
Indian god of destruction, Kali, meaning of love that lies in fear


The origins and symbols of Goddess Kali

The meaning of Carly's name: "Time" and "Black"

 The name Kali means "time" or "black" in Hindi. These elements in her name have deep symbolism in Hinduism. "Time" represents a cycle of creation and destruction, life and death, and symbolizes a universal power that continues to move heartlessly over everything. On the other hand, "black" not only represents unknown and fear, but also represents a profound existence with the potential for purification and regeneration. Her whole body is depicted with blue-dark skin, and represents a cosmic scale that absorbs and envelops everything.

Birth as an incarnation from Goddess Durga

 The origins of Goddess Kali are particularly deeply connected to the story of Goddess Durga. According to myths, when Goddess Durga fought the army of Asura (devils), her anger reached its peak, and from her forehead Goddess Kali appeared. Carly overwhelms his enemies with his overwhelming power, and the scene where he defeats an enemy called Lactavija in particular plays an important role in mythology. Because Lactavija has the ability to produce clones from his own blood, Carly absorbs all of his blood and defeats him completely. This anecdote shows that Kali is not merely a god of destruction, but also symbolizes the power of purification to remove evil.

The role of God who controls destruction and rebirth

 Kali doesn't just have a god of destruction aspect. The destruction can also be said to be a preparation for new regeneration. As the entity that controls both creation and destruction, she symbolizes the circulation of the universe. From this perspective, we can understand that Kali's destruction is an act that erases evil and negative things and creates a better future. In Hinduism, this role of Kali is accepted as an essential part of maintaining order and harmony, rather than an accidental breakdown.

Special position within Hinduism

 Kali holds a very special place in Hinduism. While she is feared as a god of destruction, she is also widely respected in that it is a path to new creation. In addition, since he is the wife of Lord Shiva, he is worshiped as a married couple. Furthermore, she is still popular with many believers today because she is believed to be an entity that frees people from misfortune and bad influences, and brings financial luck and success. Faith in Kali continues to spread beyond mere fear and awe, but as a symbol of mercy and hope.

Carly's terrifying appearance and her cultural background

The symbol of a blood-stained tongue and necklace

 The iconic figure of the god of destruction Kali includes a necklace that connects his blood-stained tongue with a skull and a severed neck. These not only show fear or dignity, they have deep, mysterious meanings. The blood-stained tongue is considered a symbol of swallowing and purifying evil and injustice. On the other hand, the necklace shows Kali's nature as an entity governing death, and is also a symbol of the end of reincarnation and rebirth. In this way, her image continues to be worshiped as expressing the power of destruction and rebirth, end and new beginnings, encouraging people to realize the essence of life and death.

Dignity and power as a goddess of war

 Kali is also known as the goddess of war, and emphasizes her aspect of being a god of destruction who defeats evil. In particular, he demonstrated his dignity and power in Asura's battle with Lactavija. Lactavija was an enemy with the ability to produce countless clones whenever his blood fell to the ground, but Carly sucked out the blood to avoid wasting a drop of it, defeating him completely. This episode symbolizes her overwhelming power and fortitude as she stands up and wins evil. Their appearance embodies the dignity of a warrior and gives powerful inspiration to believers.

Kali's image reflected in Indian art and statues

 Kali's overwhelming presence is also reflected in Indian art and statues. Her iconic features are faithfully expressed down to the smallest detail, including her bluish black body, three eyes and a long tongue with sharp teeth exposed. In brass and stone statues and paintings, many mythological scenes appear, such as Kali in battle and scenes where he accidentally tramples on Lord Shiva. These artworks visually convey that Kali is not merely a symbol of fear, but an absolute power of destruction and rebirth.

India's view of religion as a background to the intersecting fear and faith

 In Indian religious views, fear and faith are often closely linked. The terrifying appearance of the god of destruction Kali also looks terrifying at first glance, but beneath it is a deep meaning of compassion. While Carly is a terrifying destroyer, she is also seen as a mother who brings people good fortune and saves them from hardships. This pious faith, in which fear and trust is co-located, is rooted in Indian spiritual culture, and gives people the spiritual pillars to overcome the difficulties in life. Through prayer to her, believers can be freed from fear and receive the power of rebirth and hope.

