
2. The ultimate good fortune method of the Edo period: Food is luck

Japanese food

Mizuno's North and Southern Food Teachings and Food Farmers to Expand Life

Professor Mizuno Nanboku was a real-life sect who lived in the Edo period, and his book, "Secret and Integrity of the North and Southern Sectors," contains very interesting content that delves into the relationship between human destiny and food. Professor Nanboku has found the roots of "food" that go beyond merely a theory of health, from the preciousness, fate, and even the peace of the world. This article will provide a detailed explanation of Professor Nanboku and discuss its significance in modern times.

1. Food defines the rights and lows of people, and the importance of modesty in eating and drinking

Professor Mizuno Nanhoku pointed out, "Everyone's preciousness and becoming a primal should be due to the modesty of eating and drinking." This phrase provides crucial insights that how a person lives and how they live their lives are greatly influenced by the way they eat each day.

  1. The Food of Nobles - Professor Nanboku-sensei refers to the "nobles" not merely a person of high status, but someone with virtue, excellent wisdom, and is respected by people. These people always try to eat modestly. They will understand the amount they need and practice diets to promote their body and mind, without eating them without worrying about their appetite. This kind of temperament maintains balance between the body and mind, cultivates calm judgment, deepens wisdom, and ultimately improves human dignity.
  2. The Food of the Lower People - On the other hand, a "lower person" is a person who is self-centered, greedy, and is unable to gain respect from the people around him. They can't control their appetite, always keep eating until they're full, and sometimes treat food poorly. This kind of diet can disrupt the balance between the body and mind, dull your judgment, and lead to stupid behavior. As a result, fate will decline and the trust of those around you will lose.

Professor Nanboku emphasizes the importance of modesty in eating and drinking, taking famous monks and erudite monks as examples. He said that even if he has knowledge or status, those who do not modest food will not be respected and will be abandoned from heaven. This teaching suggests that food is not merely a nutritional supplement, but has such an influence that it can influence personality development and, in turn, fate.

2. Big Eating will lead to bad luck and recommend you to be 80% full

Professor Mizuno Nanboku pointed out that big food is the root cause of bad luck. The saying, "If you eat more than just the limit, you'll be lucky" shows how not to eat only until you are 80% full can damage your life.

  1. Decreased intuition and eating too much will cause blood to concentrate in the digestive organs and blood flow to the brain. As a result, your thinking skills will be dulled and your intuition and inspiration will be lost. People sometimes rely on intuition and inspiration when they are forced to make important decisions, but if this ability is compromised by a gluttony, they are more likely to make the wrong choice.
  2. Decreasing your ability to act and eating too much strains your stomach and intestines and makes your body feel heavy. As a result, your ability to take action may decrease, and you may postpone what you need to do or miss out on opportunities.
  3. Increase in losses Professor Nanboku said that people who eat big meals should "have more losses due to unfortunate problems." This means that eating too much will slow your judgment and you will suffer from a variety of losses as a result of unnecessary expenses, failing to invest, or missing opportunities.

Keeping yourself to be 80% full is an important lifestyle that not only helps maintain health, but also improves intuition and action, and prevents various losses in life.

3. Food is the fear of contracts with heaven and borrowing food

Professor Mizuno Nanboku states, "The ultimate thing that can be enjoyed from heaven is food," and views food as a gift from heaven. He then warned that "When you eat more of this, you will be able to borrow food every day."

Fukutomi Kazutaka
Fukutomi Kazutaka
  1. The waste of food: The food we eat on a daily basis is a godsend and is a condensed natural energy. Eating too much more than necessary is a waste of this precious resource and is considered an act of sloppying the blessings of heavenly blessings.
  2. If you waste the debt as a debt, and the food given to you by heaven, you will be making a debt to heaven. And you will have to pay back the debt at some point. Regarding this debt, Professor Nanboku said, "Even though people urge you to do so, heaven will not beg you and collect it." This suggests that collection from heaven is not a direct reminder like a human, but rather manifests itself in the form of unexpected misfortunes, calamities, health problems, and economic hardships.
  3. Impact on descendants: Professor Nanboku warns that if the debt cannot be paid back by one generation of the person, the effect will be affected even on the descendants. And it even suggests that the house could be destroyed if there were no descendants. This is a very harsh teaching that food waste has a serious impact not only on individuals but also on the entire family.

