Natural Science

Words and quantum mechanics - consciousness and words create the future environment

Quantum Mechanics

The power of words creates the world

We say and receive countless words every day. It may be common to think of these words as merely tools of communication, to communicate information and communicate. But what if words have more power than their superficial meaning, deeper and immeasurable?

The concept of "kotodama" that has been passed down since ancient times shows the idea that words contain a soul, which affects the real world. This concept is not just a superstition or spiritual realm, but also finding clues to understand its mechanisms from the perspective of modern science, particularly quantum mechanics.

We will explore the concept of word-demons in depth and combine them with the knowledge of quantum mechanics, and consider how our consciousness and words create reality and shape the future. Let's also talk about specific ways to shed light on the immeasurable power of words and maximize their potential.

The concept of words - the energy residing in words

Words are spiritual powers that are said to reside in words. Words are thought to be not merely a series of symbols or sounds, but rather beings that contain energy. It is said that this energy can be transformed into positive or negative depending on the content of the words that are uttered, and affects the surrounding environment and people.

For example, positive words such as "love," "thank you," and "joy" emit bright and warm energy, making those around you happy and energizing. On the other hand, negative words such as "hatred," "anger," and "sadness" can emit dark, heavy energy, and can make people around you uncomfortable or exhaust them.


This concept of word spirit has been seen not only in Japan but also in cultures and religions around the world. In each culture, sacred words, spells, and prayers have been used in rituals and everyday life, with emphasis on the power of words. These examples also show that words were perceived as having special powers beyond mere means of communication.

Quantum Mechanics Perspective: Interaction between consciousness and reality

Quantum mechanics is an academic field that studies the tiny world's physics laws such as atoms and elementary particles. The findings reveal one after another surprising fact that overturn our common sense thinking. Of these, the phenomenon that is particularly noteworthy is known as the "observer effect."

The observer's effect is the act of an observer observing the state of particles or matter affecting the state. For example, in the world of quantum mechanics, elementary particles such as electrons exist in wave-like states (where the probability of existence is widespread) until they are observed, but when they are observed, they are determined to exist as particles in a specific location.


This phenomenon suggests that the act of observation is not merely an objective observation, but rather a part of reality. This means that our consciousness and intentions may have an impact on the real world.

Relationship between quantum mechanics and cells: The mechanisms in which words and consciousness influence cellular levels

Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells, each of which is made up of tiny particles with quantum properties. Applying this quantum mechanics perspective to the cellular level provides clues to understanding how our words and consciousness influence cellular activity and, as a result, our health and destiny.

Quantum properties of cells: duality of waves and particles

Quantum mechanics reveal that microscopic particles (e.g. electrons and atoms) are known to have both wave-like and particle-like properties. This duality of waves and particles also applies to molecules and atoms, which are components of a cell. In other words, cells can be thought of as not fixed material, but as energetic beings that constantly change and vibrate.

Consciousness and cellular energy - the effects of weak electromagnetic waves

Our consciousness and emotions are processed in our brains as electrical signals and transmitted throughout our body through our nervous system. This electrical signal also exists as a weak electromagnetic wave and can affect cell activity.

In particular, stress and negative emotions can cause lowering cellular energy levels, leading to lower immune function and inflammation. Conversely, positive emotions and thoughts can be expected to have the effect of increasing cellular energy levels and improving health.


Vibration of words and cells - interaction of sound waves and energy

Words exist as sound waves, which are vibrations of air. This sound wave is energy and can be transmitted to cells as vibrations. Cells have the property of resonating at certain frequencies, and positive words can increase the frequency of the cells and activate energy, while negative words can lower the frequency of the cells and suppress energy.

Observer effects at the cellular level - consciousness changes cellular activity

Considering the observer effects of quantum mechanics at the cellular level suggests that our consciousness can alter cellular activity. For example, if you strongly believe that it will cure a disease, your positive consciousness may have a positive effect on cellular activity and promote disease recovery. Conversely, if you are very worried or afraid, it may suppress cell activity and prevent recovery.

Relationship with epigenetics and effects on gene expression

Recent research has shown that our lifestyle habits and environment affect gene expression in the field of epigenetics. Gene expression is the process by which proteins are synthesized based on genetic information, and directly affects cell function. Words and consciousness are also said to cause epigenetic changes, which are thought to lead to changes in cell function.

ここまで、言霊の概念、量子力学の知見、そして細胞レベルでの影響について見てきました。 Based on this knowledge, how can we create a better future?


Choosing words - use positive words

Be conscious of choosing the words you use in your daily life, avoid negative words, and try to use positive words. Just changing the word "can't" to "can't do" and the word "can't do" to "try it" can dramatically change your consciousness and behavior.

Positive words will create positive energy, promote action and encourage goals, not only at our consciousness but also at the cellular level.

Words of gratitude - Express your gratitude

Appreciation "Thank you" not only helps smooth relationships, but also has the power to boost self-esteem and promote physical and mental health. By consciously expressing gratitude, you can amplify positive energy and have a positive impact on those around you.

It has been suggested that words of gratitude can also boost energy and strengthen immune function at the cellular level.


Affirmation - Make positive self-indicating

Affirmation is a method of expressing one's goals and desires in positive words and self-indicating. For example, repeating words like "I'm healthy," "I'll succeed," and "I'm happy," can help your subconscious mind and encourage you to achieve your goals.

Affirmations can cause positive changes not only in consciousness but also at the cellular level, which can affect gene expression.

Positive image - Imagine the future you want in a concrete way

Not only words, but the images we draw in our minds also have the power to influence reality. By imagining the future you want in a concrete way and feeling the emotions you have at the time, you can improve your ability to make that image a reality.

Positive images can have a positive effect on the cellular level, and can be a force that can work on the subconscious and encourage action.


Coping with anxiety and fears - focus on solutions

When you feel anxious or fear, instead of denying or ignoring it, try expressing it in words and finding ways to deal with it realistically. By clarifying the problem and focusing on solutions, you can minimize the negative effects of negative emotions on your cells.

Actions to solve problems will increase self-efficacy and create positive energy.

The future created by consciousness and words - the possibilities are endless

The future is not fixed, it is constantly changing and being created. As quantum mechanics shows, possibilities exist infinitely, and which future we choose within it depends on our own consciousness, words and actions.

By believing and consciously using the power of words, we can broaden our positive energy and create a better future. Words are not just tools of communication, they are powerful tools that have the power to create reality.

A step towards the future - From today, cherish your words

No matter what future you envision, the first step will start with your words. Starting today, consciously choose your words and spread your positive energy.

Words are energy and a tool to change the future. You should also trust that power and take action. And create the best future for you using your own words.

Summary: Expanding the future with the power of words

In this detailed version, we delve deep into the concept of word spirit, linking it with knowledge of quantum mechanics, and discussing the immeasurable power of words.

We have detailed explanations of the mechanisms in which words and consciousness influence at the cellular level, and proposed concrete approaches to harnessing this power to create a better future.

Words are mirrors that reflect our consciousness and are powerful tools that have the power to create reality. I believe that by believing in and consciously using the power of words, we can transform our own future and the future of the world into something better.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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