In recent years, the phrase "creating reality with permission to yourself" has become frequently heard not only in the spiritual realm, but also in the fields of self-development and lifestyle. This is a very powerful concept that based on the fundamental idea that our consciousness creates reality, we can deepen self-acceptance and self-affirmation, and unleash our inner powers to create the future we desire.
This article explores the deeper trend of "creating reality with permission to yourself," and explains its ideas, mechanisms, appeal and points to note, and concrete practice methods from a multifaceted perspective. It's like the director of the epic story of your own life, and aims to be a compass for gaining the power to create reality, just like rewriting the script.
The subject of reality creation is the universal tool called "self" and consciousness
At the root of this idea is a perspective that fundamentally overturns the perception of "reality" that we have believed in up until now. This is the belief that "the subject of reality creation is none other than yourself." We tend to see reality as something that is given externally or defined by fate, but in "creating reality with permission to ourselves," we preach that our consciousness is the most powerful tool that shapes reality.
Our consciousness attracts energy of the same frequency, just like a powerful magnet. Positive consciousness creates positive reality such as joy, happiness and success, while negative consciousness creates negative reality such as anxiety, fear and failure. This suggests that beyond merely the "law of attraction," our inner consciousness truly forms the foundational structure of the real world.
And the most important factor in making the most of this power of consciousness is the concept of "permission."
The key called "permission" - the door to reality creation
"Permission" is a state of mind that accepts what one desires from the bottom of one's heart and recognizes it as worthy of achieving it. This is like issuing a permit that says "OK" to your own life, and is built on a solid foundation of self-acceptance and self-affirmation.
Even if we consciously desire something, deep down we may have self-negative feelings or beliefs such as, "I'm not worthy of you," "I can't do it anyway," or "I'm wrong when I want that kind of thing." This state of mind acts as a powerful brake that hinders reality creation, creating a state of "not allowing".
For example, if you wish to "be rich," but somewhere in your heart you have a negative belief like "money is dirty" or "I am not entitled to be rich," it will be very difficult for your wish to become reality. This can be said to be a state in which your mind does not "permit" the reality of "being rich."
Conversely, once you are able to give permission from deep inside, saying, "Being rich is great" or "You're worthy of being rich," reality begins to move in that direction, attracting the necessary information, encounters, and opportunities. In other words, "permission" is the key to unlocking our inner possibilities and opening the door to reality creation.
Why is "permission to yourself" a trend? - Distortions and transformation of consciousness in modern society The reason this idea has spread rapidly and is becoming a trend is deeply related to the various challenges facing modern society and the changes in people's awareness towards them.
In today's society, where a craving for richness and material wealth is satisfied, people have begun to seek richness of the mind and spiritual fulfillment. More and more people are experiencing the concept of "permission to yourself" as they deepen their self-understanding and try to find the true purpose of life through self-development and spiritual exploration.
The "law of attraction" is permeated and misunderstanding - "Thinking becomes reality"
The Law of Attraction gives hope to many people, while also creating misunderstandings about its mechanism. "Permission to yourself" is beginning to be recognized as an important factor in making healthy use of this law. We are now understanding that it is important to not just pray, but to face your inner self and provide permission.
With the democratization of information dissemination and the development of social media and video sites, individuals can now freely share information. This has led to a wide range of spiritual concepts and practices being shared widely, and the idea of "permission to yourself" has also become recognized by many people. There is also an aspect of the existence of people who talk about their successful experiences lowering the barrier to practice.
A desire to escape from a stressful society - In modern society, competition and pressure are becoming a norm, and many people are suffering from stress and anxiety. Freed from these situations, the desire to open up life with one's own strength has increased, and the idea of "permission to yourself" is seen as an attractive option to satisfy that desire.
Restoring a sense of self-determination - In today's world where there are too many information and there are too many options, the desire to decide and control one's own life is growing stronger. "Permission to yourself" is seen as a way to respond to those desires and regain a sense of self-determination and agency. More and more people are seeking to live according to their own voice, not bound by evaluations from others or social expectations.
The rise in social unrest, global turmoil and uncertainty have created a sense of helplessness and anxiety. In these situations, "permission to yourself" has attracted attention as an effective way to believe in your inner strength and change reality from within. It can be said that more and more people are pursuing inner peace rather than at the mercy of the outer world.
A chain of mental barriers that block ``permission'' - past wounds and self-denial Many of us suffer from past experiences, trauma, and social constraints, and deep within our hearts are suffering from a mental block of not allowing it. These blocks limit our possibilities and prevent us from creating the reality we want. Examples of specific mental blocks include the following:
Low self-worthiness - The belief that "I have no value" or "I don't deserve to be loved" reduces self-esteem and makes it extremely difficult to "permit" what you want. This can often be attributed to childhood experiences or past trauma, and is a deep-rooted belief that has been formed over the years.
Fear of failure/The experience of past failures creates a strong fear of "I might fail again," and makes me hesitate to try something new. This fear exists deeply at a subconscious level and can unconsciously limit your actions.
The chain of guilt - guilt over past actions and choices is a reason why we don't "permit" us to get what we want. Psychology that punishes oneself can act and can alienate happiness.
Reliance on evaluations from others - Too much concern about other people's expectations and evaluations
It really makes it difficult to "permit" what you want. By leaving your own value to others' evaluations, you may be able to suppress your own desires and desires.