4. Avoiding food will help you improve your luck, and circulation of qi, blood and water

Professor Mizuno Nanboku said, "When you are careful about eating and drinking, you will be able to live a healthy and healthy life and you will be able to improve your luck." This is the teaching that by refraining from eating, you will be able to balance your mind and body and improve your destiny.

  1. Perspective of Oriental Medicine - Dr. Nanboku and Nambu's teachings are in line with the idea of ​​Oriental Medicine. In Oriental medicine, we believe that human health is maintained by the balance of qi, blood and water. Qi refers to life energy, blood refers to blood, and water refers to body fluids. Overeating is said to not only disrupt these balances and damage your health, but also impair your luck.
  2. Activating the five organs: By refraining from diet and keeping you ready to eat only until you are 80% full, the burden on the digestive organs is reduced and the function of the five organs (liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys) is activated. When the five organs work healthy, the flow of qi, blood and water becomes smoother, and the body and mind are full of energy.
  3. When your luck improves, and the circulation of qi, blood and water improves, the energy in your body will be filled with energy and will become mentally stable. This will increase your intuition and action, allowing you to overcome difficulties and seize opportunities. As a result, your destiny will naturally improve.
  4. Practice for 3 years: To realize this effect, Professor Nanboku recommends that you first refrain from eating seriously for three years. He also declares, "If you don't improve your luck, there's no reason for the heavens and earth." This suggests that refraining from eating is one of the most effective ways to carve out your destiny.

5. How to hold your mind when refraining from eating and freeing you from desires

Professor Mizuno Nanboku states that when refraining from eating, it is important to keep your mind in mind. It teaches that it is important to not only reduce the amount of food you eat, but also to abandon your obsession and desires about food.

  1. The trapped desire of desire, the feeling of "I want to eat. I want to eat, but I shouldn't eat" is a state of being trapped in the desire of appetite. In this state, you will be stressed and eating restriction can become painful.
  2. Food as a pleasure - Professor Nanboku said, "If you can make small meals your own pleasure, you can be at peace and cautious." This teaches us that we should not find food restriction painful, but rather enjoy being lighter and healthy in our body.
  3. Rewriting your subconscious mind - It is important to gradually reduce the amount of food you eat, and gradually rewriting your subconscious mind by saying, "Even if you don't eat much, you're energetic and actually comfortable." By doing this, your obsession with food will fade away and you will naturally be able to practice eating small meals.
  4. Letting go of desires and letting go of appetite leads to letting go of other desires as well. And being freed from desire can help you feel at ease and promote spiritual growth.

6. Practical teachings: The importance of one meal, salt, and the shiny virtue that leaves a treat

Professor Mizuno Nanboku also mentioned specific practical methods.

  1. Recommendations for one
  2. The importance of salt: Salt is just as important as the five grains, and it teaches that it should not be treated poorly. Salt contains minerals that are essential for life, and taking appropriate amounts can help you stay healthy.
  3. Indecency that leaves you with a treat. When someone gives a treat, it is important to stay 80% full and not to force yourself to eat. He states that the leftover food should not be wasted, but should be seen as an act of accumulating virtue.

7. Time and Destiny, the harmfulness of night work morning sleep, and recommendations for early waking up

Professor Mizuno Nanboku teaches important teachings not only about food but also about how to use your time.

