
Future-oriented power: Human potential learning from Adlerian psychology


Adlerian Psychology: Practical Psychology that Promotes Human Understanding and Growth

Adlerian psychology is a psychological theory proposed by Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler (1870–1937) in the early 20th century, and is also known as "personal psychology." This theory is based on the "teleology" that human behavior and thought are based on a specific purpose.

Whereas traditional psychology focused on past events and trauma, Adlerian psychology is future-oriented, and we see that humans have the freedom to choose their actions based on their own goals and hopes. This innovative perspective continues to provide important suggestions in modern society as well, in the aim of personal growth, self-realization, and harmony with society.

Below we will explore in greater depth the background, basic concepts, and significance and concrete examples of Adlerian psychology.


The birth of Adlerian psychology: Breakdown with Freud and a new horizon

Alfred Adler was initially one of the key members of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. However, he questioned Freud's way of thinking, and broke away in 1911 and built his own psychological system.

Freud's "causal theory" was based on the idea that past trauma and unconscious desires determine current behavior. Adler insisted that humans are not bound by the past, but rather choose to act based on goals and motivations for the future.

Adler proposed a "teleology" that humans consciously or unconsciously have a goal and choose current actions to achieve it.

This idea was the foundation for personal growth, social connections and aspirations for a happy life.

Furthermore, Adler emphasized the perspective of "holism," which views humans as a holistic being in which the body, mind and environment function as an integral part of the body, mind and environment. This approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding by viewing individuals as organic wholesals rather than just as a collection of parts.

This perspective has been applied not only to the fields of clinical psychology and self-development, but also to a wide range of fields such as education, the workplace environment, and child-rearing, and has had a major impact.

Adlerian Psychology Basic Concepts - Six Pillars that Guide Behavior

Adlerian psychology is based on unique and practical concepts such as: These concepts provide guidance for us to deepen our self-understanding, build better relationships, and grow.

The goals behind teleology and action

Teleology is the idea that human behavior is not determined by past events, but by goals and motivations for the future.

We unconsciously choose to act to achieve a certain goal. For example, people who avoid speaking in public are interpreted as having a future-oriented purpose, not because of past trauma, that is, "we don't want to avoid failure and be embarrassed."

By taking this perspective, we can choose our actions more consciously, not be trapped in the past.

Lifestyle and unique ways of conduct

A lifestyle refers to the unique way of life, values, and behavior patterns that each person has. Lifestyles are shaped by childhood experiences and change throughout life, yet serve as basic guidelines for conduct.

For example, people who have fewer opportunities to gain confidence in their childhood may tend to be overcomplete perfectionism and to be concerned about others' evaluations as adults.

Understanding your lifestyle is not only a way to deepen your self-understanding, but also help you understand the behavior of others.

Life tasks and face life challenges

Adler has categorized the important challenges in life into three life tasks: work, friendship, and love. All of these challenges require interaction with others and are essential elements in building and maintaining interpersonal relationships.

By addressing these challenges in a balanced way, people can feel fulfilled and happy. Adlerian psychology believes that actively working on these life tasks is the key to living a richer life.

Separation of issues, personal responsibility and respect for others

"Segregation of issues" is an approach that clearly distinguishes between your own issues and those of others. We often interfere more with other people's problems than necessary, resulting in unnecessary stress and strain. By practicing separation of tasks, you will be able to concentrate on your own tasks,

You can build healthy relationships without taking too much responsibility for other people's problems. For example, parents can develop their child's autonomy by respecting their own responsibility to learn, rather than overly concerned about their child's performance.

Recognizing a sense of community and connection with others

A sense of community is one of the central concepts in Adlerian psychology and is a consciousness that places emphasis on connections with others. We are not living in isolation, we exist in cooperation with society and others. When a sense of community develops, it not only leads to self-realization, but also to building healthy relationships with those around you, and to feel happy. Adler views the sense of community from two aspects: a sense of belonging and a sense of contribution, and believes that by feeling connected to others and contributing to others, you can achieve deeper happiness.

