LaItalian Reiki promotes spiritual awakening

High-dimensional energy provides deep healing and path to spiritual awakening
LaItalian Reiki is an advanced healing system using high-dimensional energy, developed by the Lightarian Institute in the United States. Compared to traditional Reiki (such as Usui Reiki and Karna Reiki), it has attracted attention in recent years as a powerful tool to deal with energy in higher frequency bands, accelerate individual healing processes, and promote spiritual growth. This detailed commentary explores the underlying concepts of LaItalian Reiki, its characteristics, concrete practices, the course process and expected effectiveness, and reveals the overall picture.
The origins and basic concepts of LaItalian Reiki
The Raitian Reiki is said to have origins in the energy of the Buddha, the Ascended Master. This energy is said to have an inclusive healing power that goes beyond mere physical healing and supports mental stability, emotional liberation, and soul evolution. Traditional Reiki mainly utilizes Earth's energy, while LaItalian Reiki directly utilizes higher dimensions of cosmic energy. This difference is the source of the powerful effects of LaItalian Reiki.
The underlying idea of LaItalian Reiki is "evolution and integration of consciousness." We are beings consisting of each aspect of the physical, mental, emotional and soul, and the harmonious integration of each aspect brings true health and happiness. LaItalian Reiki will help accelerate this integration and maximize your inner potential.
Differences from traditional Reiki
There are several important differences between LaItalian Reiki and traditional Reiki.
Energy Frequency Band: Traditional Reiki utilizes relatively mild energy flow and is effective in relaxation and stress reduction. On the other hand, LaItalian Reiki uses higher frequency band energy, which means deeper and more powerful healing effects can be expected. This energy is said to promote unblocking and transformation at a deeper level.
Using Symbols: Traditional Reiki uses certain symbols to activate energy, while LaItalian Reiki does not use symbols. Instead, they place importance on feeling the flow of energy directly and trusting their own intuition and sensations.
How to teach energy: In traditional Reiki, symbols are used to teach, whereas in LaItalian Reiki, we receive a higher level of energy through an energetic adjustment process known as attunement. This attunement will gradually increase the student's energy field and adjust it to withstand higher energy.
Focus of consciousness: While traditional Reiki is a method aimed at healing, LaItalian Reiki focuses on promoting individual spiritual growth in addition to healing. We aim to expand our self-consciousness and maximize our inner potential.
The composition of the wave band: RaItalian Reiki covers six of the eight wave bands (3rd to 8th bands). Handling this wide range of energy is one of the reasons for the powerful effects of LaItalian Reiki.
First band Usui Reiki
Second band Karna Reiki
3rd and 4th Bands, LaItalian, Reiki I & II
5th Band, LaItalian, Reiki III
6th Band LaItalian Reiki IV
Bands 7 and 8, LaItalian, Reiki V&VI
Specific features of LaItalian Reiki
LaItalian Reiki has the following features:
High Dimensional Energy: Raitian Reiki utilizes the energy of very high frequencies, allegedly brought to you by the Buddha, the Ascended Master. This energy provides a deeper, more powerful healing effect than traditional Reiki.
No symbols: No specific symbols like traditional Reiki are used. This makes it important to feel the flow of energy more directly and trust your own intuition and sensations.
Attunement: Opens energy circuits and enhances your ability to channel energy through four attunements. Attunement gradually raises the student's energy vibrations and adjusts them to withstand higher energy.
Wave Bands: LaItalian Reiki covers six of the eight wave bands (3rd to 8th bands). This allows access to higher dimensions of energy.
Boutique Boost: Before the attunement, it is recommended to receive an energy adjustment called a boutique boost. This allows the student's vibrations to smoothly adapt to the energy of LaItalian Reiki, allowing the student to maximize the effects of the attunement.
Spiritual Growth: LaItalian Reiki can be expected to not only provide healing, but also promote increased awareness, deepening self-understanding, and spiritual growth. This will bring out the full potential of your own and lead you to true self-realization.
Energy Integration: After attunement, we place emphasis on integrating LaItalian Reiki's energy into daily life through continuous practice. This will allow for more energy retention and lasting healing effects.
Practical methods for LaItalian Reiki
LaItalian Reiki can be used for both self-healing and others healing.
Self-healing - Can be used to heal your own body, mind, emotions, and soul state and balance your energy. Combined with meditation and relaxation, you can experience deeper healing.
