
Exploring possibilities - the impact of the Dorman method


Glenn Dorman's pedagogy and its impact: Exploring new possibilities for early childhood education

幼児教育は、子どもの将来を左右する重要な要素として、社会的な関心が非常に高い分野です。 With a wide range of educational theories and approaches, Glenn Dorman's pedagogy (Dorman Method) has captivated many people with its original approach and innovative thinking focusing on early education. This article explores the new possibilities that this pedagogy has brought to early childhood education through a multifaceted analysis, from the character of Glenn Dorman to the details of the Dorman method, its impact, criticism, and success stories.

Who is Glenn Dorman? A proponent of innovative educational ideas

Glenn Dorman was born in the United States in 1919 and founded The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential in 1955. He has achieved global recognition for his groundbreaking achievements in the field of treatment of children with brain disorders, and early education for healthy children. Dorman focused on brain plasticity and developed his own pedagogy based on the belief that early and appropriate stimulation has a significant impact on brain development.

His work has provided support to more than 25,000 families around the world, and his achievements have had a major impact on the education world. In 1966, he was awarded the title of Marquis Mansion of the Southern Cross by the Brazilian government, and has received a very high international reputation. His books have also been translated into many languages ​​and are loved by homes around the world as a guide to raising children. His educational philosophy places emphasis on raising children in a home environment and emphasizes the importance of parents actively involved in their children's education.

The concept of the Dorman method: a new approach to early learning

The Dorman Method is a pedagogy that aims to maximize brain development in early childhood and to develop intellectual and motor skills early. This method places emphasis on the period known as "brain prime time" between the ages of 0 and 6, and argues that by providing appropriate stimulation during this period, a child's potential can be greatly elicited. Rather than simply cramming knowledge, the Dorman method aims to develop overall abilities by providing stimuli tailored to the stages of brain development and respecting the child's interests and curiosity. Specifically, the following educational tools and approaches are utilized:

  1. フラッシュカードとドッツカード

    フラッシュカードは、文字、単語、数字、絵などを描いたカードを高速で提示する視覚教材です。 This method is said to have the effect of instantly entering information into a child's brain, increasing memory and concentration. A dot card is a card that expresses numbers using dots, and is used to visually understand the concept of numbers. These cards have become essential tools in the Dorman method to efficiently absorb large amounts of information in a short amount of time. The purpose of flash cards is not just to let them memorize, but to activate neural circuits in the brain and increase the speed of processing information. It is also believed that using dots cards will allow children to see numbers as quantities rather than mere symbols.
  2. 運動器具の活用

    ドーマンメソッドは、運動が脳の発達に不可欠であると考えています。 Therefore, we place importance on developing children's sense of balance, muscle strength, and core by utilizing exercise equipment such as cloud ladders, balance beams, and slides. In particular, hanging exercises are said to not only strengthen grip strength and stabilize the core, but also have the effect of activating the brain. Exercise is thought to not only move the body, but also stimulate the neural circuits of the brain, increasing cognitive and learning abilities. The Dorman Method views exercise as part of education and aims to promote a balanced way of developing children's physical and intellectual development.
  3. ドーマンメソッドの成果と期待される成長

    ドーマンメソッドを実践することで、子どもたちの総合的な発達に様々な効果が期待されています。 These effects are said to not only improve intellectual and athletic abilities, but also lead to strengthening parent-child relationships and developing self-esteem.
  4. 知的能力の向上

    ドーマンメソッドの視覚刺激は、子どもの認知発達を促進すると考えられています。 It has been reported that using teaching materials such as flash cards makes it easier to recognize letters and numbers early. These visual stimuli are also said to stimulate neural circuits in the brain, leading to improved cognitive abilities such as memory, concentration and information processing ability. Rather than cramming knowledge early, the Dorman method aims to maximize the potential of a child by providing appropriate stimulation tailored to the stages of development of the brain.
  5. 身体の発達

    運動を通して、バランス感覚、握力、体幹などの身体能力が向上すると期待されています。 Exercise not only promotes physical development, but also leads to brain activation. It is believed that exercise activates neurotransmitters in the brain, improving cognitive and learning abilities. The Dorman Method places emphasis on both physical and intellectual development, supporting the child's overall development.
  6. 親子の絆形成

    親が教育に積極的に関わることで、家族間の信頼と愛情が深まり、子どもは自己肯定感を高めることができます。 The Dorman Method places emphasis on parents playing a central role in their child's education and learning and growing together. It is believed that by actively involved with parents, children can feel security and affection, and increase their self-esteem. Parents themselves can also feel their child's growth up close, allowing them to experience the joys of raising their children even more deeply.
  7. 自信と探究心の養成

    複数のスキルを早期に習得することで、子どもたちは新しい挑戦に自信を持ち、新たな領域への興味を広げることができます。 The Dorman Method aims to develop confidence and curiosity by providing children with a variety of experiences and the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills. Early successful experiences can be a driving force behind the development of children's confidence and motivation to challenge unknown areas. The Dorman Method aims to develop the ability for children to learn and grow on their own.

Comparison of Dorman Methods with Other Educational Methods

The Dorman method has several unique features when compared to other early childhood education methods, such as Montessori and Steiner education. Each pedagogy supports children's development based on different philosophies.

