Power spot

The roots of Izu Daigongen traced from Hatsushima


A pilgrimage journey with myths and history

We left the hustle and bustle of Atami and headed for Hatsushima, searching for the source of a distant myth. Hatsukihime appears in "The Secret of the Ruyu Mountains" mentioned in the previous article (Atami: The Dragon God Travelogue - A City that Breathes With the Dragon God - ⑤). Hatsuki Shrine, which worships her, is the destination of this trip.

We boarded a liner from Atami Port. As I looked over the calm sea level, I saw the existence of undersea ruins lying in Atami. In ancient times, active volcanic activity caused the foothills of Izuyama Shrine and part of the town of Monzen in the sea. For scubardiving enthusiasts, this will be a romantic exploration venue.

(Scenery of Atami seen from the boat)


However, many of the materials that tell the history of Atami and Mt. Izu are not yet present. This is because during Toyotomi Hideyoshi's attack on Odawara, Izu Daigongen, who was on the side of the Hojo family, was burned to death, and valuable records were lost. The ancient documents and family trees that have been passed down on the island, including Hatsuki Shrine, were once dedicated to Izuyama Shrine and managed in bulk, and thus the same fate came to a similar fate.

In ancient times, Mt. Fuji and Hakone gods were also identified with Izu Ogami. This fact suggests that the power of Izu Ogami was widespread. That may be why he is called the god of good fortune.

The ship advances, and soon Hatsushima appears. Located 10km southeast of Atami city, off the coast of the Izu Peninsula, this island is a small island with a circumference of only 4km and a population of 250. It takes about 30 minutes to arrive from Atami Port.

Hatsushima is said to have been born 20,000 years ago when the seabed was raised. Because it was close to the mainland and was easy to cross, there are traces of human inhabited people since ancient times, and many earthenware and stone tools from the Jomon period have been discovered on the island. There have been a total of seven Jomon ruins confirmed.

As a remote island that can be easily visited, Hatsushima continues to attract many people. Around 250,000 to 300,000 tourists visit the small island every year.

(The bustle of Hatsushima Port)

Hattusima Atami 02

Miyakeki, which is considered to be one of the lucky rituals of temples and shrines, contains interesting descriptions of the gods of the former Izu region. (※The original Miyake Ki is said to have been completed at the end of the Kamakura period.

According to Miyake Ki, a prince (Mishima Kami), born in India (India), was charged with innocent crimes and exiled, traveled to China and Goryeo, and arrived in Japan in the first year of the 8th Emperor Koan. When I asked the god I met on the summit of Mt. Fuji for a restful place, I was given a land on the southern part of the summit of Mt. Fuji.

However, the place is small, and the prince decides to do "shimayaki" (zoujima). In the 21st year of the 8th Emperor Koan, he was burned with many dragon gods and thunder gods for seven days and seven nights, creating 10 islands. They then placed queens on each island, and the queens gave birth to children.

Of these 10 islands, the first "first island" that was created is the origin of Hatsushima's name.

*Mishima God is a god enshrined at Toga Shrine on Miyakejima, and Mishima Taisha Shrine in Shizuoka Prefecture was divided into two shrines.

When we arrived at Hatsushima, the first place we headed to was Hatsuki Shrine.

Hatsushima's "This is a visitor team!"

Hatsuki Shrine

Hattusima Atami 03

The enshrined deities are the three gods listed below.

Otsumi Mikoto

Toyotamahime Mikoto

Hatsukihime Mikoto

In addition to Hatsukihime's Memorial, two gods are also enshrined. Otsumi Mikoto is written as Oyamatsumi God in the Kojiki and Oyamatsumi God in the Nihon Shoki, and is a god enshrined as the main deity at many Mishima Shrines.

Toyotamahime Mikoto is the daughter of Watatsumi and the grandmother of Emperor Jimmu. He is a god enshrined in many shrines.

Furthermore, under the temple of Hatsuki Shrine, the ruins of Iwakura, an ancient prayer site, rest. Therefore, it is said that there are benefits to marine and traffic safety, water damage prevention, good relationships and matchmaking.

We will explain more about Hatsuki Shrine later.

Dragon Shrine

Hattusima Atami 04

Ryujingu Shrine is located just a short walk from Hatsuki Shrine.

It is said that a spiritual sword that appeared from within the sea was enshrined, and it is still worshipped by the islanders as a god who prays for great fishing.

A long time ago, as fishermen were lamenting poor catches, a sword appeared from within the sea. Since then, there has been a legend that the island has been catching a lot of catches.

To pray for a great fishing, the Ryujingu festival is held every year on April 3rd, where fish caught in the sea are offered. Every day, the islanders leave their fishing breaks, and in order to express their gratitude to the spirit sword, I continue to drink alcohol under the cherry blossoms in a large fishing headband.

Both spots are located just a short walk from the boat, so please come and visit us. Although it is a small, remote island, it is a place where you can feel the ancient history.

