
The miracle brought about by Kundalini's awakening

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What is Kundalini? Its essence and origin

Sanskrit meaning and symbolism

 The word kundalini means "wrapped" in Sanskrit, and snakes are often used as symbols. This is said to represent the appearance of the latent energy that lies at the root of the human body wrapped around it like a snake. In traditional Indian yoga philosophy, kundalini is important as the driving force behind spiritual awakening, and it is said that human consciousness evolves beyond dimensions when this energy awakens.

The relationship between kundalini energy and chakras

 Kundalini is deeply involved with the chakra, the body's energy center. It is said that when the kundalini wakes up, energy will pass through the spinal cord and activate each chakra, eventually reaching the Sahaslara chakra on the top of the head. This process is said to bring out the potential of the person and lead to mental and physical changes. Each chakra governs different aspects of energy, and it is thought that when the kundalini awakens, these will be integrated and as a whole, it will lead to a harmonious state.

The origins of kundalini in ancient Indian philosophy

 The concept of kundalini has its origins in ancient Indian philosophy and is primarily an important place in the teachings of esoteric Buddhism and Tantric. In this philosophical system, kundalini is also considered to be a symbol of the creative energy that the universe possesses. Furthermore, the idea that this cosmic energy resides within each individual human being is the basis of spiritual training. This teaching has been passed down by its predecessors for thousands of years, and in modern times it has influenced many yoga and meditation practitioners.

The connection between the Kundalini and the Flower of Life

 The Flower of Life is a figure that symbolizes the geometric structure of the universe and life, and is closely related to the Kundalini. This figure depicts the circulation and harmony of the energy of life, and is said to have many aspects that overlap with the image of the kundalini flowing through the chakra. In addition, Doranvallo's books, he also talks about the role that the Flower of Life plays in the spiritual evolution and awakening processes of humanity. Together, these provide insight into living in harmony with the universal energy of the universe.

Changes brought about by Kundalini's awakening

Experience of mental awakening and higher consciousness

 The awakening of Kundalini brings immeasurable changes to our spiritual dimensions. When Kundalini energy is activated, we can be led to a state of higher consciousness that we cannot normally reach. In this state, you can deeply feel your connection with the self and the universe as a whole, and gain spiritual insights that transcend material dimensions. The spiritual book Flower of Life mentions how Kundalini's energy strengthens its connection to cosmic truths, which is positioned as the core of encouraging spiritual change.

Physical changes and energy activation

 As the energy of the kundalini rises, there are also significant changes in our bodies. This energy activates the chakras that pass through the spine and increases the vitality itself. As a result, experiences of improving health, improving metabolism, or gaining new sensations have been reported. In particular, by incorporating yoga and meditation, the kundalini energy flows steadily on a physical level. Through physical changes, you will also be able to enjoy benefits such as reducing fatigue and achieving internal balance.

Strengthen emotions and intuition

 When kundalini is activated, it deepens emotions and improves intuition. This change means that we will become more sensitive to things and we will have more keen insights in our daily lives. The key in this process is to accept the waves of emotions associated with internal change and to keep yourself clear. Furthermore, from the perspective of kundalini energy from the perspective of "Flowers of Life," these reinforced emotions and intuition play a role in deepening our energetic connections with the whole of humanity.

The impact on the planet and the whole of humanity

 Kundalini's awakening has a profound effect on the planet and the human race as a whole, not just personal change. This energy has the potential to raise awareness among people around the world and bring harmony and peace. By awakening each individual's kundalini, it raises collective awareness and encourages movement towards coexistence with the global environment and social systems. As also shown in Flower of Life, Kundalini's energy can be the key to achieving harmony between the Earth and the universe as a whole.

The process required to wake up a Kundalini

Meditation and breathing techniques to boost energy

 Meditation and breathing techniques are extremely important to promote the awakening of the kundalini. Meditation helps to calm your mind and connect deeply with your inner self, allowing you to regulate the flow of energy. Pranayama (breathing technique), in particular, helps to activate the chakra system and smoothen the circulation of kundalini energy. By taking regular, deep breaths, you will be able to regain balance between your mind and body, and prepare your Kundalini for awakening.

