
Organic life to achieve health and happiness


Risks and selection of genetically modified foods

In modern society, our diets are becoming more diverse and we pursue convenience, while also increasing concerns about its safety. In particular, from its arrival until today, there is constant debate about the impact that genetically modified foods have on our health and the environment. In this 15th installment of this series, we will explore the current state and risks of GMO food that are inevitable, and consider how we should make our own choices to lead a healthier life. We will also delve into the specific effects of organic foods on the mind and body.

Do you know? The shadow of GMOs lurking at the Japanese dining table

"GMO" (Genetically Modified Organism), or genetically modified crops, refer to crops that have been artificially altered using the technology of genetic engineering. This technology has made crops more effective in increasing resistance to pests and improving yields. However, on the other hand, many concerns have been raised about safety and environmental impact.

Japan is actually a "gMO food powerhouse" that imports large amounts of GMO food. We may be unknowingly eating a lot of GMO foods throughout our daily diet. Typical GMO crops include soybeans, corn, potatoes, canola (rapeseed), sugar beet (sugar radish), and even cotton. These crops are not only directly aligned at our dining table, but are also widely used as feed to processed foods, drinks, and even livestock.

Particularly found in processed foods in Japan

Fructose syrup is often made from genetically modified corn. Fructose liquid sugar is added to a wide range of foods, including soft drinks, sweets, and seasonings, and it can be said that we consume them on a daily basis. Furthermore, because labeling obligations are limited to certain products, consumers are currently consuming GMO foods without realizing the risk. It is undeniable that this is one of the factors that amplify anxiety and distrust about GMO foods.

Why are GMO foods considered dangerous? The fundamental problem

Concerns about GMO foods can be broadly discussed in two ways. One is "impact on the ecosystem," and the other is "health risks to the human body."

Serious negative impacts on ecosystems

One of the biggest problems with GMOs is the magnitude of their impact on nature, that is, ecosystems. It has been pointed out that if GMO crops spread naturally during the cultivation process and crossed with normal crops or wild plants, this could cause serious ecosystem disruption. For example, crops that are genetically modified to be resistant to certain pests can affect not only their pests, but also other insects and animals, resulting in an unbalanced dietary chain.

Not only plants, but also insects and animals that live on them, and even humans, can have a wide range of effects, and their effects are unpredictable. Once the ecosystem balance is disrupted, it will take many years to recover, and in some cases it may lead to irreversible situations. Thus, the impact of GMO crops on the natural world is immeasurable, and there is always the risk of a negative chain spreading.

Long-term health risks to the human body: Specific effects on the mind and body

It must be said that there is still a lot of unclear about how GMO foods affect our human body. Some studies have concerns about the genetic impact of continuing to consume GMO foods over the long term. Specifically, it has been pointed out that there may be an increase in immune abnormalities, allergic diseases, and the risk of developing cancer.

Furthermore, recent research has raised concerns about the adverse effects on the intestinal environment. It has also been pointed out that certain proteins and ingredients contained in GMO foods can disrupt the balance of intestinal bacteria, cause bad bacteria to grow, and cause inflammation. The intestines are also known as the "second brain" and are deeply involved in physical and mental health. Deteriorating the intestinal environment can have a negative effect on mental health as well as indigestion and weakening of immune systems. Specifically, it has been pointed out that inhibiting the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin can lead to symptoms such as anxiety, depression, depression, mood depression, irritability, and sleep disorders. This is due to the "brain-gut correlation," in which the brain and intestine work closely together, and deterioration of the intestinal environment directly affects mental health.

also possible that unknown substances contained in GMO foods can inhibit enzyme reactions in the body, causing chronic fatigue and fatigue. The lowering of nutrient absorption and slowing down energy production at the cellular level, leading to a decline in physical performance. Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that when an allergic reaction becomes chronic, inflammatory substances can circulate throughout the body, causing unpleasant symptoms such as rough skin, headaches, and joint pain .

However, at this stage, it is difficult to say that these findings have been fully understood scientifically, and further research is necessary to prove their causal relationship. In other words, we are stepping into "unknown territory" where we don't know exactly how the GMO foods we eat every day will affect our bodies. This uncertainty is a major reason why many people feel uneasy about GMO foods.

Voices of doubt about safety - The dangers of GMOs shown by experimental data

While GMO foods are spreading around the world, there are growing calls for doubt about their safety. In the debate over the safety of GMO food, the name of the US company M is almost always mentioned. The company is a leading manufacturer of genetically modified foods and continues to assert that "GMO is safe." Their claims are based on data showing no abnormalities in a three-month animal experiment.

However, it must be said that it is too easy to assume that a short-term experiment of 3 months can be evaluated for the long-term effects of GMO foods. It is clear that research from a more long-term perspective is needed. In this regard, a notable finding is from Professor Jill-Eric Seraryi, of Caen University, France.

