Natural Science

Exploring the possibilities of the Dorman Method and the Shichida Method and early childhood education


Possibilities of the Dorman method and the Shichida method

The Dorman Method and the Shichida Method have been attracting attention for many years in the field of early childhood education. These have been supported by many families as educational theories that aim to maximize the potential of children, each with a different philosophy and approach. This article provides a more detailed and comprehensive explanation of the characteristics of these methods, their specific practice methods, their expected effects, and the possibility of using both methods in combination. Furthermore, we will also delve into the advantages and disadvantages of both methods, points to be careful about when implementing them, and the significance of modern early childhood education.

1. Exploring early education rooted in Dorman Method and neuroscience

The Dorman method was developed in the 1950s by American neurologist Dr. Glenn Dorman. Initially, the aim was to rehabilitate children with brain damage, but it was suggested that the effects could be applied to healthy children, and it has become widely known as a methodology for early education. The core of the Dorman Method is the brain science finding that "brain development is most noticeable during the period between the ages of 0 and 6, and by providing appropriate stimulation at this time, children can strengthen their neural networks and develop their potential."

1.1 The Basic Philosophy of the Dorman Method

The Dorman Method is based on the following three basic principles:

  1. Plasticity of brain development - The brain is said to be particularly flexible in childhood and have the ability to respond positively to external stimuli (plasticity).
  2. The importance of early education: By providing appropriate stimulation during periods of significant brain development, it is possible to effectively improve learning and athletic abilities.
  3. Stimulations from the five senses and human learning is carried out through the five senses (vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste), so by providing a variety of sensory stimuli, it promotes brain development from multiple angles.

1.2 Practical methods for the Dorman method

Based on these basic principles, the Dorman Method incorporates the following practices:

Multi-faceted stimulation through the five senses
  1. Use flash cards with visual stimuli, letters, pictures and numbers to develop the ability to process visual information at high speed. Dots cards (cards representing numbers with dots) are important tools for visual understanding of numerical sensations.
  2. It encourages the development of speech and pitch, providing auditory stimuli, words and music.
  3. Tactile stimuli: By touching materials with a variety of textures, you develop your ability to distinguish and cognitive abilities for touching.
  4. Through motor stimulation, crawling, hanging, and handstanding, motor nerves, sense of balance, and physical coordination are developed.
Using Flash Cards
  1. High-speed presentation - By presenting cards at high speed, it stimulates the right brain and improves the ability to instantly remember visual information.
  2. Repeated presentations and cards are presented repeatedly to enhance learning effects.
  3. By making the difficulty level and card contents gradually more difficult, you can maintain your child's motivation to learn.
Exercise Program
  1. It promotes muscle development and physical abilities through exercise.
  2. Develop a sense of balance and develop a sense of balance through exercises such as hanging and handstanding.
  3. Activation and exercise of brain function promotes blood flow in the brain and contributes to the activation of brain function.
Parent-led family education
  1. Strengthening parent-child relationships: By actively involved in children's learning, parents deepen their bonds.
  2. Establish study habits by providing a continuous learning environment and a continuous learning environment at home.
  3. Individual instruction: Individual instruction is provided tailored to the child's individuality and developmental stage.

1.3 Effects and challenges of the Dorman method

The Dorman Method can be expected to effectively improve children's learning and motor skills through early education. In particular, it is said that there are significant effects on the development of numerical sensations, vocabulary and motor skills. However, this method also has the following challenges:

  1. The burden on parents is heavy and the focus is on learning at home, so parents need to spend a lot of time and effort.
  2. The rigour of the program and the relatively strict program may cause some children to feel a burden.
  3. There are individual differences in effects and effects, and not all children can achieve equal effects.

2. Shichida Method: A holistic education that pursues the possibilities of the right brain

Meanwhile, the Shichida Method is a pedagogical method proposed by Japanese educator Shichida Makoto, and focuses on activating the right brain. The basic philosophy of the Shichida Method is not merely cramming knowledge, but rather to maximize the potential of a child and encourage holistic growth. This method places importance on four elements: educational education, virtue education, physical education, and food education, and aims to foster a child's physical and mental development in a balanced way.

2.1 Basic Philosophy of the Shichida Method

The Shichida method is based on the following basic principles:

  1. Activation of the right brain The right brain is said to be in charge of abilities such as intuition, imagery, creativity and memory, and is said to be particularly active in childhood.
  2. Not only does it matter as a whole human growth and intellectual ability, but it also values ​​knowledge about mental richness, physical health, and food.
  3. We place emphasis on parent-child relationships, deepen the bond between parents and children, and provide an environment where children can grow up with trust and security.
  4. We will be exposed to a global perspective and a diverse range of cultures and foster an international perspective.

2.2 Practical methods for using the Shichida method

Based on these basic principles, the Shichida Method incorporates the following practice methods:

Right brain training

By recalling image training images, we develop the potential of the right brain.

Instant vision - Improves the ability to process visual information in a short amount of time.