  1. 早期教育の重視

    ドーマンメソッドは、0歳から6歳までの「脳のゴールデンタイム」を逃さず、五感を最大限に刺激することに重点を置いています。 In contrast, Montessori education tends to respect the child's agency, while Steiner education tends to aim to develop a mind in harmony with nature. The Dorman method aims to maximize the potential of a child by providing intensive stimulation during the most pronounced brain development. Meanwhile, Montessori education emphasizes the provision of an environment in which children choose and learn, while Steiner education emphasizes fostering children's sensibilities and imagination.
  2. 具体的かつ視覚的なアプローチ

    フラッシュカードやドッツカードを用いた直接的な刺激は、即座に知識を吸収させようとする点で、他の教育法とは異なります。 Montessori education emphasizes experiential learning using sensory teaching materials, while Steiner education emphasizes fostering children's imagination through storytelling and artistic activities. The Dorman Method places emphasis on visual stimuli and aims to enhance children's cognitive abilities by directly entering information.
  3. 運動重視の教育理念

    ドーマンメソッドは、体と脳の相互作用を認識し、ぶら下がり運動や身体的アクティビティを教育の一環として取り入れているところが、他のメソッドとは一線を画します。 Montessori education promotes physical development through activities of daily life, while Steiner education emphasizes promoting harmony between the body and mind through rhythmic movements and elutomy. The Dorman Method believes that exercise is essential for brain development and aims to promote both physical and intellectual development in a balanced way.
  4. 科学的根拠と批判・客観的な評価の必要性

    ドーマンメソッドは、革新的な教育法として注目を集めていますが、その科学的な根拠に関しては、長年にわたり議論が続いています。 Some healthcare institutions and experts have criticized the lack of scientific data to support the effectiveness of the Dorman method.

Medical institutions such as the American Academy of Pediatrics have pointed out that the effectiveness of the Dorman method claims has not undergone rigorous scientific validation. Similar concerns have also been raised within Japan, with some experts acknowledging the possibility of the Dorman method, yet emphasizing that it should be cautious when using it. For example, early knowledge injection using flash cards may not suit the child's developmental stage and may have the potential to counterproductive effect. Also, excessive exercise can put a strain on your child's body.

On the other hand, the Dorman method has been adopted in real homes and in some educational institutions, and success stories have been reported among them. These successful examples suggest possibilities in the practice of the Dorman method, but as there is not enough scientific evidence, it should be avoided to take it easily at face value. When practicing the Dorman method, it is important to take advantage of expert opinions and take an approach tailored to the child's developmental stage and personality.

Books - Contributions as an introductory book to the Dorman Method

Glenn Dorman's book serves many people as an educational guide that can be practiced at home. These books provide a detailed explanation of the theory and practice of the Dorman method, allowing readers to easily try this pedagogical method at home.

"How to improve your baby's motor skills"

This article explains in detail the relationship between exercise and intelligence. This book emphasizes that exercise is essential for brain development and introduces specific exercise methods and how to use equipment. It also suggests that exercise improves not only the physical ability of a child, but also the intellectual ability.

"How to teach a baby to read"

It introduces not only how to teach them how to read, but also how to share the joys of parents and children through learning. This book explains the importance of teaching early reading and provides specific teaching materials and teaching methods. It also emphasizes the importance of deepening parent-child communication through learning and strengthening parent-child bonds.

"The parents are the best doctor"

The content explores treatments and educational methods for children with brain disorders. This book introduces approaches to maximizing the potential of children with brain disorders. It also explains the importance of parents playing a central role in child treatment and education and provides specific advice.

Proof of success stories - Possibility of practice

Several examples of recovery or growth have been reported through the practice of the Dorman method. These success stories have given many hope as evidence of the effectiveness of the Dorman method.

The case of Love-chan in Kyoto City is known as a case in which a girl suffering from cerebral palsy has significantly improved her motor and cognitive abilities by practicing the Dorman method. Hiki Ryuna's case is a case in which a child who had been seen delayed in brain development achieved significant development by practicing the Dorman method.

Sano Yasufumi's case is a case in which a child with an autism spectrum disorder improved their social adaptation and communication skills by practicing the Dorman method. These cases suggest that the Dorman method has great potential in unlocking the potential of children with brain disorders.

These cases demonstrate that the Dorman method is a major impact when individuals and family efforts and the support of those around them work together. These cases do not support the effectiveness of the Dorman method, but provide valuable information that suggests possibilities.

Summary: New possibilities for early childhood education

Glenn Dorman and his proposed Dorman method have greatly expanded the possibilities for early childhood learning, despite the pros and cons. His pedagogy reaffirmed the importance of early education and suggested a close relationship between brain development and movement. He also emphasized the importance of education at home and called for the importance of parents actively involved in their children's education.

On the other hand, careful verification is required when implementing the Dorman method, taking into account the weak scientific evidence and the difficulty of individual responses. When practicing the Dorman method, it is important to take advantage of expert opinions and take an approach tailored to the child's developmental stage and personality. Furthermore, the Dorman method is not versatile and does not work for all children. It is important to view the Dorman method as an option in early childhood education and to have a perspective that comprehensively supports children's growth.

While the Dorman Method has expanded the possibilities for early childhood education, it also leaves behind challenges. Further research and practice are required to make more effective use of this pedagogy. It is also important to understand the limitations of the Dorman method and consider combining it with other pedagogy.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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