Professor Celaryni and his team conducted a two-year experiment in feeding rats GMO corn. As a result, many rats developed breast cancer and serious liver and kidney disease, and more frequently developed huge malignant tumors. The findings of this study reversed M's argument that "GMOs are safe," and strongly suggest that GMOs may be toxic.

Based on this research, Professor Celaryni broadly called for the dangers of GMO foods and called for a review of current safety standards. However, the current situation is that pressure and interests from companies are complicated and the accusations are not fully accepted. In this way, the issue surrounding GMO foods is not just a scientific discussion, but is a complex intertwined with various elements, such as politics and economics.

A smart choice - the hope of organic food

What choices should we make in such an uncertain situation? One of the answers is the use of organic foods. Organic foods are foods grown using organic farming methods without using synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or genetically modified crops. Organic certified foods meet strict standards in their production process, so they can at least avoid the risk of intake of GMO foods.

Certainly, organic foods tend to be more expensive than regular foods. This is because organic farming is time-consuming and time-consuming and is not suitable for mass production. However, this price difference includes the value of not only protecting our health, but also contributing to the conservation of the global environment. Choosing organic foods is an investment in our future and a wise choice.

Effects of organic foods on the mind and body - specific benefits

Organic foods don't just avoid GMO foods, they also have a wide range of positive effects on our minds and bodies.

Effects on the mind
  1. Improve mental health by improving the intestinal environment Organic foods are rich in dietary fiber that regulates the intestinal environment and prebiotics that balance the intestinal bacteria. This promotes the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, leading to mental stability, increased happiness, reduced stress, and reduced anxiety.
  2. A sense of satisfaction in your mind through increasing awareness of food. The act of choosing organic foods raises awareness of valuing your health, leading to a sense of self-esteem and fulfillment of your mind.
  3. Reduce the negative effects of pesticides and additives on the brain. Pesticides and chemicals can inhibit brain neurotransmission, causing poor concentration and mood instability. Organic foods help support brain health and maintain peace of mind by reducing the intake of these harmful substances.
High nutritional value and effectiveness for the body
  1. Organic foods are grown without chemical fertilizers, so they absorb soil nutrients well and tend to have high nutritional value such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These nutrients keep the body's cell function normal, boosts immunity, and creates a body that is less likely to suffer from illness.
  2. Reducing intake of harmful substances: No synthetic pesticides or fertilizers are used, so the risk of intake of pesticide residues and harmful substances can be significantly reduced. This supports the body's detoxification function and reduces the burden on the liver and kidneys.
  3. Relieve allergic symptoms: Organic foods with few chemicals and additives are less likely to cause allergic reactions, making it safe for people with allergies to eat. For those suffering from chronic allergic symptoms, this may lead to symptoms relief and improvement in their constitution.
  4. Improve the intestinal environment: The rich dietary fiber and prebiotics found in organic foods help to regulate the intestinal environment and relieve indigestion and constipation. By improving the intestinal environment, you can expect to improve your immune system, increase your nutrient absorption rate, and detoxify your body.
  5. Activation at the cellular level Organic foods activate cells in the body and promote energy production. This will help relieve chronic fatigue and fatigue and improve physical performance.
  6. By improving the health and nutritional balance of the skin and reducing the intake of harmful substances, skin turnover can be normalized, improving rough skin and acne, and improving skin beauty.
  7. Organic foods minimize the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, which puts less strain on the body and allows for natural nutrition. Organic foods can also be said to play an important role in maintaining the intestinal environment and maintaining a balance between the body and mind.
  8. By reducing your GMO food intake and increasing organic foods in your daily diet, each of us can contribute to health and environmental protection. First, why not start by trying to change seasonings, vegetables, fruits, etc. to organic products, from the range of possible options? It may be small changes, but the accumulation should be a force that will create major changes.

The profound relationship between seeds and health - organic food

We would like you to participate in the "Relationship between Organic Food, Seeds and Health." This seminar will provide an easy-to-understand explanation of the specific mechanisms in which organic diets create health from the cellular level of our bodies and become deeply connected to beauty and happiness.

The most important theme I would like to address is "seeds." Let's work together to think about how "seeds," which are the fundamental and source of life, will affect our future health. Species are not merely a means of propagating plants, but contain a lot of information, such as the nutritional value, vitality and even the ability to adapt to the environment.

Looking back at my own experiences, I have been suffering from allergies and skin problems for many years. However, by practicing organic diets and understanding the importance of seeds, I was able to overcome these problems and achieve a healthy life. In this seminar, I will use my experience to share specific ways to practice organic life and the secrets of anti-aging care.

The future is in our hands - Let's choose health and happiness

Through our daily diet, we build our own body and build our future health. And the foods we choose have a major impact not only on our health, but also on our global environment. That's why we need to take a more conscious approach to our daily diet.

Understanding the risks of genetically modified foods and choosing organic foods is not just a dietary improvement, but a small action each of us will do to create a better future. Our choices will create the body and the earth of the future. Why not take action today in search of health and happiness?

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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