Power spot

Gods of Ise Province ⑥Izo-gu Shrine


The Deep Cave Forest

Izawa Miya, also known as the inner shrine of Ise Shrine, is an old shrine enshrined in Isobe-cho, Shima City, Mie Prefecture, hidden in a profoundly guardian forest. Its history dates back to 2,000 years ago, and has played a role as the Haruka Palace of Amaterasu Omikami and as a separate palace of the Imperial Great Shrine. Locals continue to love it under various familiar names, such as "Izou-san," "Isobe no Miya," and "Isobe no Ojingu-san."

It takes about 30 minutes to drive from Ise City to Toba. On the way to the destination, Izagu Shrine, it coincided with the day when the Emperor came to Ise to celebrate his enthronement and to give him a personal audience after the Daijosai. Early in the morning, I had the precious experience of accidentally passing by the majestic carriage that the Emperor rides near the Ise Shrine.

We drive along the Ise-Shima Skyline to enjoy the scenic views of Ise, Shima and Toba. Below you can see a beautiful view of Ise Bay that continues to the end. The contrast between the blue sea and the sky, and the greenery of the scattered islands, is truly a spectacular view.

In fact, it is said that Emperor Jito was the first attempt to tour Ise-Shima in history. This is also written in the poem of Emperor Jito.

"Shimazu of Shirasuiro from the sea in Ise will continue to pick up the abalone balls and love will continue to flourish."

The meaning of this song is "I miss the Shimazu azatsu sardines of the sea of ​​Ise Sea after picking them up and getting them." "Abald Tama" is a pearl that is taken from "Abald". It is thought to be a poem that parables this pearl to a woman and describes how the feeling of missing her remains unchanged even after love is brought to life. Although the present Ise Shrine did not exist during the time of Emperor Jito, it can be seen that this place was already recognized as a special place.

Visiting Ise Shrine became popular in the 15th and 6th centuries, and became a nationwide trend during the Edo period. When visiting Ise Shrine, sightseeing in Ise and Shima became one of the people's joys.

As the shrine of Shima Province, Izonomiya has been the center of faith in this region. Like the Takihara Shrine that we have already introduced, it is the Haruka Shrine of Amaterasu Omikami and is positioned as a separate shrine of the Imperial Great Shrine.

The "Rice Planting Ceremony" held every June 24th at Izonomiya is known as one of Japan's three Daita Planting Festivals and is designated as an important intangible folk cultural property in the country. This rice planting ceremony is a ritual to pray for a good harvest, and the way people dressed in ancient and elegant costumes planting rice in the rice fields is truly spectacular.

The founding of Izonomiya dates back to the 11th Emperor Suinin, about 2,000 years ago. When Yamatohime Mikoto entered Shima Province to establish a sacrifice, he was greeted by Izawa Tomi Mikoto, and is said to have founded a shrine there. Isami Tomimi was a powerful clan in the area, and is said to have welcomed Yamatohime no Mimimi and worked hard to establish Izomiya.


Izonomiya is a special place called Imibiyaden. The word "memorial fire" means "clean fire" and fire is set up using fire training equipment and offerings are prepared. He sets a fire in this place and cooks the divine condolences to offer a pure meal to the gods.

History of the sacred treasure stolen

Izonomiya has faced several difficulties over its long history. During the Jisho and Juei Wars (Genpei War) at the end of the Heian period, the Genpei War was expected to invade the Ise Province, which was the ground for the Ise-Heira clan, and the Heike clan guarded the Ise-Shima Provinces. In January 1181, Izamiya was hit by the attacks of Kumano Sanzan in Kii, who had become Genji's ally, and the main shrine was destroyed and the divine treasure was stolen. The forces of the Kumano Sanzan crossed the mountains and attacked the Ise Province, but they retreated after a counterattack. This incident is still talked about today as a major taint in the history of Izogu Shrine.

Izonomiya is located in a quiet residential area. As you pass through the torii gate, the silence engulfs the area as if the hustle and bustle had been there up until then. A sacred atmosphere wafts out, and I feel like my heart is being washed away.


The approach is surrounded by cedar groves, and it's still dark even in the afternoon. As I walk along the approach, I feel the illusion that I have lost in another world. On your right you can see a camphor called a drawstring camphor. It is called a drawstring camphor because the bottom of the tree is bulging out, making it look like a drawstring bag. This unique shape has been nurtured over many years and is one of the symbols of Izo Shrine. It must have been such a large amount of energy pouring down on this precinct. It is said that this is also a powerful zero magnetic field.

[Drawstring camphor]

You can also feel the high energy from the cedar trees. Overwhelmed by the vitality of the trees, I once again realized the greatness of nature.

Destiny starts here

There are no worshippers in the temple grounds, and it is deeply quiet. There is a quiet space that seems to have stopped.

As you walk, your footsteps resonate with the field and become united with the space. This made me feel like I'm united not only with space but with God. Then he said, "You've come well. Keep your heart here. Accept me. ' I felt the words fall from above me. The meaning seems to mean that "accepting God will make your wish come true."

When you visit the shrine, please listen and be careful to the footsteps. When the sound that spreads into space returns to you and penetrates deep into your heart, you can feel God also enters you. And what the god of this land tells us is, "Luck begins here." This is where fate begins. A new success story will be created. 'That's what it means. If you want to start something or create a new success story, please come and visit us here.

Shikien Sengu is also held once every 20 years at Izonomiya. The Shikien Sengu was held in autumn 2014. Shikien Sengu is a ritual where a new shrine is rebuilt and a god is relocated, and is held at many shrines, including Ise Shrine.

Ruins of Yamatohime Michimei - The villagers say it

A little distance from Izo-miya Shrine is the historical site of Yamatohime no Mikoto. The Kagami Kusunoki and Tenjo-stones are enshrined. Yamatohime Mikoto is a princess who is said to have traveled around the country in search of a place to worship Amaterasu Omikami, and is known as a person who was deeply involved in the creation of Ise Shrine.

Ceiling stone

At the end of the Taisho period, when a large camphor tree near Izonomiya was cut down, a sarcophagus was excavated from the ground, and sacred artefacts such as mirrors and magatamas appeared from underneath, causing a fuss about whether it was a ruin of Yamatohime. However, the appraisals for this area were blocked. The villagers have set up Senda-ji Temple, which is the ruins of Yamatohime Michi, comforting the memorial photographs, planting camphorse camphor and making it a sacred place for Kusunoki Shrine. Next to you are Koshindo and Akihado. It is the site of the former Senda-ji Temple.

Koshin-do and Akihado are worshiped by Izanagi God, Izanagi God and Izanami Tomimi. This place is an indispensable place for talking about the history of Izo Palace, and many people visit it to worship. There is also a document that says that Izagu Shrine is the true shrine of the sun god, worshiping Amaterasu Omikami, and the hidden truth lies here.

When you visit Izomiya, you should definitely visit this ruins of Yamatohimemitsu. Your intuition may reveal hidden truths.

Izonomiya is a special place that gives visitors a sense of tranquility and peace, and gives them the courage to take a new step. Embraced by a deep forest of guardianship, Izomiya has been etched in a long history, and is truly a place worthy of being called a power spot.

Izomiya is a shrine with a different taste than Ise Shrine Inner Shrine and Outer Shrine. Please come and enjoy a quiet time. Then try receiving a message from the god of Izo Shrine. I'm sure a new light will shine into your life.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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