It can be used to relieve physical discomfort, mental stress, and emotional problems of others, such as family, friends, and clients. By purifying the energy of LaItalian Reiki, it activates the self-healing power of others, leading them to a healthier and happier state.
Remote healing - It can send healing energy to people in remote areas without being bound by time or place. This is based on the principle that energy works across space and time.
Group Healing - By sending healing energy between multiple people at the same time, you can create a more powerful effect. This is due to the synergistic effect of energy.
Purifying Space: Using the energy of LaItalian Reiki, you can purify the energy of your room and space, creating a more positive and comfortable environment.
Supporting Achieve Goals The energy of LaItalian Reiki also has the power to support individuals in achieving goals. By pursuing energy while being aware of specific goals, you can unlock energy blocks that prevent you from achieving your goals and increase your ability to take action.
LaItalian Reiki Course Process
To learn LaItalian Reiki, you will need to go through the following process:
Confirm your qualification: To take the LaItalian Reiki course, you must either have been taught the Master Symbol of Usui Reiki beforehand or have completed Karna Reiki I & II. Alternatively, taking a boutique boost will also help you qualify for your course. This is important as preparation to properly adapt to the energy of LaItalian Reiki.
Before the boutique boost (recommended) Attunement, it is recommended to receive an energy adjustment called a boutique boost. This will make it easier for the students to adapt smoothly to the energy of LaItalian Reiki, and maximize the effectiveness of the attunement.
Attunement, LaItalian Reiki attunements are usually divided into four parts. Each attunement will teach energy and open the students' energy circuit. Through this process, students will be able to channel higher energy. Attunement must be taken from a trusted certified instructor.
After practice and integration and attunement, students practice LaItalian Reiki in their daily lives and integrate the flow of energy. By continuing self-healing and healing of others, you can make the flow of energy more smooth and deepen the effects.
Continuous learning, LaItalian Reiki's energy deepens further through daily practice. Through regular meditation and energy work, you can promote your own growth and improve your healing abilities.
Community Participation - By participating in the LaItalian Reiki community, you can deepen your understanding and maintain motivation to continue your practice through interaction with your peers.
Effects of LaItalian Reiki
By practicing LaItalian Reiki, you can expect the following effects:
Physical healing, reducing physical discomfort and pain, improving immunity, and improving energy balance.
Mental stability, reduce stress and anxiety, gain peace of mind, and improve concentration.
Emotional release, release of past trauma and emotional blocks, control of emotions, and improve self-esteem.
Spiritual growth and expanding consciousness, deepening self-understanding, improving intuition, clarifying the purpose of the soul, and connecting with higher dimensions.
Connection with the Ascended Master Buddha - Strengthening your connection with the Ascended Master Buddha, providing support from a higher level.
Improves energy flow, smoothens the flow of energy, and promotes physical and mental health.
Improve your self-healing ability, improve your own healing ability, and activate your self-healing ability.
It provides healing to others and healing to those around you, and builds better relationships.
Improve your creativity, new ideas and inspiration become more likely to arise, and creative activities are stimulated.
It can accelerate your goals and release energy blocks that prevent you from achieving your own goals, and increase your ability to take action.
Accelerate the process of self-transformation and self-transformation, allowing you to realize a more personal way of life.
Things to note when learning LaItalian Reiki
LaItalian Reiki handles extremely powerful energy so you should be aware of the following points when taking the course:
Choose a trusted instructor: At LaItalian Reiki, it is important to receive guidance from a certified instructor. Choose an experienced and reliable instructor and acquire the correct knowledge and skills.
You must take your own responsibility. Energy work must be done at your own risk. Always keep track of your physical condition and mental state and practice it as far as you can.
Don't make unreasonable expectations - The healing effect varies from person to person. Don't rush, feel the energy changes slowly and practice at your own pace.
Care for your daily life and not only care for your healing, but also your daily life. A balanced lifestyle will give you better results.
Continuous practice - Continuous practice is essential to maximize the effects of LaItalian Reiki. Be aware of and utilize energy in your daily life.
Summary: LaItalian Reiki
LaItalian Reiki is a highly powerful tool for healing and spiritual growth that utilizes high-level energy.
Its high vibrations allow for deeper healing than traditional Reiki, allowing you to maximize your own potential. If you are looking for true healing and growth, LaItalian Reiki will surely be a major change in your life.
If you are interested, consult a trusted instructor and take a step into the world of LaItalian Reiki. It will be the beginning of a wonderful journey to make your life more fulfilling and richer.