Hatsuki Shrine - A sacred place of light enveloped in love

According to "The Secret of Mt. Suzuyu," the shrine maiden Hatsuki, who appeared from the lush seabeds of marine marine marine miko, rode a buffalo from Hatsushima, and traveled to Mt. Kujira on a month to tour the mountains, looking out at Hatsushima.


He then became a nurse and raised two children, Nissei and Tsukisei, and eventually they became the ancestors of Izu Daigongen.

It is probably because Hatsukihime was there that it is the current Izu Daigongen (Izuyama Shrine).

The power of Hatsuki Shrine, where Hatsukihime is enshrined, is truly exceptional. He is kind and inclusive, and after visiting the shrine you will feel a sense of happiness.

When visiting Izuyama Shrine, you should definitely visit Hatsuki Shrine, which enshrines Hatsukihime, who raised the ancestors of Izu Daigongen, and feel the energy that overflows from the small shrine.

(Details will be provided in the email newsletter, which was first published on October 7th.)

"The Secret of Suzuyu Mountain"

The part where Hatsukihime climbs into the divine world is written at the end of "The Secret of Suzuyu Mountain."

(A spectacular view of Hatsushima seen from the runway bath)

Below we will introduce some of the "Advent Volume" reprinted from the official Izuyama Shrine website.

"The path continued. As I continued on, I came across a hollow yet gentle square. The mine earth was covered with golden sand.
The trees and flowers were made of gems and gold and silver, and were filled with noble fragrance. All the people around me were emitting golden sharks.

When you enter the palace, a lotus treasure trove made of jasper is brought to you, and the noble man with a thousand hands and a thousand eyes will be given a crown studded with jewels and shining. The ears of the first tree are the Thousand-Armed Thousand-Eyed Kannon Bodhisattva. This is the truth behind Father God Tenninhomison.

I whispered, and heard the voice of Moonlight Doji. As Hatsuki praised his sincere heart, he heard a strange voice. The sound of the voice was enriched and rejuvenated the heart of what you hear. Hatsuki listened to the inevitable teachings. Now, as Hatsuki and his friends began to walk again with Moonko Doji as their guide, they realized they were standing outside the Iwaya on Mt. Kujira.

The Big Dipper is shining again in the night sky, as it begins to turn white. Tsukigami Masayago Katsuhasa Hitana Ninja Homizoku's journey to the kingdom of God, where Tsukigami Shoyago, lives, has concluded.
This is the reign of Emperor Ojin, the 16th generation. A moon mirror appeared on the beach of Oiso and flew over to the peak of Nikkin.

Mountain 3495250 1280

This is the arrival of Izuyama Suzuyu Daigongen, which is considered to be Tsukigami Masayago Katsusa Hayashi Hitten Ninja Homison. At this time, the first time they were worshiped by the saints of Matsubara, the opening man of the mountain, and Nisei and Moonsei, who were born and became clans.

Hatsushima, where Hatsukihime is submerged from the Red Shrine on Mt. Izu, looks beautiful. Every time we worship Hatsushima, the Asahi sun sets on the ground, Nissei and Tsukisei remember when Hatsukihime was led by Moonlight Doji and redirected to the world of gods beyond the light. That morning, Hatsuki invited Nissei and Moon to announce it.

Listen carefully, dear children. I will now enter the world of God. Become a man, and remain here and become the founder of the clans who worship the god of Mt. Izu. And always serve God and act as a member of God and man. A man with strength cannot see God's counsel or hear His teachings. Now is the time to tell you the hidden name and origin of God.

Then, let us share the true essence of God and Buddha and the precious teachings. From among your children, you will choose a child with the excellent qualities to worship God, and pass it on oral communication. It is very likely that it will be possible to tell the truth of God. You should not talk to others lightly.

However, your children and grandchildren who serve God will be passed down from generation to generation so that people will not forget about the God who protects the land of Izu.
Thus, the secret origin of Izuyama Gongen and the divine narration of the clan were passed down from generation to generation by one of the heads of the clan, and was called the secret of the Tsuruyuyama, and became a lyrics that can be conveyed to this day. ”

The Atami Dragon God Journey - The City Lives With the Dragon God Series closes with the words of Hatsukihime.

Atami is a city that lives with the dragon god.

Atami was not just a "hot spring" place, but also a place where you could greatly feel the energy of the magma called the Dragon Vein and receive the benefits of it.

The benefits are invisible to the eyes, but thanks to this, the dirt that has been exposed to the body and mind, has returned to a completely healthy state, and I feel as if I have been able to wash my life.

It is then made to realize that the importance of moving, and the fact that living with blood and energy without stagnating can lead to luck and prosperity.

It was a journey that made me feel that both humans and the earth were being made alive by this great pulsating energy.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for reading to the end.

I hope that all visitors will have a better tomorrow.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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