brain that govern our emotions and memories, especially the limbic system. This part is deeply connected to our emotions, intuition, memories, and patterns of behavior. The aromatic scent can stimulate this limbic system and lead you to a state of consciousness that goes beyond everyday thoughts and emotions.
  2. You can access undiscovered emotions and memories within yourself, and gain new perspectives and awareness. For example, lavender scents can not only provide a relaxing effect, but also provide a deep sense of security and inclusion.
  3. By being surrounded by fragrance, you will be relieved of everyday stress and anxiety, and will be able to rethink your inner self from a broader perspective. In addition, the scent of rosemary not only increases concentration, it can also vividly evoke past memories. This will help you learn from past experiences and gain a deeper understanding of your own roots.
  4. Transformation of consciousness is the foundation of spiritual growth. The aromatic scent frees us from the patterns of thoughts and emotions that we are trapped on a daily basis, allowing us to rethink our world and ourselves with a broader perspective. Through this process, we can discover our own potential and approach our true self.

Deepening meditation and introspection

  1. Aromatherapy provides a powerful support for meditation and introspection. Certain scents have the effect of relaxing the body and improving concentration. By incorporating these scents into meditation and introspection, you will be able to clear up any distractions and face your inner self more deeply.
  2. Sandalwood and frankincense scents have been used in meditation since ancient times. These scents calm the mind and lead to a state of silence. Sniffing these scents during meditation will help you feel inner tranquility and peace, and will give you a deeper meditation experience.
  3. The scent of bergamot and neroli is effective in soothing anxiety and tension, and calming the mind. By incorporating these scents into introspection, you will be able to explore your inner self in a more relaxed state.
  4. Meditation and introspection are important practices for deepening self-understanding and finding inner peace. Aromatherapy is a tool to support and make these practices more effective. The power of scent helps us access the emotions and memories that lie deep inside our hearts and discover the truth about ourselves.

Adjusting energy balance

  1.  In Oriental medicine, it is believed that our bodies have "meridians," which are the paths of energy, and "chakras," which are the center of energy. In aromatherapy, it is believed that each aroma has a specific energy, and by utilizing it, it is believed that it can adjust the balance of energy and promote harmony between the body and mind.
  2. The first chakra (root chakra) is said to control vitality and grounding, and is said to correspond to scents such as patchouli and cedarwood. These scents allow you to firmly connect energy to the earth and provide a sense of stability. The fourth chakra (heart chakra) is also said to control love and compassion, and is said to be compatible with scents such as rose and jasmine.
  3. Using fragrances will help you deepen your self-love and love for others and open your heart. Regulating energy balance is essential to maintaining physical and mental health and promoting spiritual growth. Aromatherapy helps us to smoothen the flow of energy, balance our mind and body, and leads us to a healthier and happier state.

Awakening of intuition

  1. Fragrance is one of the most primitive sensations of our five senses, and is deeply connected to intuition and inspiration. Aromatherapy is a powerful tool to sharpen these five senses and increase your intuition. By focusing on the scent, you can capture fine sensations that you wouldn't normally notice, making it easier to listen to your inner voice.
  2. Lotus scent has long been known as a scent that symbolizes enlightenment and purity. This scent is said to increase your intuition and make it easier to receive inspiration. It is also said that the scent of myrrh and cypress awakens inner wisdom and helps you recognize the truth of your self.
  3. Using scents will help you gain a deeper level of awareness beyond everyday thought. Intuition is an important guide to making the right choice when we are at a crossroads in our lives. Aromatherapy supports us to listen to our inner voice and act according to our intuition, allowing us to live a more fulfilling life.

Emotional release and healing

  1. Aromatherapy provides a safe space to release past trauma and oppressed emotions and encourage healing. Scents can evoke memories that are deeply connected to emotions, which support the process of facing and releasing past emotions.
  2. The sweet orange and chamomile scents warm the heart and give you a sense of security. By being surrounded by these scents, you can alleviate tension and anxiety caused by past trauma and heal the wounds of your heart. The scent of rosewood and bergamot gently envelops sadness and loss, and has the effect of healing the heartache.
  3. Using scents will help you release your emotions in a natural way without stifling them. Emotional release and healing are essential to maintaining mental health and removing factors that hinder spiritual growth. Aromatherapy helps us to face and release past emotions, allowing us to regain peace and happiness.