Kari transforms from God of Destruction to Mother God

The Tale of Kali and Lord Shiva

 In Hindu mythology, Goddess Kali and Lord Shiva are important beings with deep connections. Kali has a terrifying side to destruction, but she is depicted as a loving figure who calms her impulses through her story with Lord Shiva. A particularly famous anecdote is an episode in which Lord Shiva lays at Kali's feet when Kali almost destroys the earth with too much momentum in the battle. This action helped Carly to suppress the shock and stop her own rampage. This episode shows that Carly is a being who controls her own power and values ​​harmony as well as destruction.

The aspect of a mother god who treats devotees with loving attention

 Kali has a strong image of being a terrifying god of destruction, but she has a very loving face of Mother God towards devotees. Because of her deep affection, Carly is often referred to as "Karly Ma (black mother)." For those who believe, Kali is a figure that breaks down difficulties and predicaments and points to new hope. One of the reasons why we are so deeply grateful for our faith in Kali is that we respond to the wishes and prayers of devotees and play our role as a guardian. People who wish for good fortune and good fortune are also expected to have this miraculous power.

Indian God
The importance of Kali in Durga worship

 Kali also holds an extremely important position in Durga worship because she is a character that is one aspect of Goddess Durga. Kali is an entity created by anger when Durga fought against the army of Asura (devils), and is recognized as Durga's "incarnation of battle" due to his overwhelming power and strength of will. In Durga worship, stories of battles and destruction in which Kali appears, are told, and prayers are given to the power to overcome people's difficulties. Given this background of mythology, Carly is considered not only to be fearful for believers, but also to be a symbol of strength that protects themselves and those around them.

The power of faith to turn fear into love

 What is particularly noteworthy about Carly is the power to transform fear itself into love. Kali's destructive nature, although at first glance, can seem terrifying, but by viewing it as "the power to remove evil things," it gives us a spiritual peace of mind that is free from fear. Even in today's world where fear and anxiety are present, people who believe in Kali are using their power to open up their own destiny. The reason for this belief has also been influenced by the fact that Carly is believed to bring about "shapeful results" such as financial luck and good fortune. By offering prayers to Carly, people find hope and seek the strength to protect themselves even in despair.

Carly's faith and its significance in modern times

The psychological impact of Carly's faith on modern people

 In modern times, the god of destruction, Kali is now recognized not as a mere fearsome being, but as a symbol of psychological stability. As Kali is the god who controls both "destroy and rebirth," he gives people who are facing great changes and difficulties the courage to let go of the old and embrace the new. The energy of destruction symbolizes this image as a symbol of the power that eliminates unnecessary feelings of anxiety and leads oneself to a new stage, providing spiritual support.

Curly is a symbol of good fortune and financial luck

 While Kali is a symbol of destruction, she is also known as the god of good fortune and good fortune. The belief that it brings prosperity and happiness beyond the challenges has spread, and more and more people worship Kali, especially when praying for success in business and increased financial luck. Kali's sharp tongue and weapons symbolize the power to cut through obstacles and eliminate unnecessary things, which are associated with energy that opens up new paths in life and business.

Rethinking and Understanding from a Religious Perspective

 Kali has long been portrayed as a terrifying god of destruction in traditional Hinduism, but in modern religious perspectives, the love and mercy hidden behind this horror has been re-evaluated. Kali is considered to be a being who shatters evil and injustice and maintains cosmic harmony. From this perspective, Carly's role can be seen not only as a destruction, but as a symbol of creation that brings good fortune and prosperity.

The role of curly in yoga and mental training

 Kali is also considered important in the fields of yoga and mental residency. In the process of meditation and self-exploration, people often face anxiety and past trauma, but Kali is said to help them cleanse these negative energies and reach their inner truth. Through this destructive aspect, it attracts deep faith from yoga practitioners and spiritual seekers as beings that bring about mental cleansing and spiritual evolution.

A new image of curly in the age of globalization

 In today's world, as globalisation progresses, Kali's faith is spreading not only within India but around the world. In the West, Carly is sometimes featured as a symbol of women's strength and empowerment, creating a new image as a goddess who helps individuals grow and express themselves. Kali worship also spreads among yoga and meditation enthusiasts as a spiritual being that transcends religion and culture. Thus, the God of Destruction Kali influences many people around the world, changing its role as time goes by.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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