Records of Radionics Exorcism Workshop - Fox Possession

- Purification and offering of the universe god and Inari
- Participants suffering in spiritual suffering - the seriousness of fox possession
- What is fox possession? A phenomenon told by history and culture
- Symptoms of fox possession - the pain of eroding the mind and body
- Causes of fox possession: spiritual depths and the shadows of society
- The power and importance of memorial service of the exorcism of the fox possessed by the Fox
Purification and offering of the universe god and Inari
In August 2009, a special exorcism workshop was held after the Obon festival. Participants were strongly influenced by spiritual influence, and the major problem was the animal spirit, especially the phenomenon known as "fox possession." Fox possession is a phenomenon that has long been feared by Japanese people, and its history, culture and spiritual meaning are extremely complicated. Through this workshop record, let's take a closer look at fox possession.
Participants suffering in spiritual suffering - the seriousness of fox possession
Those who attended the workshop suffered so much that they found it difficult to live their daily lives due to spiritual influences. One woman was particularly serious. She complained, "I don't know why I'm alive," as if her soul had become a shell, and the suffering choked the hearts of those listening. Her saying that "three foxes are in it" really shows the typical symptoms of fox possession, and became an important theme in the workshop.

It's a world I don't know about. I'm interested.
The exorcism of Professor Lin Sangqing - the power to understand and save fox possession
The exorcism was held at this workshop by Professor Lin Sangqing. Professor Hayashi is a psychic who has been sincerely facing spiritual problems over the years and has saved many people from their suffering. This workshop used deep knowledge and outstanding abilities to exorcise spirits, especially for women suffering from fox possession. Professor Hayashi not only exorcising the fox, but also determined the cause and carefully guided the woman to not suffer again. Professor Hayashi's exorcism was a loving act that not only removed superficial problems, but also deeply healed the soul.

I would like Professor Hayashi to exorcise his spirit. Maybe the workshop won't be revived
What is fox possession? A phenomenon told by history and culture
Fox possession is a phenomenon that has long been passed down in Japan, and it has been thought that fox spirits possess people and cause various abnormalities. This is not just a superstition, but rather a complex intertwining of Japanese history, culture and spiritual thinking.
Records of fox possession have been seen since the Heian period, and were particularly attracted attention as a social issue during the Edo period. People at the time feared fox possession as an unknown illness or mental illness, and relied on prayer and magic as a solution. In this era, fox possession was sometimes seen as a reflection of social instability and entanglement in human relationships.
Fox possession is told in various ways depending on the region, and interpretations of symptoms and causes vary. However, what they have in common is the idea that the spirit of the fox has some kind of effect on the human mind and body. Fox possession has been viewed not only as a phenomenon of being "possessed", but as a mirror-like being that reflects the inner self of humans and their relationship with society.

Symptoms of fox possession - the pain of eroding the mind and body
Symptoms of fox possession vary, and can be divided into symptoms that appear in the mind, symptoms that appear in the body, and other symptoms. These symptoms may appear differently from person to person, and may appear alone or in some at the same time.
Symptoms that appear in the mind
- Change your personality, act differently than usual, become violent, become selfish, etc. This is thought to occur because the spirit of a fox tries to take over a person's personality.
- Hallucinations, delusions, and non-existent things can be seen or heard, or exhibit abnormal attachment to a particular person or place. It is believed that fox spirits can cause hallucinations and delusions by manipulating the five senses.
- Emotions become unstable, suddenly start to get angry, sad, or laugh for no reason. This is thought to occur when the spirit of the fox tries to control their emotions.
- You become scared for no reason, or feel terrified of a particular place or person. This is thought to occur when the spirit of the fox attempts to inspire fear and rule.
- Confusion in consciousness, daze in consciousness, or incoherent words and actions. This is thought to occur when the spirit of the fox confuses consciousness.
Symptoms that appear in the body
- Unwellness for unknown reasons, headaches, nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, etc. This is thought to be the spirit of the fox to steal human energy and make them worse.
- Convulsions, paralysis, and parts of the body convulse or become unable to move. This is thought to occur when the spirit of the fox affects the nervous system.
- Your appetite will become strange, you lose your appetite, or you may eat too much. This is thought to occur when the spirit of the fox controls its appetite.
- It becomes difficult to speak, you may not be able to speak well, or you may not be able to speak properly. This is thought to occur when the spirit of the fox affects the brain that controls words.
- Sexual desires become strange, excessive sexual behavior, or abnormal desires are felt. This is thought to occur when the spirit of the fox increases their instinctive desires.

I have a constitution that makes it easy to get, so I'm scared if I'm followed by a fox
Other symptoms
- It is thought that fox spirits who abnormally desire or reluctant to certain foods are craving what they like or disliked during their lifetime.
- It is believed that fox spirits that overreact to animals (especially foxes) will always respond to other foxes through the possessed person.
- It is believed that fox spirits, who have something like predictive ability, may have the power to predict the future.
- Animal crying/Fox spirits can make fox crying through the mouth of a possessed person.
These symptoms can sometimes be misunderstood as mere illnesses, but in the case of fox possession, the symptoms can be difficult to treat as they are caused by the will of the fox spirit.

Causes of fox possession: spiritual depths and the shadows of society
The cause of fox possession can be considered from a spiritual and social perspective.
Spiritual causes
- Fox died with grudges, anger, resentment and anger towards others, but he possesses someone in order to clear his feelings.
- A spirit that cannot attain Buddhahood and a fox wandering around unable to attain Buddhahood, but possesses people in search of a place to belong.
- A person who had a deep connection with a fox during his lifetime is possessed by the fox spirit.
- People with weakened spiritual energy, or tired spiritual energy are more likely to be possessed.
Social causes
- Stress, anxiety, social stress, and relationship worries create mental weakness and lead to possession.
- Discrimination, poverty, discrimination, poverty, and family problems lead to mental illnesses and are misunderstood as fox possession.
- Fox possession spreads in certain areas and groups through group psychology, rumors, and legends.
- A religious background: the phenomenon of fox possession arises in the faith that worships foxes as gods.
The power and importance of memorial service of the exorcism of the fox possessed by the Fox
The purpose of fox-possessing exorcism is not only to exorcise the fox, but to solve the cause and guide the possessed person so that they do not suffer the same kind of pain again. With years of experience and excellent abilities, Professor Lin Sangqing understood the resentment and anger that the spirit of the fox, healed his soul and led him to the right place.
The following points were important in exorcism during this workshop:
- Purify the fox's soul - Purify the fox's spirit and erase bad feelings such as resentment and anger.
- Send to sacred place - The purified spirit of the fox will be sent to the sacred place that is supposed to be, allowing you to rest in peace.
- Care for the mind and body and care for the mind and body of those who have been possessed, and completely recover from spiritual disorders.
- We will identify and resolve the underlying causes, such as memorial services from our ancestors, fate and curse from our ancestors.
Professor Hayashi's exorcism was not merely a ritual, but an act of soul salvation based on a deep heart of compassion and a deep understanding of the spiritual world.