
A meal that will bring you happiness


Introduction: The relationship between happiness and diet

Our bodies are made from what we eat. It affects not only the body but also the mind. Daily diet is our energy source and the foundation of our health. However, in modern society, there is a flood of food that can attack our bodies. Continuing to consume these foods can lead to an inflammatory response within the body, which can eventually lead to illness and distract you from a happy life.

Allergic reactions to certain foods are the best examples. Allergic reactions occur when the body recognizes certain foods as foreign bodies and exerts an excessive immune response. This reaction can not only cause symptoms such as indigestion, itching of the skin, and rhinitis, but also lead to chronic inflammation and can cause a variety of diseases. For example, people with hay fever may be consuming foods that are prone to allergic reactions, which may worsen their symptoms.

Improve your diet is the first step towards regaining a healthy body and living a happy life. By identifying foods that are harmful to you and removing them from your diet, your body should regain its original strength, stabilize your mind, and lead a better life.

What is gluten intolerance (hypersensitivity)?

Gluten is a type of protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. It is found in many of our foods, such as bread, pasta, udon, and ramen, which are essential to our diet. However, it has become clear that this gluten can be harmful to some people. That is gluten intolerance (hypersensitivity).

  1. Gluten intolerance is often milder than a serious disease called celiac disease. The main symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, headache, dizziness, fatigue, fatigue, depression, rough skin, and joint pain. These symptoms appear differently from person to person, and many people become gluten intolerance without realizing it.
  2. Novak Djokovic, a top tennis player, has been suffering from unexplained health for many years, but is known for his dramatically improved health by eliminating gluten from his diet. He says avoiding gluten made him feel better, lighter, more energetic and relieves the stuffy nose that he's suffered for years.
  3. After a period of time when gluten was not consumed, he retakes the symptoms, which looked like a hangover. This experience made Djokovic confident that he was gluten intolerance, and after that he made a leap to become the world's top player by thoroughly ensuring a gluten-free diet.
  4. Modern wheat contains gluten that differs from previous wheat due to varieties and genetic modifications. In addition, the amount of gluten is increasing to produce processed foods. These changes are thought to be one of the causes of gluten intolerance. In particular, the protein gliadin, which has been increased due to breeding, is said to have the effect of destroying the connective tissue of the wall of the small intestine.

What is leaky gut syndrome (intestinal wall leakage)

Leaky Gut syndrome refers to a condition in which holes appear in the intestinal mucosa and foreign bodies (undigested proteins, bacteria, toxins, etc.) that should not enter the body leak into the blood. When this condition occurs, inflammatory substances produced in the intestines travel throughout the body through the blood, causing chronic inflammation in various organs.

  1. The chronic diseases caused by leaky gut are diverse. It has been reported that it has been linked to as many as 55 chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, cerebrovascular disorders, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, irritable enteritis, chronic thyroiditis, migraine, epilepsy, diabetes, and anxiety.
  2. Gluten is the first food that causes leaky gut. Gluten damages the intestinal mucosa and reduces barrier function. Casein, found in dairy products, can also stimulate the intestinal mucosa, causing leaky gut.
  3. Substances such as lectins, saponins and tannins are also factors that cause leaky gut. Lectins are proteins found in beans, potatoes, and tomatoes, and bind to the intestinal mucosa and cause leaky gut. Saponins are components found in beans and plants in the Solanaceae family that can damage the intestinal mucosa and damage red blood cells. Tannins are a stromal component found in tea and wine, and if consumed in excess, it can condense the intestinal mucosal cells and cause leaky gut.

Thus, many of the foods we usually eat are capable of damaging the mucosa of the intestines and causing chronic inflammation. Avoiding these foods will help prevent leaky gut and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Foods to avoid

To live a healthy life, it is important to first avoid foods that are harmful to the body. Below is a list of foods you should avoid.

Foods containing gluten

All foods that use flour, such as bread, pasta, pizza, ramen, udon, soba, okonomiyaki, monjayaki, takoyaki, gyoza, cookies, cakes, cereals, sweets, soy sauce, beer, etc.


