
What is the truth about modern exorcism and what is the exorcism seen from the perspective of history?


Exorcism: A quest for spiritual purification and healing

The word exorcism may sound sometimes mysterious and sometimes terrifying to us. Exorcism is generally defined as an act that aims to remove spiritual beings, particularly "evil spirits" and tragedy that have negative effects, and restore the subject's physical and mental health, fortune, and overall life.

This act can be carried out through religious rituals, spiritual methods, and even psychological approaches, and can include adjustments to the environment and relationships surrounding the subject.

Exorcism not only wards off any spiritual beings that have a negative effect, but also has an aspect of seeking to solve fundamental problems so that it does not re-possess.

Furthermore, exorcism has two aspects: "exorcism" and "purification." "Exorcism" refers to the process of physically or forcibly eliminating evil spirits.

In contrast, "purification" aims to persuade evil spirits or purify or purify the soul, thereby bringing the spirit to a state of peace. In other words, the purpose is to heal not only the subject, but also the spirit itself. For example, if exorcism is likened to a "battle" by force, then it can be said that purification is similar to a peaceful "reconciliation." In many cultures and regions around the world, these two approaches have been used differently depending on their situation and needs.

Exorcism practice rooted in history and culture

It is no exaggeration to say that exorcism has been through the history of humanity. Exorcism has been practiced in various cultures and religions around the world since ancient times, each of which has developed its own interpretations and ritual forms. These rituals are not merely superstitions or occult, but have played an important role in supporting people's mental health and social stability.

History of exorcism in Japan: The fusion of exorcism traditions and Buddhism

The history of exorcism in Japan is deeply rooted in Shinto's "purification" rituals. This purification is a traditional ritual to remove spiritual impurities and has been aimed at not only repelling evil spirits, but also purifying the hearts of people and bringing peace.

Typical examples include purification rituals performed by shrine priests and rituals to purify impurities during festivals. Furthermore, after Buddhism was introduced to Japan, Buddhist exorcism rituals such as "bad prayer" and "goma-juku" became popular.

These rituals have taken root as an important tool to solve the various worries that people face from a spiritual perspective. The sutra chanting at temples and the rituals of burning flames at the goma altar are powerful symbols.

Exorcism practices spread throughout the world - diverse approaches

Looking at the world, exorcism practices can be seen in even more diverse forms. For example, the Catholic Church is famous for exorcism, known as "exorcism." This is intended to eliminate the existence of demons and evil spirits;

The event will be performed by a specially trained exorcist. It is particularly active in European countries such as Italy and Spain, and this has been depicted in documentaries and films.

Also, rituals based on shamanistic traditions are still being held in some parts of Africa and Asia. Shamans communicate with the spiritual world and attempt to solve spiritual problems through magic and fortune-telling. These rituals are deeply rooted in their respective cultures and historical backgrounds, and each region has its own unique form.

The significance of exorcism in modern society: The intersection of science and religion

Even in today's world where science and technology has evolved, exorcism practices continue to have important significance for many people.

As long as there are phenomena and symptoms that cannot be explained in medicine or science, people sometimes seek help from traditional religious treatments.

Exorcism is carried out in the hope that it will not simply be an act of removing the spirit, but will restore stability in the body and mind and change the situation surrounding you in a positive way.

The current state of exorcism in modern Japan - Responding to diverse needs

In Japan, Kenmi Shrine in Tokushima Prefecture is known as a place visited by people suffering from certain spiritual problems, such as "Inugami Possession."

Many people hear stories of unique rituals and prayers being held here to release the mental discomfort and physical symptoms that could not be resolved with medical care.

In addition, purification rituals at shrines and temples are more common in people's lives, and many people come to visit us to purify the mind and body and to ward off evil.

Furthermore, self-exorcism (cleansing through ventilation, cleaning, and visiting the grave) that is attempted at an individual level is also becoming increasingly popular among modern people. These behaviors are widely accepted as spiritual care that can be easily performed in everyday life.

Relationship between religious medicine and exorcism: Religion as a place of mind

Looking at the world, exorcists, centered around the Catholic Church, play a role in modern society.

The idea behind this is that problems such as mental confusion in modern society and fading faith are affecting it.

There have also been reports of cases where participants participate in exorcism rituals reaffirm their faith and find a place to support their souls.

Scientific perspectives in exorcism: findings in psychology, brain science, and cultural anthropology

The act of exorcism itself is mainly based on spiritual interpretations, but in recent years various research has been conducted in scientific fields such as psychology, psychiatry, and even cultural anthropology to see how exorcism phenomena occur and how it affects people.

A multifaceted approach is being attempted to see how the "spiritual experiences" that people feel are manifested.

Psychology and Psychiatry Perspectives: Stress, Trauma, and Self-Suggestion

From a psychological perspective, exorcism and sensation of possession are often explained as a result of stress, trauma, lack of sleep, or disease (such as hallucinations and dissociative disorders).

In addition, feelings of anxiety and fear can be embodied as "spiritual beings" due to the effects of self-suggestion and group psychology. These psychological factors are thought to be intricately intertwined and trigger spiritual experiences.

Brain Scientific Survey: Brain Activity and Supernatural Sensation

Some neuroscientists have pointed out that overactivity in certain parts of the brain can cause "supernatural sensations."

It has been researched in particular to find that malfunctions in the brain that controls emotions and sensations, such as the temporal lobe and amygdala, may create "sensations" of ghosts and abnormal phenomena. These studies can be said to be attempts to elucidate spiritual experiences from a neuroscientific perspective.

The influence of cultural elements: The close relationship between culture and exorcism

Scientists note that exorcism is deeply dependent on a particular cultural or religious background and takes on a different form.

For example, the psychological effects of exorcism at Japanese shrines and the impact of exorcism rituals in Europe on patients are deeply rooted in their respective historical and cultural backgrounds.

These studies suggest that exorcism is not merely a personal phenomenon, but a social phenomenon formed within a cultural context.

Summary: The essence of exorcism and its role in modern society

Exorcism should not be dismissed as mere superstitions or ancient relics. Exorcism is one of the important practices that have been handed down since ancient times to help people regain spiritual peace and balance in their lives.

Its history and culture are diverse, and at the same time, new interpretations are being created by intersecting with the developments of modern science.

It can be said that the essence of exorcism is to reconstruct the relationship between people, society, and the environment, beyond their relationship with spiritual beings. Therefore, even in the future, the role of exorcism will change, but it will not lose its importance in people's minds.

Exorcism is a complex phenomenon that should be understood not only from the spiritual side, but also from the psychological and social side, and research will continue to be carried out to deepen our understanding of this.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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