2. Specific practices of aromatherapy to promote spiritual growth

There are several specific ways to utilize aromatherapy for spiritual growth. Below is a detailed explanation of typical methods.

Introduction and aromas to meditation and yoga provide a powerful support to maximize the effects of meditation and yoga.


Lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, chamomile, etc. for relaxation and concentration, calms the mind and leads to a deep, relaxed state. Using these scents in meditation and yoga makes it easier to concentrate and feel the inner tranquility.

Fragrances for clear consciousness include rosemary, peppermint, lemon, and other fragrances that clear consciousness and increase concentration. By using these scents when doing yoga, you can sharpen your consciousness and concentrate on the pose.


Specific usage: Incorporate the scent in a way that suits you, such as using a diffuser to diffuse the scent into the space, spraying aroma spray in the space, and putting a small amount of aroma oil in the palm of your hand and doing meditation and yoga while sniffing the scent. By adjusting the type and strength of the scent, you can further enhance the effects of meditation and yoga. For example, it is effective to use scents that calm the mind at the beginning of meditation, and scents that clear your consciousness when you want to improve your concentration, making them different scents that suit your purpose.

The time and aroma of journaling and introspection can help to make journaling and introspection deeper and more enriched.


The scents that release emotions, such as rose, neroli, jasmine, and ylang-ylang, have the effect of gently releasing emotions deep within the heart. By journaling while sniffing these scents, you can help you notice and express emotions that you don't normally notice. By using emotions in words, you can deepen your self-understanding and reduce the burden on your mind.

Scents that deepen your self-understanding: Cedarwood, vetiver, sandalwood, etc. are scents that give you a sense of being grounded by looking into the inner self. By sniffing these scents and reflecting, you can understand the essence of your own and clarify your own values. Clearly identifying your values ​​is important to set life goals and lead a fulfilling life.


Specific usage: Drop aroma oils into handkerchiefs or tissues to write a diary while sniffing the scent, or light an aroma candle and be enveloped in the scent, creating time to quietly face your own mind. Because scents work deeply on our emotions and memories, the synergistic effect of aroma candle flame swaying and scent can encourage deeper introspection.

Energy regulation and chakra activation - Each aroma has a unique energy, and by using scents that correspond to specific chakras, you can balance your energy.


If you look into it, you will find many aroma oils that correspond to the chakras and aroma oils that correspond to each chakra.

The first chakra (root chakra) includes patchouli and cedarwood

second chakra (saicral chakra) includes ylang-ylang and orange

third chakra (solar plexus chakra) includes lemon and grapefruit

fourth chakra (heart chakra) for rose and jasmine fifth

chakra (throat chakra) for eucalyptus and peppermint

sixth chakra (third eye chakra) for lavender and rosemary seventh

chakra (crown chakra) for frankincense and sandalwood.

These scents are said to have the effect of activating the energy of each chakra and balancing it.

Specific usage: Dilute the aroma oil with carrier oil and apply it gently to the location of the corresponding chakra, or place it in an aroma bath to enjoy the scent while meditating with the corresponding chakra in mind, adjusting the energy in a way that suits you. Massage promotes blood circulation and makes it easier to absorb aroma oil ingredients from the skin, so you can expect more effective energy adjustments.


Using fragrances that enhance intuition and intuition is our inner guidance and plays an important role in spiritual growth.

Scents that sharpen your intuition: Lotus, Myrrh, Cypress, Juniper Berries, etc. are scents that sharpen your intuition and make them easier to receive inspiration. By utilizing these scents, you can gain a deeper level of awareness that goes beyond everyday thought.


We use these scents when you want to follow specific usage and intuition, or when you need to judge something. It is a good idea to incorporate scents on a daily basis, such as spreading the scent with a diffuser or wearing it with an aroma pendant. By acquiring a scent, you will always receive support to improve your intuition.

A scent that encourages emotional healing and release. Past trauma and repressed emotions can be factors that hinder spiritual growth.