Even if you are thinking about potential self-denials and consciously positive things, if you have self-denial ideas on a subconscious level, this can hinder your reality. This self-denial on the subconscious level can be a very unaware and sometimes a mental pattern that has been formed over the years.
These blocks of mind are rooted deep within our consciousness and cannot be easily removed. However, by deepening your self-awareness, facing past experiences, and releasing emotions, you can gradually release yourself.
A journey to release mental blocks - dialogue and healing processes with the self In order to release mental blocks, you need to face the self and heal the wounds of the past. This process can be difficult at times, but if you don't give up and work hard, you will always be able to see the light. The following are the specific methods:
Meditation, mindfulness Through meditation and mindfulness, you can listen carefully to your inner voice and observe your emotions and thoughts objectively. In particular, practicing realizing and accepting emotions without denying them is extremely important in releasing mental blocks.
Journaling - By writing out your own emotions and thoughts, you can visualize blocks in your mind and deepen your understanding. The act of writing is very effective in organizing emotions and taking an objective perspective.
With the support of therapy experts, you can unlock past trauma and mental blocks. An objective perspective and expert knowledge can be extremely useful in deepening your self-understanding.
Affirmation, positive self-affirmation
It can improve your self-image. Affirmations are powerful tools that work on the subconscious and change patterns of the mind.
Emotional release work: By releasing emotions that you have suppressed in the past in a safe place, you can remove blocks in your mind. Releasing emotions is a mental detox and is extremely important in maintaining mental health.
Healing the inner child - facing the past self (especially the self from childhood) and healing the injured inner child is extremely effective in deepening self-acceptance and releasing mental blocks.
It is important to interact with the self, to question your deepest beliefs and assumptions and find out what you really want to believe in. Dialogue with the self is key to deepening self-awareness and discovering the truth.
These methods are not immediate, but by continuing to practice, mental blocks will gradually be released, and self-acceptance and self-affirmation will deepen.
Emotions listen carefully to the compass and the voice of the heart
Emotions serve as an important sign of whether we are "allowing" or not. Positive emotions such as joy, happiness, and excitement indicate that we are moving in the direction we want, and represent a state of giving "permission" based on self-acceptance and self-affirmation. On the other hand, negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, and sadness indicate that we have not given something "permission" or that we have a mental block.
By focusing on your emotions, you can understand what you are giving "permission" and what you are not giving "permission." When a negative emotion appears, rather than denying it, you can ask why it was born, and you can realize the deepest belief and fear of not allowing it.
Emotions are the voices of our hearts, like compasses that guide us in the right direction. By being close to our emotions and trying to understand them, we can deepen our self-acceptance and self-affirmation and obtain the key to "permission."
A concrete process of creating a harmony between intention and action and reality
"Creating reality with permission" is important not only to wish for it, but to act based on intention. In order to create the reality we desire, we must first listen to our inner voice and clarify what we truly desire. And once you have made it clear, you need to start acting on that intent. Specific steps include the following:
Make what you want concrete - Set as concrete as possible, rather than abstract desires.
Make your intentions clear and clearly intend to realize what you want, and express this in words and sentences.
Start action, start taking action based on your intentions and take concrete steps to achieve your goals.
Continue to take action: Do not give up even when faced with difficulties and continue taking action.
Focus on enjoying the process rather than letting go of your obsession with the results.
Being grateful and being grateful for what you have now attracts positive energy.
Continue self-dialogue, observe your emotions and thoughts, and deepen your self-understanding.
「自分に許可」の光と影・注意点と落とし穴 「自分に許可で現実創造」は、自己の可能性を最大限に引き出し、より主体的に人生を歩むための強力なツールとなります。 However, when implementing this approach, you need to be aware of the following points:
Don't escapism in reality. If you stick too hard to the idea that "consciousness can control everything" you may turn away from real problems. It is also important to face real problems and take action.
Don't blame others. Reality is created not only by our own awareness, but also by a complex intertwining of various factors. If you take everything too much as your responsibility, you may end up in self-denial.
It is important to not rely on others or external forces, but to view this way of thinking as a tool for self-growth.
Accepting the difficulty of practice, and releasing past trauma and mental blocks and deepening self-acceptance can take time and effort. It is important not to rush, but to take it slowly.
Understand that it's not all-purpose. Just giving yourself permission won't all be successful. It also requires effort and action.
Don't interpret this biased way. Be careful not to interpret this way of thinking too much in a way that is convenient for you. It is important to always be conscious of balance.
Don't neglect your actions in the real world, and pursue changes in the inner world, while also avoid neglecting your actions in the real world.
Summary: Unlocking your own possibilities and creating a bright future
"Creating reality with permission to yourself" is not just a spiritual trend, but a very powerful way of thinking that will help you maximize your potential and lead a more fulfilling life. By understanding this way of thinking and putting it into practice, we are freed from past constraints and are able to live a more subjective life based on self-acceptance and self-affirmation.
By listening to our inner voice, using our emotions as a compass, and continuing to act based on intention, we will be able to create the reality we desire and carve out a bright future. This journey is by no means easy, but as you continue to interact with yourself and grow, you will surely become more and more brilliant as the protagonist of your life.
"Creating reality with permission to yourself" gives you the courage to believe in your own inner strength and create a future with your own hands. By understanding and practicing this idea deeply, you will be able to create a richer and more fulfilling life. Take a step forward, believing that a wonderful future awaits you.
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.