  1. He pointed out that working late into the night and oversleeping in the morning is a cause of disrupting the balance between the body and mind and lowering your luck. Night is a time to rest, and being active at night is an act that goes against nature's laws.
  2. Recommendation for early waking up: He said that early waking up is an act that will help you feel healthy and healthy, and will improve your fortune. Sightseeing in the morning sun regulates your internal clock, regulates your hormones, and gives you energy both your body and mind.

8. The importance of refraining from virtue, fate, and food

Professor Mizuno Nanboku states that the only way to solve the bad fate is to accumulate virtue. Among them, he also stated that refraining from eating is the most effective virtue.

  1. The importance of Yin Virtue: Yin Virtue is the secret to carrying out good deeds and is said to bring greater merit than visible good deeds.
  2. To refrain from eating, To refrain from eating and not to eat poorly is an act of expressing gratitude to the heavens, and leads to accumulating great yin virtues.
  3. He explained that by refraining from daily diet, we can resolve bad fates and turn the fate of our descendants into better shape.

9. Unlucky years and food and daily diet are important

Professor Mizuno Nanboku also mentioned the disasters of unlucky years and explained that daily diet is important.

  1. The unlucky year of disasters and unlucky years (men 42 years old, women 33 years old) is a major turning point in life, and it is said that various disasters are likely to occur.
  2. The importance of daily diet: People who regularly refrain from eating and live healthy lives are likely to be able to escape the disaster of unlucky years. Conversely, he warned that people with unfair diets are more likely to suffer disasters in unlucky years.

10. Dedicate food to God: the power to grant wishes

Professor Mizuno Nanboku has advocated that devoting food to God has the power to grant wishes.

  1. Considering food as life - Food is the basis for feeding life, and devoting food to God should be seen as tantamount to giving one's own life.
  2. Honesty to God - The food you give to God should be chosen from what you normally eat, and it is said that if you give away the remaining food after satisfying your desires, it will not be God's joy.
  3. He states that fulfilling wishes, offering food to God and praying with a sincere heart will make various wishes come true.

11. Avoiding food leads to world peace: control of desire

Professor Mizuno Nanboku's teachings can be said to not only turn the fate of individuals into bettering their own personal destiny, but also lead to world peace.

  1. Controlling appetite Appetite is one of the fundamental human needs, and controlling appetite leads to controlling other desires as well.
  2. By breaking away from the ego and controlling your appetite, you will be able to change your self-centered way of thinking and have a caring heart for others.
  3. Realizing Peace - If people all over the world can control their appetites and suppress their desires, there will be no more conflict and war, and a peaceful world will be realized.

12. Modern significance: Rethinking diet

Even in modern times, Professor Mizuno Nanboku's teachings have not lost their significance.

Fukutomi Kazutaka
Fukutomi Kazutaka
  1. An age of edematurity - Modern society is an age of edematurity, and health problems caused by overeating and picky eating are becoming more serious.
  2. Food disorders, additives and processed foods are flooded, and food safety is also a concern.
  3. In a society of mentally unstable and stressful, the number of people who are mentally unstable is increasing.

Professor Nanboku and Professor provide tips on solving these problems in modern society.

  1. Practice a healthy diet - Keeping yourself at 80% full and trying to eat a balanced diet is essential for maintaining your health.
  2. It is important to remember to be grateful for your food and to those who prepared the ingredients and dishes.
  3. Controlling mental stability and appetite will help develop self-control and perseverance, and will also lead to mental stability.
  4. It is important to realize a sustainable society, reduce food waste and practice an environmentally friendly diet.


Professor Mizuno Nanboku's teachings about food are not merely health theory, but are profound and lead to an outlook on life, ethics, and a view of the universe. It shows the path to enriching life and becoming a better person through the everyday act of food. Using the teacher's teachings as a reference and looking at your daily diet will be a step towards living a better life. And its practice has the potential to contribute not only to individuals, but also to society as a whole, and ultimately to the world.

- Secret Records of the North and Southern Theory Law, A Complete Four Volume, Human Medicine, Edition

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Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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