Scents that soothe your heart wounds: sweet oranges, chamomile, rose, and neroli are effective in warming the heart and giving you a sense of security. By utilizing these scents, you can heal past wounds and restore peace of mind.

Scents that soothe sadness: Rosewood, bergamot, sandalwood, etc. gently wrap around sadness and loss, and have the effect of healing heartache. By utilizing these scents, you can release your emotions in a natural way without silence.


Specific usage: Incorporate the scent in a way that gently touches the mind and body, such as when you are feeling depressed or sad, by entering an aroma bath or using it as a massage oil. The aroma bath is a synergistic effect of warm water and aroma, which encourages relaxation of the mind and body and supports the release of emotions.

3. Things to note when choosing an aroma and a spiritual perspective

There are a few things to be aware of when using aromatherapy for spiritual growth. By following these precautions, you can practice aromatherapy in a safer and more effective way.

Choose 100% pure essential oils - Choose 100% natural essential oils, rather than synthetic or diluted oils. Pure essential oils bring out the full potential of plants and the power of fragrance, and work deeply on our minds and bodies. It is important to carefully check the ingredient list and choose a brand you can trust.


Choose a scent by believing intuition. It is important to actually smell the scent and choose a scent that you find comfortable with while referring to the explanation. By trusting your intuition, you can find the scent you really need. Because scents act deeply on our emotions and memories, scents that feel comfortable may potentially have the energy we need.

Follow proper usage: Essential oils may irritate the skin if used as undiluted solution. Make sure to use it in the appropriate way, such as diluting it with carrier oil or using a diffuser. Especially for those with sensitive skin, we recommend doing a patch test. Depending on the type of carrier oil, the effects and scent on the skin vary, so it is important to choose one that suits your skin type and preferences.


Beware of your physical condition and allergies. If you are pregnant or have an allergy, you should be aware of the type of oil you use. Try to consult a specialist or doctor. Aromatherapy is a natural remedy, but it may not suit you depending on your constitution and physical condition. To enjoy aromatherapy safely, it is important to get expert advice.

When using aromatherapy to spiritually grow, it is important not only to enjoy the scent, but also to try to feel the energy and message behind it. By focusing on the scent, you will be able to listen to the wisdom of plants and the inner voice of your own. Aromatherapy can be used as a tool to deepen your connection with nature and explore the inner self.


4. Fruits of spiritual growth brought about by aromatherapy

By continuing to practice aromatherapy, our spiritual growth will be guided to a richer level. Specifically, the following changes can be expected:

Deepening self-acceptance Aromatherapy deeply affects our emotions and sensations and helps us to understand our self in depth. You will be able to accept yourself, including everything good and bad. Self-acceptance is the foundation for increasing self-esteem and living a more self-aware lifestyle.


Cultivating gratitude - By feeling the blessings of nature through scents in your daily life, you can develop a sense of gratitude. Being aware of our connection with nature will help us to deepen our sense of being part of a greater being. Appreciation is important for enhancing happiness and maintaining good relationships.

Establishing inner peace and the healing effect of aroma relieves tension in the mind and brings inner peace. Once you can feel the tranquility of your mind, you will be able to stay calmer in your daily life. Inner peace reduces stress and brings about mental stability.


The strengthening of spiritual connections and aromas remind us of our connection to nature and give us a sense of connection to a greater being. We will be able to live a richer life by deepening our sense of being connected to all life, including plants. Spiritual connections give you the power to find purpose in life and overcome difficulties.

Blooming intuition and creativity Aromatherapy enhances our intuition and stimulates our creativity. As these abilities blossom, we will be able to be more self-aware and achieve self-realization. Intuition helps you make the right decision, while creativity is the power to solve problems and create new value.


Aromatherapy is not just a soothing fragrance, but a powerful tool for self-exploration and soul growth. Please use aromatherapy as a good companion for your spiritual journey while cherishing your own intuition. The vitality and scent power of plants will brighten your inner light and lead you to a richer and more fulfilling life. Aromatherapy will be key to supporting your spiritual growth and living a more personal and happier life.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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