
The body disappears, but the mind is forever and how to cultivate a new bond that goes beyond bereavement


Introduction: Face the sadness of bereavement

Bereavement brings about emotional changes

 When we face the death of someone we love, many changes occur in our minds. A sense of loss, loneliness, regret, and other mixed emotions rush in at once. And sometimes those emotions are difficult to control. It shows how big a loved one was in our hearts. When you experience a bereavement, you can sometimes feel like your everyday life, which you had previously felt like you've suddenly lost its color. However, this is a natural human response, and through this process, accepting oneself begins.

Understanding the sense of loss and how to overcome it

 The sense of loss caused by bereavement of someone you love gives you the feeling of a gaping hole in your heart. There is no need to force yourself to remove this feeling. It is important to understand and accept a sense of loss rather than denying it. Rather than suppressing the emotions that gush in your heart, by staying honest with your sadness, your mind will gradually move towards healing. According to Ehara Hiroyuki's spiritual perspective, death is not the end, but the trigger for a new relationship to begin. Using this perspective as a reference, we may be able to turn bereavement into strength.

The first step to accept death

 Immediately after losing someone you love, your emotions can become confused and it can be difficult to embrace reality itself. However, the first step to accept death is above all else to "accept what you are feeling now." It's never wrong to shed tears or to be worried or angry. This is because it is a natural phenomenon that allows the mind to proceed with the healing process. Another spiritual perspective is that "the soul is eternal" and that the deceased watches over you. By incorporating this perspective, you will be able to gradually discover new hope from your sadness.

Death from a spiritual perspective

Thinking about the meaning of "Soul is eternal"

 When we witness the death of a loved one, we often face deep loss and fundamental questions such as "What is death?" and "What is life?" From a spiritual perspective, death is thought to be the end of the body, but the journey of the soul continues. The concept of "soul is eternal" suggests that an invisible being is always with us. This way of thinking can guide you to stay connected in your heart, even if your loved one is not physically by your side.

How to build a new relationship with your loved one

 Even after you have passed away from a loved one, you can still maintain a new bond with that person. This can be achieved by cherishing memories with the deceased in daily life and by continuing to hold gratitude in your heart. Another spiritual connection is that the deceased appears through a dream or feels his presence in casual moments. For example, when you experience scents, sounds, or strange events related to the deceased, it is a good idea to think of the person nearby. These methods lead to new forms of expression of affection and creating relationships.

Receive messages from the deceased

 From a spiritual perspective, our loved ones continue to send us a message. Experiences such as a loved one saying kind words in a dream, or a certain scent or song suddenly appearing to remind you of the deceased, may be a sign from them. By being aware of these messages, you will be given the power to move forward in your daily life positively while feeling a connection with the deceased. Spiritual leaders like Ehara Hiroyuki also advocate that death is an opportunity to find new forms of learning and love. By touching on these ideas, it will help you overcome bereavement and build even deeper bonds.

The meaning of life learned through bereavement

Reaffirm the preciousness of limited lives

 The death of people close to us poses us with the "finiteness of life" that we don't usually notice. By breaking up with someone we love, we realize once again that life is not eternal and we are inspired to think about how we should live in this moment. From a spiritual perspective, it is said that even if physical beings disappear, the soul continues, but it is important to cherish every moment because there is a limited amount of time in this world. Through bereavement, we can realize the small joys and preciousness of love that exist in our daily lives, and develop a heart of gratitude.

Growing up after the death of someone close to you

 A great sense of loss leads us to deep sadness, while also bringing new opportunities for growth. When you lose someone close to you, you will have the opportunity to look back on your way of life and values ​​and rethink them. For example, you may think about how much love a person has been giving you, and use that as a source of energy you might want to become someone who can support others. You will also be able to have the courage to cherish your time and challenge your own goals and dreams when you die. Promoting personal growth through sadness is one path that enriches life.

The power that bonds beyond death give us

 Bereavement may seem like a silence of connection with others in visible ways. However, from a spiritual perspective, it is said that the bonds with the deceased do not disappear, but will continue in a new way. For example, you may find yourself not alone by feeling the deceased through your dreams or receiving mysterious signs. It gives us spiritual encouragement and supports our strength to live. By embracing the idea that souls continue to exist, your relationship with your loved one is eternal, and that bond will continue to give you strength while you are alive and after you die.

Practical approach: How to cultivate new bonds

How to feel the deceased in everyday life

 In everyday life, feeling that someone is always there while feeling the death of someone you love, and that they are always there is a step towards healing and progress. For example, you can feel the memories close by by listening to music that the deceased loved or visiting places they wanted to go to. It is also important to have a spiritual perspective when you encounter a smell or landscape that reminds you of the deceased at a moment, and to feel it as a "message from the deceased." By focusing on these small signs of everyday life, you can deepen your connection beyond physical separation.

Healing the heart through gratitude and recollection

 Having time to recall and be grateful for your memories with the deceased will help to heal your soul. For example, remember the happy events you spent with that person at the end of your day. At that moment, it is important to convey your feelings of gratitude in your heart. By fostering a heart of gratitude, the sense of loss will be relieved and new bonds will be built with the deceased. This process is also deeply related to the spiritual perspective that views death as a "continuation" rather than an "end."

Supporting the community and family

 When you experience the death of someone you love, it is important to deepen your connections with the people around you rather than just taking them alone. By talking about the deceased with family and friends and sharing memories, you can heal each other's hearts. Additionally, joining a community with similar experiences will provide greater opportunities for empathy and new perspectives. The emotions created through mutual support also lead to further spreading the love learned from the deceased.

Connecting love through creative expression

 Expressing feelings for the deceased in a creative way will not only help you heal your soul, but also help you develop new bonds. For example, writing letters to the deceased and creating an album of photos and memories can be an opportunity to organize your feelings. Furthermore, if you express your feelings through artistic means such as painting, poetry, and music, it will also inspire and inspire those around you. The form of love born in creation is eternal and can be said to be proof that the existence of a loved one continues to live.

Summary: Walking with hope for the future

Turning bonds with the deceased into the power of life

 The death of a loved one leaves us with a deep sense of loss in our hearts, but by looking at that bond again, we can transform it into the power of life. From a "spiritual" perspective, death is not the end of the body, but just a breakthrough in the journey of the soul. The connection with the deceased will continue forever in our hearts, despite the changes in form.

 One way to turn that bond into a life force is to look back on the love and teachings of the deceased in their daily lives and feel grateful. Furthermore, by conveying the influences received from the deceased to others and using them as the basis for our own actions and values, the deceased will be deeply engraved in our way of life. In this way, their presence becomes an important part of our lives and a strength to support our growth.

The importance of a mind that holds hope

 It is extremely important to continue to have hope even after experiencing the death of someone you love. To be keenly aware of the finiteness of life makes us question the significance of living in the present. No matter how deeply sadness is, people can find new hope by looking at the future from a "spiritual" perspective.

 In order to avoid losing hope, it is important to continue to feel the bond with the deceased in your heart, while also looking at current life and new encounters. Also, finding gratitude for the smallest of things and delivering kindness to someone else will lead to hope.

 In order to walk with hope for the future, it is necessary to not deny the sadness itself, but to move forward with understanding the pain over time. Even life may seem difficult at first glance, but it will surely bring new realizations and growth to us.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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