Dairy products

All foods containing casein, including milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, butter

Foods rich in lectin

Wheat, soybeans, kidney beans, peanuts, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.


Foods rich in saponins

Soybeans, red beans, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, etc.

Foods that contain a lot of tannins: tea (especially awkward tea), wine, astringent persimmons, etc.

Foods rich in saponins

Soybeans, red beans, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, etc.

Foods that contain a lot of tannins: tea (especially awkward tea), wine, astringent persimmons, etc.


Processed food

All foods that contain a lot of additives and chemicals (e.g. instant foods, snacks, soft drinks, etc.)

These foods are likely to damage the intestinal mucosa and cause inflammation. Try to avoid consuming it whenever possible and use natural ingredients.


How to improve your diet

Improve your diet is an important step in regaining a healthy body and living a happy life. The specific methods are summarized below.

The importance of allergy testing


A blood test will help you identify foods that are prone to allergic reactions. This will help you improve your diet more efficiently.

You can also look into food intolerance. Food intolerance is a slower reaction that is different from an allergic reaction, and may not be subjective. However, it is important to check this test as it can cause chronic illness.

Gluten-free practice


First, try to completely eliminate gluten-containing foods for two weeks. During this period, you can check whether you are gluten intolerance by observing changes in your physical condition.

Gluten-free meals include bread and noodles made with rice flour, and vegetable-based meals instead of bread and pasta.

When choosing gluten-free foods, be sure to check the ingredients carefully and choose ones with fewer additives.

Things to note about dietary restrictions


Extreme dietary restrictions on your own can lead to an unbalanced nutrition and damage your health. Try to consult with a doctor or nutritionist or other expert to provide a diet that suits you.

When restricting your diet, it is important to make sure you have a balanced diet so that you can get the nutrients you need.

Collaboration with experts


When improving your diet, working with experts such as doctors and nutritionists can help you proceed more effectively and safely.

Experts will suggest the best dietary therapy to suit your individual constitution and lifestyle habits. It will also help you to alleviate any questions or concerns about diet.

Changes in diet and increases allergies

In modern society, more and more people suffer from allergic symptoms and chronic inflammation. One possible cause of this is changes in postwar diet.

Before the war, Japanese people's diets were mainly rice and fish, vegetables and legumes. However, after the war, Western-style food cultures began to flow, and intakes of bread, pasta, meat and more increased. Furthermore, the use of processed foods and additives has increased, and our diet has changed dramatically.

The introduction of bread and milk into school lunches may be one of the reasons for the increase in allergic symptoms. Bread contains gluten, and milk contains casein. These proteins can damage the intestinal mucosa and cause leaky gut

Environmental pollution, air pollution, and the use of pesticides are also likely to affect the increase in allergic symptoms. These factors are intertwined in a complex way, increasing allergic symptoms and chronic inflammation in modern people.

Benefits of improving your diet

Food improvements not only help us lose weight, but also have a variety of positive effects on our minds and bodies.


Improve your physical health

Reduce allergic symptoms

Inhibition of chronic inflammation

Improvement of indigestion

Relieve constipation and diarrhea

Reduce fatigue

Improve skin irritation

Optimizing weight

Improve mental health

Mood stability

Improve your concentration

Improve your sleep quality

Reduce stress

Relieve depression symptoms


Performance improvements

Improved energy levels

Improve your athletic ability

Increase work efficiency

In order to realize these benefits, it is important to ensure that you have a proper diet.

Summary and future prospects

Food is an integral part of our health and well-being. By knowing foods that are harmful to you and improving your diet, your body will regain its original strength, your mind will be stable, and you will live a better life.

Gluten intolerance and leaky gut syndrome are nothing special. Many people have these issues and improving their diet allows them to experience dramatic changes.

The information introduced this time is just general knowledge and does not apply to everyone. Instead of restricting your diet at your own discretion, try to consult with a doctor or dietitian and try to provide a diet that suits you.

Start by observing what you eat and how you feel. And, by improving your diet, even if it's just a little bit, you'll definitely see a positive change.


[Djokovic's Reborn Diet] Novak Djokovic

[You won't get sick unless you eat these four] Medicine doctor, Sakiya Hiroyuki

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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