
The life of Rudolf Steiner, a philosopher who pursues spirituality and creativity


The life of Rudolf Steiner, a philosopher who pursues spirituality and creativity

Rudolf Steiner (February 27, 1861 – March 30, 1925) was born in a small village in the Austrian Empire (now Croatian territory), and spent his life working in innovative activities in a wide range of fields, including philosophy, mystical thought, education, art, agriculture, and medicine.

He built his own unique system of thought, anthroposophy, with the aim of connecting inner spirituality with the reality of society, rather than just a scholar or thinker.

This philosophy and practice challenged existing paradigms and influenced many disciplines, including education, medicine, arts and agriculture, and its heritage continues to live around the world today. In this article, we will explore from a deeper, multifaceted perspective on Steiner's life, the formation of his ideas, and the specific methodology he proposed.

Gentleman man

Childhood, the formation of thought, and encounter with Goethe

To trace the source of Steiner's ideas, we need to focus on his experiences from his childhood and adolescence. From a young age, he had a deep curiosity and a desire to explore the world around him.

  1. He was very interested in fields such as science, philosophy and art, and was fascinated by the mystique of nature and the inner world of man. In particular, he was greatly influenced by the ideas of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a German literary master and scientist.
  2. Goethe advocated not only objective observation of nature, but also the discovery of life force and spiritual aspects within nature. Steiner resonated deeply with Goethe's theory of natural science, particularly "color theory" and "plant metamorphosis theory," and marked a major turning point in shaping his worldview.
  3. By touching on Goethe's ideas, Steiner gained a perspective that aims to balance a "scientific and intuitive approach."
  4. He not only objectively observed nature, but also tried to understand the spiritual meaning behind it through intuition and sensitivity.
  5. Steiner's early work is backed by his reputation as a Goethe researcher. He compiled Goethe's scientific papers and sought to gain a deeper understanding of his ideas. The "scientific and intuitive approach" gained through this Goethe study became an important pillar in the later development of anthroposophy and formed the core of his own philosophy.

He sought to integrate the material and spiritual worlds by combining Goethe's scientific methodology with mystical intuition.

The birth and expansion of anthroposophy, and independence from theosophy

Steiner was most influential during the period from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, from the time he joined the Theosophical Society to the time he founded his own anthroposophy. At the time, theosophy was widely discussed as a move to incorporate Eastern religions and mysticism into the West. Steiner sympathized with the approach to spirituality that theosophy has, but also took a critical perspective on its interpretation.

He tried to critically reinterpret the philosophy of theosophical and evolve it into a more "rational and scientifically refined spiritualism."


Without falling into mere mysticism, Steiner placed emphasis on rational thinking and scientific methods, and sought to combine it with spiritual quest. This became the foundation of the ideological system known as "anthroposophy."

  1. Anthroposophy is a discipline that emphasizes the importance of human spiritual and internal growth, not just material beings. In this idea, it is important to find individual freedom, creative spirit, and harmony within and outside human existence.
  2. Anthroposophy is based on the view of life and death and cosmology, and pursued the connection between humanity and the universe. Steiner thought that the human soul was not merely within the individual, but rather a part of a cosmic being.
  3. This idea, accompanied by realistic practice, spread across fields such as education, medicine, agriculture, and the arts, and gained much support.
  4. Anthroposophy was developed not only as a theoretical system of philosophical material, but also as a movement aimed at human growth and social change through concrete practice.

Steiner Education is a comprehensive view of the impact on the field of education and child growth.

One area in which Steiner's philosophy has been crystallized is education. In 1919, during the chaos after World War I, he founded the first Steiner School (Waldorf School) in Stuttgart, Germany.

The school has set a goal of providing quality education to working-class children with the aim of cultivating human resources to be responsible for post-war reconstruction.


The education method here (commonly known as Steiner education or Waldorf education) has spread throughout the world and is gaining support from many educators and parents.

At the core of Steiner education is the "general development" of children. This aims to develop three elements of intelligence, emotions and will in a balanced way. Steiner views human growth from three aspects: the body, soul and spirit, and believes that each aspect of the human growth can affect each other.


In addition, based on the "7-year cycle of human growth" proposed by Steiner, a curriculum will be designed to suit the child's developmental stages. The ages 0 to 7 place emphasis on physical development through imitation and play, while the ages 7 to 14 focus on expressing emotions such as art and music, while the ages 14 to 21 develop thinking and self-determination.

Education tailored to this developmental stage aims to help children acquire the necessary skills at each stage and establish themselves.


This pedagogy focuses on art, handicraft and interacting with nature, rather than simply acquiring academic knowledge.

