
Katakamuna of Practice - Experience ancient wisdom

Ancient tomb

Using ancient wisdom to the present day

Katakamuna teachings are not just learned as knowledge, but can be experienced by actually incorporating them into everyday life and practicing them. Below we will explain in detail the specific practice methods and the impressions that you may gain through it.

1. Practical dialogue with Katakamuna characters

Copying text

Careful copying of katakamuna characters is not only a deep understanding of the shape of the letters, but also a step towards experiencing the energy they possess.

  1. Practical method: In a quiet place, increase concentration and carefully copy katakamuna characters one by one. Keep an eye on the shape of each letter, and pay attention to the movement of the brush and the strength of the lines.
  2. As you copy your expected impressions and text, you may feel your mind calm and focus more. Additionally, the shape of the letters may allow you to feel the energy of the universe and the breath of life. The letters that initially appeared merely symbols will gradually begin to have meaning and become understood through their inner senses.
Letter meditation

Incorporating katakamuna liters into meditation can lead to deeper connections with consciousness and developing potential.

  1. Practical method: Close your eyes and imagine your chosen katakamuna font in your mind in a quiet place. Focus your attention on the shape and color of the letters, and the energy you feel from the letters. Keep your breathing slowly and keep your image.
  2. As you imagine your expected impressions and letters, your mind may become quiet and you may enter a deep, relaxed state. Additionally, you may find it easier to inspire and intuition through the text. After meditation, your mind may feel calm and inner peace.
Reading letters aloud

Reading sounds that correspond to katakamuna letters out loud can activate the energy of words and encourage a change of consciousness.

  1. Practical methods: Read the katakamuna songs, prayers, or sounds of specific letters aloud. The program is conscious of making the pronunciation accurate, and chants while feeling the sound and vibration of the words.
  2. Expected impressions: As you continue reading aloud, you may feel vibrations that resonate in your body and mind. You may feel the sound of your words resonate with the sound of your words, and feel like your body and mind are purified or your energy is filled. It will also be possible to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of words, and will likely have the effect of affecting the subconscious.

2. Practical dialogue with Katakamuna literature

Reading the literature

By interpreting Katakamuna literature, you will be able to get a sense of ancient wisdom and deepen your understanding of the truths of the universe and the roots of life.

  1. Practical methods: We will carefully interpret the contents of the literature using modern Japanese translations and explanatory books of Katakamuna literature. While striving to understand the content, you also focus on your inner senses.
  2. As you understand the expected impressions and literature, you may be moved by the grand structure of the universe and the mystery of life. It may also be an opportunity to reexamine the meaning of one's existence and the meaning of life. As you gain a deeper understanding of the content of the literature, you can expect not only to know, but also to deepen your intuitive understanding and insight.
Reading the literature aloud

Reading Katakamuna literature aloud will activate the energy contained in the literature and help you understand the content more deeply.

  1. Practical Methods: Read some or all of the Katakamuna literature aloud. Read slowly and carefully, while being conscious of the sound and rhythm of the words.
  2. Expected impressions: As you continue reading aloud, the content of the literature may resonate in your heart and you may feel the energy that the words have. Furthermore, knowledge written in the literature will not be merely information, but will be linked to your own inner experience, leading to a deeper understanding. Through reading aloud, you may feel that the ancient wisdom contained in literature speaks directly to us today.
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3. Practice and practice of Katakamuna thought

Harmony with nature

By striving to live a life that is conscious of connection with nature based on Katakamuna's ideas, you can balance your mind and body and live a more fulfilling life.

  1. Practical methods: Make more time spent in nature and be grateful for the bounty of nature. You can also take a walk, garden, or meditate in nature.
  2. Expected impressions: As you spend time in nature, your mind may be healed and stress may be reduced. Additionally, by experiencing the beauty and strength of nature, you may be able to experience the preciousness of life and harmony of the universe. By being conscious of connection with nature, you will be able to more objectively grasp anxiety and worries in everyday life.
Practice of gratitude

In Katakamuna teachings, it is important to have gratitude. Expressing gratitude in your daily life will help you live a rich life.

  1. Practical methods: In your daily life, we strive to be grateful for even the smallest things. It's also a good idea to say thank you or write your gratitude in your diary.
  2. By putting your expected feelings of gratitude into practice, you may be able to satisfy your heart and increase your sense of happiness. It can also be expected to deepen your gratitude for the people around you and the environment, and to help smooth relationships with others. By being aware of gratitude, your daily life will become more positive and rich.
Conscious breathing

Katakamuna teachings place importance on conscious breathing. By being conscious of your breathing, you can balance your mind and body and activate your energy.

  1. Practical methods: Focus your attention on your breathing during meditation and daily life. Take slow, deep breaths and consciously adjust the pace of your breathing.
  2. By consciously taking the expected impressions and breathing, you may be able to calm your mind and have a relaxing effect. In addition, deepening your breathing will activate the energy in your body and balance your mind and body. Through breathing, you will also be able to focus your awareness on your inner senses and deepen your self-understanding.

4. Practice: Utilizing the Otodama of Katakamuna

Reciting Katakamuna songs and prayers

Reciting Katakamuna songs and prayers can be expected to have an effect of reviving energy and healing the mind and body through the sound of the words.

  1. Practical method: Sing together while listening to the sound of Katakamuna songs and prayers. The words are conscious of the sound and rhythm and recite them with all their heart.
  2. As you chant the expected impressions, songs, and prayers, you may feel a pleasant sound in your body and mind, and you may experience a relaxing effect. Additionally, the energy of words can activate the energy in the body, improving physical and mental ailments. The power of sound spirits can also be expected to work on the subconscious and encourage inner healing.
Repeated reciting certain words

Repeated reciting a specific Katakamuna word can be expected to have the effect of resonating the energy of the word, helping to change consciousness and realize your wishes.

  1. Practical methods and words that are written in katakamuna with wishes or words that have a specific effect are selected and recited repeatedly. When chanting a word, chant it while imagining the meaning and energy of the word.
  2. By repeatedly chanting a certain word that is expected, the energy that the word has may penetrate into your body, causing a change in consciousness. It can also be expected to provide the power to help you realize your wishes and to balance your mind and body. By using the energy of words, you will be able to create your life more proactively.

Feelings that may be gained through practice

By practicing Katakamuna, you may receive the following impressions:

Expanding consciousness

Through Katakamuna practice, you may be able to experience a vast and deeper state of consciousness that goes beyond everyday consciousness.

You may be able to understand the meaning of your own existence and its connection with the universe more deeply.


Improve your intuition

Through the practice of Katakamuna, you may find it easier to intuition and inspiration.

It could also increase your problem-solving ability and creativity.

Heart and body harmony

Through the practice of Katakamuna, your mind and body may be balanced and stress may be reduced.

It may also help improve physical discomfort and provide mental stability.


Improve your self-esteem

Through Katakamuna practice, you may become aware of your inner potential and increase your self-esteem.

You will be able to appreciate your own value and act more confidently.

A sense of fulfillment in life

Through the practice of Katakamuna, you may be able to feel grateful for your daily life and increase your sense of fulfillment in life.

By cherishing harmony with the people and the environment around you, you will be able to build richer relationships.

Things to be careful about: Don't rush and enjoy it

Katakamuna practices do not have any magical effects. The important thing is to practice it at your own pace without rushing, having fun.

Through daily practice, aim to gradually change and promote self-growth. It is also important to deepen your self-understanding by recording what you feel and realize through the practice of Katakamuna.

Katakamuna is a valuable tool that combines ancient wisdom with modern spirituality. Through practice, let's experience the depths of this and create a richer life.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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