  1. High-speed flashcards and visual stimulation are provided at high speed, encouraging the right brain.
  2. Memory training and unique techniques are used to improve memory.
Parent-child joint learning
  1. Deepen the bond between parents and children, and by actively involved in learning, parents will increase the child's sense of security and motivation to learn.
  2. Share the joy of learning together: Parents and children learn together and share the joy of growth.
  3. By making continuous learning at home and home learning habits, you can improve learning effectiveness.
Internationality of Education
  1. Being exposed to diverse cultures and being exposed to diverse cultures will broaden your international horizons.
  2. We cultivate global values ​​and global values, and create a foundation for us to become active in the international community.


  1. Visual charm - The use of beautiful colors and illustrations will attract children's interest.
  2. Stimulate your creativity and stimulate your child's imagination and creativity through flash cards.

2.3 Effects and challenges of the Shichida method

The Shichida method is said to effectively improve a child's memory, intuition and creativity by activating the right brain. It can also be expected to be effective in strengthening parent-child relationships and developing an international perspective. However, the Shichida method also faces the following challenges:

  1. It may take time to feel the effects and it may take some time for results to be achieved, so parents need to take patience.
  2. The concept of abstractness of methods and activation of the right brain is abstract and may be difficult to see concrete effects.
  3. The compatibility of the method is not necessarily effective for all children, and it is necessary to consider compatibility with the method.

3. Comparison and possible combination of the Dorman method and the Shichida method

The Dorman and Shichida methods both have the potential to play an important role in early childhood education, but each has a different approach and strength.

  1. Dorman Method Based on brain science, the focus is on efficiently increasing specific abilities (numerical sensations and motor abilities) through stimulation to the five senses and movement.
  2. The Shichida Method focuses on activating the right brain, and focuses on bringing out your potential (memory, intuition, creativity).

When comparing these methods, the following points should be considered:

  1. The appropriate method will vary depending on the educational goals, such as the difference in purpose, what kind of abilities you want to develop, and what kind of child you want to raise.
  2. The appropriate method will vary depending on the child's personality, personality and developmental stage.
  3. Suitable methods vary depending on the family environment, home educational policy and time constraints.
  4. When using both methods together, the following points should be considered:
  5. We make use of the characteristics of each card, such as combining flash cards, dotz cards in the Dorman style to enhance your numerical senses, and cards in the beautiful Shichida style to enhance your image.
Stimulation and rest
  1. Breath Balance: Create a study schedule that is well-balanced, not only provides repetitive stimulation, but also incorporates short intensive learning, like the Shichida style.
  2. Maximizing parental involvement - Parents understand both methods and flexibly adjust their learning methods while watching the child's response.

4. Specific strategies for using it together

In order to effectively use the Dorman method and the Shichida method, it is important to develop a concrete strategy. Below we suggest specific steps to do so.

A thorough understanding of both methods
  1. We will provide a deep understanding of the basic principles, practice methods, expected effects, and challenges of both methods through books, websites, seminars, etc.
  2. Compare and examine the advantages and disadvantages of each method and choose the method that best suits your family and child's situation.
Developing personalized learning plans
  1. We will develop a custom-made learning plan taking into consideration the child's age, developmental stage, personality, interests, and more.
  2. We effectively combine the teaching materials and tools of both methods to increase children's motivation to learn.
Establishing a learning environment
  1. It creates a quiet environment where you can concentrate on your learning.
  2. Organize your learning materials and tools and arrange them in an easy-to-use manner.
  3. Create a space where children can learn safely and comfortably.
Creating a study schedule
  1. Create a balanced schedule, including study time, break time, and exercise time.
  2. Check your learning progress regularly and adjust your schedule as needed.
Parent-child communication
  1. Parents and children actively communicate about learning progress and child reactions.
  2. We will rejoice in the results of our learning and increase children's motivation to learn.
  3. We respect the children's opinions and requests and reflect them in their learning content and methods.
Flexible response
  1. We will flexibly change the content and methods of learning as needed, looking at the child's reactions.
  2. Don't stick to the methods, respect the child's personality and seek out the most effective method.
Continuous learning
  1. It is important to not seek results in a short period of time, but to approach learning from a long-term perspective.
  2. Expand your child's abilities through continuous learning.

5. The modern significance of the Dorman method and the Shichida method

Modern society is facing rapid changes such as informationization, globalization, and technological innovation, and children need not only knowledge and skills, but also the ability to think, judge and act on their own. The Dorman and Shichida methods can play an important role in fostering these abilities.

  1. Dorman Method: It contributes to developing basic abilities such as logical thinking ability, problem-solving ability, and learning ability.
  2. Shichida method: It contributes to developing the abilities required in society in the future, such as intuition, creativity, and communication skills.
  3. By effectively using the methods, children will be able to acquire the power to survive in a rapidly changing modern society.
A girl holding her palm

Summary: Two approaches to wiping the future of early childhood education

The Dorman Method and the Shichida Method are early childhood education theories that each have their own unique strengths and approaches, and can be powerful tools to maximize the potential of children.

Which one you choose depends on the child's personality, home environment, and educational goals, but understanding both methods and combining them appropriately can help expand your child's potential even further. The important thing is not to stick to the method, but to put your child's growth first and be flexible in response.

These educational methods will not only increase intelligence, but also provide useful means for deepening bonds between parents and children and fostering holistic growth, and will respond well to modern educational needs. Parents should use these methods to find the best educational methods for each family and foster a rich future for their children.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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