The feeling of inferiority and the driving force behind its overcoming and growth

Adler viewed inferiority as a driving force behind growth and challenges rather than simply as a negative emotion. People feel that they are inferior to others, which creates a willingness to improve themselves. However, excessive infidelity can lead to an "inferior complex" and can also cause an ineffective effect of your actions. In Adlerian psychology, we believe that it is important to overcome inferiority and aim for self-growth.

The benefits of practicing Adlerian psychology, self-growth and improving relationships

Adlerian psychology is more than just a theory, but it is a practical psychology that can be used in everyday life. The practice of Adlerian psychology offers many benefits, including:

Deepen self-understanding and be aware of the purpose of action

Understanding the purpose behind your actions increases your sense of self-determination and allows you to choose your actions more consciously. By developing the habit of asking yourself, "Why do you feel that way?" and "Why did you choose that behavior?", you will be able to understand yourself more deeply. This deepening of self-understanding can be a great help in making various choices in life.

Reducing stress and anxiety and separating challenges

Separation of tasks can reduce unnecessary stress and burden by drawing appropriate boundaries with other people's problems. By focusing on your own issues without being overly involved in others' problems, you can maintain peace of mind. For example, even if you feel that a colleague's mistake is your responsibility at work, by being aware of separation of issues, you can be able to provide support for your colleagues to solve the problem.

Improve human relationships and develop a sense of community

By placing importance on a sense of community, you can build empathy and trust with others. An attitude of "encouraging" to others is extremely important in reducing stress in interpersonal relationships and fostering good relationships. Encouragement means not only praising and encouraging others, but also developing their own mind and empowering them to face difficulties.

Improved motivation for growth and inferiority

Inferiority can be a great driving force for self-growth by calmly staring at what you lack and continuing to make up for it. By dealing with inferiority, you will improve your self-abilities, gain confidence, and lead to a more fulfilling life. Adlerian psychology views inferiority as an opportunity for growth and places emphasis on promoting self-growth.

Practical examples: Application examples of Adlerian psychology

Adlerian psychology has been applied in a variety of fields, including education, workplaces, and counseling. Below are some specific examples of application.

Promotion of autonomy through change and encouragement in educational settings

In traditional education, there have been many instances where students are harshly scolded for mistakes and mistakes, but in education based on Adlerian psychology, the emphasis is on "encouraging" students. For example, positively acknowledging students' small successes and praise their efforts can help them increase their self-esteem and promote voluntary learning and behavior.

One school has seen a dramatic increase in students' motivation to learn as a result of implementing efforts to share successful students' experiences.

Revitalize teams by separating application and challenges in the workplace

By implementing "segregation of issues" for managers in the workplace, they can reduce interference with subordinates and develop the ability for subordinates to solve problems.

For example, rather than giving employees excessive direction, respecting their opinions and encouraging them to take action will increase motivation and productivity across the team. It is also important to leave the responsibility to your subordinates and give them opportunities to grow, even if they fail.

Promotion of self-change through outcomes and teleology in counseling

In the field of counseling, applying Adlerian psychology's "teleology" can encourage self-change to clients who are trapped by past trauma and experiences of failure.

Rather than causing past events, clients can ask future-oriented questions such as "What do you want to do now" and "What do you want to aim for?", allowing clients to choose their actions more independently, and regain confidence.

Summary: The contribution of Adlerian psychology in modern society

Adlerian psychology provides a solution to many of the problems faced by modern society. It goes beyond merely a theory of psychology, but it is a practical approach to achieving self-growth, social cooperation and happiness.

In particular, ideas such as "self-understanding," "cooperation with others," and "future-oriented" provide a very important perspective in surviving in a rapidly changing modern society.

Adlerian psychology will give us the hope that we have the power to open up the future, rather than being bound by the past," and will serve as a guide to living a richer and more fulfilling life.

By studying this psychology, we should be able to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and others, build better relationships, and create a better society.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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