Adjusting chakras through yoga practice

 Yoga is essential in the process of kundalini awakening. In particular, asanas (poses) and mudras (hand shapes) that act directly on the chakras regulate the flow of energy and release any stagnant energy within the body. Among the yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga are specialized in adjusting chakras, purifying the energy center and providing powerful support on the path to awakening. Additionally, by making your body flexible through yoga practice, you can proceed smoothly through the chakras without obstructing the flow of energy.

Conscious behavior and mindfulness in everyday life

 Awakening of Kundalini requires not only special practices but also conscious efforts across daily life in general. By practicing mindfulness from everyday life and living every moment carefully, you can understand and enhance your inner energy. For example, behaviours such as consciously eating food, focusing on working, and being considerate in relationships can help awaken Kundalini. These actions will help you deepen your awareness in your daily life and create an opportunity to listen to your inner voice.

The importance of teaching a guru (teacher)

 In order to safely and effectively awaken the mysterious energy of kundalini, it is important to have the guidance of a reliable guru (teacher). Gurus teach the right method for the person, not just as a leader. In particular, if you are new to the spiritual path, the advice of an experienced teacher is essential to avoid the dangers that arise from anxiety and excessive energy activation. Based on ancient Indian philosophy, they share ways to understand and enhance the Kundalini awakening at a deeper level.

Risks and points to note when awakening Kundalini

Instability due to sudden energy changes

 Kundalini Awakening is known for its great energy changes. This energy change can affect a person's physical and mental stability. In particular, sudden energy activation can lead to increased emotional ups and downs in concentration. Care must be taken as awakening of a kundalini in a state not properly prepared can lead to anxiety and confusion.

Possible physical and mental side effects

 The side effects of awakening of kundalini can sometimes be a burden on the body and mind. Physical symptoms such as headaches, abnormal temperature changes, and sleep disorders can occur, which can be long-term. It can also be accompanied by excessive mental excitement and, conversely, depression. These phenomena tend to occur when the kundalini energy is not properly aligned with the chakra, so it is important to practice it with appropriate techniques and knowledge.

Need for appropriate guidelines and support

 Kundalini Awakening has a difficult aspect to manage everything on your own. Therefore, appropriate guidance from experienced mentors and experts is essential. It is recommended that you follow well-established guidelines to ensure that you are doing it safely and effectively when practicing meditation and yoga. It also helps to understand the cycle of energy through learning linked to spiritual knowledge, including Flower of Life.

The dangers of awakening due to lack of preparation

 Forceful awakening a Kundalini can be a serious risk. Unprepared or incorrect attempts to wake up can block the flow of energy, causing discomfort and physical troubles. It can also cause mental confusion, which cannot be denied. Understanding your own condition and taking an appropriate approach is the first step to safe awakening.

Kundalini's Awakening brings to the Future

Evolution and global harmony of consciousness throughout humanity

 Kundalini's awakening is thought to affect the evolution of consciousness across humankind, beyond internal changes in individuals. This energy activation will help more people gain intuition and empathy, and will feel more strongly connected to others. It is an important step towards global harmony and the formation of a peaceful society. Furthermore, the symbolism of the Kundalini, seen from the Flower of Life, shows the harmony and unity of life, and it is expected that this could spread to all humanity as a whole.

Transition to a new spiritual era

 The awakening of kundalini energy is also said to bring about a spiritual turning point. This transformation of consciousness increases the possibility of moving from materialistic values ​​to a new era of emphasis on spiritual and internal fulfillment. These changes are consistent with the universal truth and harmony messages contained within the Flower of Life, and will be the key to human beings being connected to the cosmic order.

Possibility of coexistence with the Earth and natural regression

 The evolution of consciousness encouraged by the awakening of Kundalini is deeply linked to themes such as harmony with the global environment and nature. This energy breaks away from self-centered thinking and increases the sensitivity to recognize the whole Earth as a single life form. This will accelerate innovative efforts aimed at sustainable lifestyles and natural return. As the structure of "Flower of Life" shows, it provides an opportunity to reaffirm that all living beings are part of an interrelated network.

The effects of individual happiness on society as a whole

 The activation of energy through the awakening of the Kundalini dramatically increases individual happiness. It is believed that this internal sense of happiness spreads across society, creating better communities and social connections. By providing rich spirituality and peace, our relationships with others will also improve, and as a result, society as a whole will move towards a higher level of harmony. Through the effects of kundalini from the perspective of "Flowers of Life", we can see the possibility that these positive changes will occur.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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