For example, examples include introducing a multi-week intensive learning style called "epoch classes," or deepening the dexterity and thinking of children through woodworking and knitting.


In epoch classes, by delving deeper into a single theme, children can gain a more multifaceted perspective and understand the organic connections of knowledge.

In addition, an approach is adopted that avoids uniform evaluations and respects the characteristics of each child.

Fukutomi Kazutaka
Fukutomi Kazutaka

Steiner education aims to maximize the individuality and talent of children, and places emphasis on cooperation and empathy rather than competition or evaluation. This educational model goes beyond mere learning in schools and is the foundation for students to grow into independent and creative adults.

"Biodynamic Farming Method" aims to promote agriculture and aim for a sustainable future

Steiner's ideas had a major impact on agriculture. In 1924 he gave a series of agricultural lectures, where he proposed "biodynamic farming."

This farming method is based on a unique perspective that captures the rhythms of soil, plants, plants, animals, animals, humans and celestial bodies as one. Steiner suggested that farms be treated as independent living organisms rather than simply crop production sites.


He thought the entire farm was in balance, with a variety of factors affecting each other.

  1. Biodynamic farming is characterized by sowing and harvesting the seeds in consideration of the movements of celestial bodies (particularly the effects of the phases and constellations of the moon), and using special fertilizers called "combination agents." This formulation is made by fermenting herbs and minerals, and is thought to encourage soil activation and plant growth.
  2. Farming methods aim to create sustainable agriculture that respects the farm's ecosystem without using any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. This is said to be expected to revitalize the soil and improve the quality of harvests compared to conventional agriculture.
  3. Biodynamic farming not only aims to increase productivity, but also to make the most of the power of nature and reduce the environmental impact.
  4. This approach is widely recognized as a foundation for sustainable agriculture and is still adopted by many farmers around the world.
  5. With strict quality standards such as "demeter certification," biodynamic farming methods have been highly regarded worldwide for their high quality and environmental considerations. This farming method has the potential to contribute not only to food production but also to conserve the global environment.
Beautiful wheat field with beautiful sunset

The peculiarities of spirituality and medicine and Steiner medicine

The idea was also very innovative in the medicine that Steiner proposed. He believed that illness should be considered not only for physical symptoms but also for spiritual and spiritual causes. This approach takes into consideration each patient's life experience and spiritual growth as part of their medical treatment, and provides treatments that stimulate the natural healing power. Steiner believed that humans are made up of three aspects: the body, the soul and the mind, and that illness occurs when these aspects lose their balance.

Based on these ideas, a field known as "antroposophy medicine" has been established today, and is practiced within the category of natural therapy and holistic medicine.

Anthroposophy Medicine aims to restore the overall health of patients, not only natural remedies using herbs and minerals, but also art therapy and eurytomy (a unique dance therapy).

This medicine focuses not only on suppressing symptoms, but also on working on the underlying causes of the disease and increasing the ability to heal yourself. Anthroposophy Medicine can be said to be a comprehensive medical approach that aims to sympathize with the patient's body as well as the mind and soul.

The significance of Steiner's thought in modern society

Steiner's ideas continue to provide new value to the present day, beyond the social and cultural context of the early 20th century when he was active.

This is one example of the establishment of Steiner Schools in many countries and the evolution of education methods. Steiner education is still popular today as a way to develop children's creativity and independence.

  1. In the Silicon Valley IT industry, Steiner education is also being re-evaluated as a way of education that does not rely too much on technology.
  2. With the rapid development of technology, there are concerns that human sensibilities and creativity will be lost, Steiner education is gaining attention as an educational model that values ​​humanity. In particular, it is being reassessed how important it is to cultivate children's creativity and intuitive thinking in future society.
  3. As interest in modern environmental issues and social sustainability grows, biodynamic farming methods and holistic medicine proposed by Steiner are also gaining attention again.
  4. With issues such as climate change and resource depletion becoming more serious, Steiner's philosophy gives important suggestions towards realizing a sustainable society.
  5. Steiner's ideas not only remain in the material world, but also include a multidimensional perspective of spirituality, spirituality, and the environment, and point to a new path towards the future. His ideas have the potential to present new solutions to the various challenges faced by modern society.

Rudolf Steiner was a thinker who brought about change in society not only through philosophy but also through concrete practice. His anthroposophy pursued human internal freedom and creativity across a wide range of fields, including education, medicine, agriculture and the arts. Steiner sought to maximize the possibilities that humans have and harmonize individuals and society. His ideas and practices have evolved even after his death, and continue to provide new value to many people and society. Steiner's guidelines for the future continue to have a profound impact on our lives. His ideas will provide important clues to solving the challenges faced by modern society.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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