Meals creates luck

Does food affect your destiny? Experience-based consideration and scientific verification
"Food affects people's luck." This phrase may often be dismissed as mere superstition or spiritualism. However, through my own experiences and exposure to various literature and research, I have come to believe that food is not merely a body maintenance, but is deeply involved in human thoughts, emotions, and life itself. In this article, I will use my own experiences to examine in more detail how food affects luck and what kind of diet you should lead.
The close relationship between food and destiny – what connects thoughts and reality
- Our bodies are made from what we eat. It includes not just material components, but also invisible levels of influence, such as life energy and information. For example, diets that contain a lot of additives and processed foods put a strain on the body, causing indigestion and impaired visceral function. This can not only be a poor health, but also lead to mental instability and irritability, which can lead to negative thoughts and behavioral patterns.
- A diet made with fresh, natural ingredients can help to energize the body and balance the mind and body. If your body is healthy, your thinking will be more likely to be positive and your drive will be more likely. This will likely lead to easier seizing opportunities and attracting good fortune.
- I used to be stressed and had an unhealthy diet. At that time, I was constantly plagued by anxiety and anxiety, and I felt that nothing I could do was going well. However, by fundamentally reviewing my diet, my physical and mental state improved dramatically, my thoughts became more positive, and my life ended up improving. We believe this is not just a coincidence or imagination, but a proof that food has changed our inner self and that it has an impact on reality.
Diets that improve your luck – The importance of simple, low-eating, raw food
So, what kind of diet can you eat to improve your luck? Below are three points I have put into practice and found effectiveness.
- 質素な食事 ・ 欲望からの解放
「大食漢は、お金にも執着する」。 This is something I have experienced through my experience. The feeling of constant desire and not being satisfied also shows your appetite. Big eating and overeating are signs of a sense of lack or anxiety, and are merely actions to temporarily dispel unfulfilled feelings.
On the other hand, many people called successful and wealthy people prefer a modest diet. They don't have an overly obsessive attachment to food, and know how much their body needs. This is thought to be not only related to material richness, but also to the richness of the mind.
A simple diet prevents overeating and reduces the burden on your internal organs. This will help you lighten your body and mind and clear your mind. By being freed from material desires, we can rethink our true self. - 少食 ・デトックスと内なる声に耳を澄ます
現代社会では、常に「お腹いっぱい」の状態が当たり前になっています。 However, continuing to eat more than necessary places a great strain on your internal organs and leads to accumulation of waste products.
Furthermore, energy is constantly used for digestion, making the body more likely to get tired and tend to be dull. Eating little has the effect of detoxifying the body. By resting the digestive organs, internal organs will restore function and the waste will be expelled smoothly.
Furthermore, by continuing to eat less, your sense of fullness will change, and you will become aware that you can survive without eating much. Of course, excessive eating can have a negative effect on your body. First of all, it is important to slowly reduce the amount of food you eat and listen carefully to your body's voice. By eliminating waste products from the body and then eating less, you can purify your body more effectively and improve your luck. - ローフード ・生きたエネルギーを吸収する
ローフードとは、生の野菜や果物を中心とした食事のことです。 Raw foods are richer in enzymes, vitamins and minerals than cooked foods, and are full of life energy (prana).
By consuming raw food, your body will be full of energy and you will be able to live your daily life with a more positive attitude. The water found in vegetables and fruits is absorbed at the cellular level, allowing for more efficient hydration than typical water.
In particular, the sugar contained in high-quality fruits is also an excellent source of energy for the brain, and can also be expected to increase your thinking and concentration. What I can say from my experience is that by continuing to eat a raw food-based diet, it not only improves the body's condition, but also increases intuition and sensitivity. I believe it will not only be physical, but also lead to a more profound change in consciousness and enrich life.
Factors that can damage your luck – Pitfalls in modern society
On the other hand, in modern society there are many factors that can damage our fortunes. Below we explain three factors that you should pay particular attention to.
- 老廃物の蓄積と人相の変化
体内の老廃物は、身体に様々な悪影響を及ぼします。 Not only can it cause external changes such as rough skin, body odor, and swelling, but it can also cause poor health such as headaches, constipation, and fatigue.
Also, when waste products accumulate, your face can change and your appearance may become worse. Muscle development changes as you age, but the accumulation of waste products can accelerate the change.
In particular, overeating and lack of exercise can cause the accumulation of waste products. By keeping your body clean and detoxing at all times, you can minimize the accumulation of waste products and maintain a youthful physiognomy. - 過度な運動と筋肉の硬直
運動は、身体にとって必要不可欠なものです。 However, excessive exercise can actually put a strain on the body and lead to the accumulation of waste products.
In particular, muscle training that creates forcefulness can stiffen the muscles and trap waste products.
Moderate exercise promotes blood circulation and increases metabolism. By continuing light exercises such as walking, yoga, and stretching, you can remove waste products and refresh both your body and mind. - 肉食、穀物の過剰摂取と腸内環境の悪化
肉食は、消化に時間がかかり、腸内環境を悪化させる可能性があります。 In particular, if lean and processed meat are consumed in excess, it can disrupt the balance of intestinal bacteria and lead to various disorders.
Additionally, the gluten found in wheat can cause allergic reactions in some people, causing fouling the intestinal environment.
Rice is a staple food for Japanese people, but if you consume too much, it can ferment and turn into alcohol in the body, causing it to strain the liver. In particular, brown rice takes time to digest, so overdose should be avoided. You don't need to avoid these foods completely, but it's important to avoid overdose and to make sure you have a balanced diet.
A fusion of scientific and experiential perspectives – fate opens itself up
This article has based on my own experiences and has presented a unique perspective that food has an impact on luck. However, scientific perspectives cannot be ignored.
In recent years, various research has shown that the intestinal environment has a major impact on mental health and immunity. It has also been found that diet can affect gene expression, increasing the risk of disease and shortening healthy life expectancy.
In other words, it can be said that my experiences can be supported to some extent by scientific research results. Of course, the concept of "luck" cannot be scientifically proven. However, in that diet greatly influences your physical and mental state, and ultimately affects your life choices and actions, it can be said that food is a major factor that influences your destiny.
In the end, destiny is something you can unlock. Improving your diet is just the first step to doing so. The important thing is to listen to your body, stay healthy both physically and mentally, and always act positively. That will be the key to attracting good fortune and creating a rich life.
Finally, we hope this will give you a chance to think more deeply about the importance of food. Rethinking your diet is not easy, but your efforts will surely enrich your life.