
The Road to Become a Space Federation - Lin Sangqing's Experience


Become a member of the Solar System Galaxy Space Federation 


I have a deep interest in the organization called the Space Union. This is not just my longing for science fiction works, but also from a mysterious event I experienced myself. In this article, I will talk about my experience working as a member of the Space Union, the realizations I gained, and my exploration into the spiritual world.


Is it the Space Union? I'm interested. lol

Headhunting started as a dream

One night I had a strange dream. It was a dream of visiting a spaceship, and beings from various stars gathered together. In my dream, I was being explained to the Space Union facility. I woke up, went to the bathroom, and went back to sleep, and my dream resumed as if it were a continuation. It was as if he was waiting to fall asleep.


No one volunteered at this dream selection session. All of them were headhunted and collected by the Space Union personnel. I was no exception, and without my knowledge I became a member of the Space Union. Apparently, those with special abilities or aptitude from their past lives were chosen. This happened when I was 23 years old, and that's when my epic story began.

The view inside the spaceship looked exactly like what I saw in a sci-fi movie. It was as if Hollywood directors were inspired and recreated it. The interior of the spaceship in the works of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas was truly the real thing.


Please talk quickly. Exciting

The class system and mission of the Space Union

The Universe Union, where I belonged, had a strict pyramidal hierarchy. The top commander will not even be able to meet unless he reaches the higher level. And the higher ranks were elected.


The Space Union attracted soldiers from various stars, including the Star Sirius. They had a different appearance than Earthlings, but from their perspective, we Earthlings are equally foreign. Aliens were highly skilled, but some of the Earthlings were chosen. Therefore, on board the ship, they were not considered special just because they were human beings.

After the tour, a practical exam was waiting. The results of this test meant that they completed the Space Union mission. The Space Union, like an army, rose in rank from squad leader to captain to major. During practical exams, the commands were given regularly to "Go to a certain star." Each time, the targeted members are gathered and pulled up to the disc.


I boarded a small spaceship, and was instructed by a large mothership with its upper ranks. If you successfully complete these instructions, your rank will rise.


That's an amazing story. I would like to hear more about it.

No no no participant members

On board the ship, they often wore uniforms and met the same members. Communication was more of a telepathy than a word. There were 18 members of Earthlings, and only two Asians, including myself. There were also a small number of African Americans and women.


All the members of the Earth seemed disgusting. He complained, "I've come again... Maybe work again? I don't want it..." Of course, it's only natural that they will be brought in regardless of the person's wishes. The Space Union is like an army, so no one was happy. The atmosphere on the ship was always calm as we were concentrated on how to carry out the mission.

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Missions that transcend time and space

The Space Union provided something like props with a rigged device. They use them to complete missions like undercover investigations. However, its purpose was to harmonize the planets in the universe, not in a negative sense.


We were sent to various planets to address a variety of issues, including the planet's environment, energy, history, and the existence that live there. I sometimes went to another dimension to correct my past and future. The Space Union was slowly modifying history to improve the future. However, failure was not acceptable, so it was a very tough job.

Days of exhaustion

To be honest, I wasn't reluctant to go to the spaceship. I was very tired because I worked in the same way as on the ground. After working in the 3D world, I had to work on a spaceship at night and work in the 3D world again the next morning. I was so tired I couldn't move in the morning, and I was exhausted on my days off and couldn't move. That life continued for months.


After working on missions for a year as a member of the Space Union, he was given six months of leave. After that, the next mission awaited. The theme will now be "involved in various histories on Earth." However, thanks to this upgrading, I have mastered various techniques, including Onmyodo. I served as a major for 20 years, and this story continues to this day and I am currently on vacation.


The story is fun, but I can't.

Adamski and Magocchi's book


When I was 23, a book by George Adamski was a hot topic. He was famous for meeting Venus and releasing the information. At the time, there were rumors that something amazing would happen if you read the first edition of the Complete Works of Adamski more than 10 times. I wasn't interested in ET or UFOs, but I ended up wanting the book, so I went to the Adamsky Association's Japan Branch to buy it.


When I opened the book, I felt something shining like "ki." I felt something completely different from other books, and I thought the rumors were true. After reading it, I realized that Adamsky met the Venusians and the higher-level stories were true. The book also detailed exercises to demonstrate supernatural powers such as clairvoyance.

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I also came across a book called "Exploring My Deep Space" by Oscar Maggotchi and supervised by Seki Hideo. There were rumors that this book should be read more than 10 times, but it was interesting as a science fiction novel, and I was so engrossed in reading it 10 times.


After reading these books, I was scouted by the Space Union. I think it was because I read a book that I was scouted, but it was due to the psychic abilities I had originally possessed. Through my experiences on the spaceship, I realized that Adamski and Maggotchi's books have something in common. This is because people and objects were expressed by assigning numbers instead of proper nouns. The same system was used inside the Space Federation spaceship.

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I want to read a book and ride a UFO too

Zen territories and cosmic consciousness

I have learned that by reading books repeatedly, information permeates deep consciousness. As I continued reading Adamsky and Maggotchi's books, I realized the hidden worldview between the lines. Its worldview was familiar to Zen ideas. What Adamsky wanted to appeal to was Zen ideology.


I am also knowledgeable about Onmyodo, but if I delve deeper into Onmyodo, I will reach Zen states. Moving the flames of candles with care is not unrelated to Zen states. The moment you become nothing, you become a state of contradictory, but not concentrated. That's the key to bringing out your psychic power.

I believe that Zen is the state of unity with nature and "losing oneself," and that meditation is an act of pursuing a mysterious vision. Unlike meditation, Zen is an act of abandoning delusions.


In Zen states, don't close yourself. As you become one with nature, you just have to surrender to information passing through your own body. I always keep calm and observe the other person's mind from a perspective that transcends dimensions. If you look at a person's mind, you can see in detail, such as, "Ah, can you see this kind of sight?" and "Are you thinking about that?"

The moment of realization

Whether you're alone or with someone, you can experience the moment of realization. That's something that naturally hits you. At that moment, your thoughts change and information that was buried within you appears. It is a physical sensation that is accompanied by pleasure, and it is like a thin sheet of paper is peeling off. Every time the filter comes off, it really feels good.


My experience with the Space Union started with a dream, then scouted, and then completed a variety of missions. In this way, I deepened my quest for the spiritual world and reached the state of Zen. My experiences with the Space Union and my encounter with Adamsky and Magotchi's books have transformed my consciousness dramatically. From now on, I will continue to walk this story, deepening the state of cosmic consciousness and Zen.


Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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