Increase your time to feel happy and make the most of your space

Fundamental transformation into a happy constitution #5
We all live in search of happiness. However, I think that few people are busy and stressed every day and are consciously creating time to truly feel happy. In this article, we will propose specific methods to increase the amount of time you can experience "happiness" and make the most of your space, and to fundamentally change your mindset into a happy constitution. By practicing these methods, you will be able to live a life where the Goddess of Fortune is always by your side.
Step 1: Time to consciously create happiness
"Happiness" does not come just by waiting. You need to actively create yourself. The first step to this is to lead you to a happy mood by listening to your favorite music and watching fun movies. But here's an important point. It's about carefully choosing the content of your music and film.
Make the most of the power of music and positive lyrics
Music has the power to directly interact with our emotions. Listening to music with negative lyrics can unwittingly amplify negative emotions and lead to self-indicating that "I am someone who always fails." This leads to the "self-fulfillment prophecy" that is what psychology calls, and leads oneself in the direction of actually failing.
Instead, listen to a lot of music with bright lyrics that make you feel extremely happy and love each other. If the lyrics are positive, they can have a positive impact on our subconscious and increase our positive feelings and happiness. For example, songs that sing about a bright future or songs that sing about gratitude to someone you love can warm your heart and immerse you in a happy mood.
When listening to music, it is also recommended to carefully ponder the meaning of the lyrics while looking at the lyrics card. Understanding the lyrics will allow you to empathize with the music more deeply, further enhancing your sense of happiness.
Immerse yourself in a story that ends with a happy ending of a movie
Films are also a media that has a huge impact on our emotions. A film with a negative story where you had a feeling that you were going to fail, but still failed, can make you feel depressed after watching it and reduce your sense of happiness.
On the other hand, watching a fun movie that always ends with a happy ending in the end has the effect of giving us hope and enhancing our sense of happiness. By seeing the protagonist overcome difficulties and ultimately become happy, we can also feel positive that we can do it and "I'm sure we'll do it."
When watching a movie, it is also important to empathize with the main character and feel as if he is in the story. By empathizing with you, you can feel even stronger the emotion and happiness you can gain from the film.
More effective ways to use music and film
- Create a playlist - Create a playlist that brings together music with positive lyrics and movies with happy endings so that you can listen to it anytime.
- Watch regularly. Get into the habit of watching regularly, such as listening to music at a certain time every day and watching movies on weekends.
- Share : Listening to music and watching movies with friends and family will help you share fun and enhance your sense of happiness.
Step 2: Get the help of a space where you can feel "happiness"
Not only can you create happiness through music and films, but it is also essential to spend time in a space where you can actually feel happiness.
It can be anywhere you'll feel great, whether you're a cafe or museum, a hotel lounge, a cinema or an interior shop. It would be a good idea to take a walk around the city you'd like to live in in the future. These places become special spaces to help you relax your body and mind, and increase your sense of happiness.
The psychological effects of space
Space has a major impact on our psychological state. For example, beautiful scenery, pleasant music, and sophisticated interiors can help soothe our hearts and enhance our sense of happiness. A quiet, calm space also has the effect of increasing concentration and stimulating creativity.
Finding a space where you can feel the best is a key step to becoming a happy constitution. Spend time in that space and experience happiness. You can live with a lot of happiness. No one needs to be shy.
Make a concrete image of your ideal future self
When spending time in a space where you can feel the best, try to imagine what you want to be in the future and what you want to be in a concrete way. What kind of clothes do you want to be in the future, what kind of house do you live in, and what kind of life do you want to live in? What kind of people are there near you and what kind of relationships do you have?
At this time, imagine your ideal ideal. There is no limit to saying, "This might not be possible." Feel free to and boldly portray your ideal future.
Accelerate your self-transformation with the "becoming" effect
When it's time to get home, pretend to be the person you want to be in the future and go home. No one needs to be shy. By acting out our ideal self, we can change our self-image and actually get closer to our ideal self.
When you get home, gradually incorporate the clothes and lifestyle you want to be in your future into your current life. If you've reviewed your closet, removed anything you don't need, dressed in a similar image to the person you want to be, or imagined a lifestyle where there are always flowers in your home, start decorating your home with flowers now. If you imagine a clean house, make your current home clean.
These actions send a message to our subconscious that "I am approaching my ideal self," and have the effect of accelerating self-transformation.
Continuation is power and the path to becoming your ideal self
When you have the time, go to another place where you can feel the best and indulge in your imagination. Repeat this as much as you like. If the person you want to become in the future has the qualifications and language skills, start studying now.
Always act with excitement. Exciting feelings make us feel positive and increase our drive. By doing so, you will be much closer to your ideal self.
Transforming into a happy constitution and enriching life
The methods proposed in this article do not only provide a temporary sense of happiness, but also have the effect of transforming you from the root to a happy constitution and enriching your life. When you have a happy constitution, you can stay positive and overcome difficulties. It also has a positive impact on those around you, and helps you build better relationships.
Summary: Happiness is something you create yourself
"Happiness" doesn't just come to you by waiting. It is necessary to actively create and strive to transform yourself into a happy constitution.
Watch positive music and movies with happy endings, spend time in a space where you can feel the best, and imagine your ideal self in a concrete way.
By practicing these methods, you will be able to transform yourself into a happy constitution and live a life where the goddess of good fortune is always by your side.
Now, starting today, let's go on a journey to create happiness too.