
The mysterious possibilities of the world - Wittgenstein


The mysterious relationship between life and the world

Life and the world. These two are familiar words to us, but surprisingly few people may have thought deeply about their relationship. We tend to see our lives as our own, and our world as objective beings separated from us. But what if these two were closely connected, like the two of a coin? What surprise would you be if your way of life, way of thinking, and every word shape the world around you in the same way?

Ludwig Wittgenstein, one of the most representative philosophers of the 20th century, presented this question with a novel perspective that overturns existing common sense. He delved deep into the relationship between us and the world, and even said, "The world is made up of my words." In his words, "If you change, the world will change too." This is not just a philosophical concept, it is a powerful message deeply rooted in our everyday lives. Today, let's explore this simple yet profound truth together, using Wittgenstein's words as a guidepost.


Chapter 1: The Labyrinth of Life

Why do we stop?

Life is like a maze. We lose our way many times in it, bump into walls, and continue to search for an exit. Modern society may, in particular, complicate the maze. Comparing with others on social media, endless work, anxiety about the future... It's like a game, and there are days when you win, and there are days when you're beaten up. We are still struggling to fight the stress and still struggling to achieve something.

But why do we stop so easily? Why do we make the same mistakes over and over? One of the reasons for this may be that we unconsciously accept the rules of the game of life. We accept the values ​​and common sense that we have given us since we were born as if it were natural, and try to live within that framework. But that rule may be what keeps us from getting out of the maze.

Chapter 2: Wittgenstein, the lonely philosopher

Alien life and universal thoughts


Let's take another look at the person named Ludwig Wittgenstein. He was a foreign philosopher born in the Austrian family of millionaires, but he abandoned his wealth and status and dedicated his life to the quest for truth. He refused to live in a glamorous social world, loved loneliness, and continued to question the language, thoughts, and the essence of the world. At first glance, his way of life may seem quite apart from us and idiosyncratic. However, this ideology deals with universal themes that are deeply connected to our daily lives, such as "life," "words," "mind," "the world," and "self."

The truth hidden in the veil of esotericity


His philosophy is sometimes criticized as esoteric and abstract. But this may be because we remain a superficial understanding. Wittgenstein's philosophy of words poses direct questions about our everyday choices, how we see things, and how we use words. "Why do you always use the same words?" "Why can't you not accept the reality in front of you as it is?" "Why are you limiting your own possibilities?"

Chapter 3: "Words that Change the World": Compass to escape the maze of thought

Know the power and limits of words

If you feel that you don't have a clear answer to these questions, Wittgenstein's book, Words that Change the World, will truly be a compass for you. This book is not just a philosophical book, but a practical guidebook that reexamines our thinking habits, how we use words, and how we interact with the world.


Wittgenstein famously stated, "What can be spoken should be spoken clearly, and what can be spoken must be silent." This is not just a warning, but an important principle that we should always be aware of in our daily actions, thoughts and communication. We use words to define the world, give meaning, and communicate with others. But do we fully understand the power of words and the limits of words?

Mechanisms of words, the world and interaction

Wittgenstein thought that words were both mirrors that reflect the world, and also tools that shape the world. The words we use can limit our thinking and narrow our vision. Conversely, if we can learn and master new words, we can discover new worlds and expand our possibilities.

Chapter 4: A new perspective on breaking down common sense and solving problems

Break the frame of thought

At the root of Wittgenstein's philosophy is a powerful message of "breaking away from common sense." We are unconsciously bound by a stereotype called common sense. Common sense gives us some degree of security, but can also closure the possibilities. We may be limiting our own possibilities in a cage called common sense.

The problem is a treasure trove of exploration

Wittgenstein asks us. "Is that really obvious?" "Is that the only option?" He asks not to turn away from the problem or run away, but to think thoroughly. According to him, the problem is not just a obstacle, but a valuable opportunity to explore a solution. By facing problems seriously, we can gain new perspectives, new discoveries, and new possibilities.

Chapter 5: Changes in Words and Thinking

New words open up a new world


Wittgenstein said, "Learning new words will increase the world you see." This is not just about increasing your vocabulary. Words are tools of thought, and when words change, their thoughts change too. Through words, we interpret the world, give meaning, and communicate with others. If we continue to use the same words all the time, our thoughts will become rigid and our views will become fixed.

Specific examples and words change your thinking


For example, let's say you always use the words "boring" or "tired." Your thoughts will then be fixed in a state of "boring" and "tired" and the world will appear in your eyes as boring and tired. However, if you become consciously using the words "funny" and "fulfilling," your thinking may change in a positive direction and the world may appear in your eyes as interesting and fulfilling.

Chapter 6: Practice in Daily Life

Start by writing it out on paper

So, how exactly can we incorporate Wittgenstein's philosophy into our daily lives? One way to do this is to write down your thoughts and feelings on paper. What do you feel and think about in your daily life? What words do you use to express yourself?

Decompose the question into small questions

The act of writing it out on paper is an effective way to visualize your thoughts and reexamine them objectively. We usually unconsciously distort our thoughts and suppress our emotions. By writing it out on paper, we can recognize our own patterns of thought, emotion habits, and the limitations of words.

Wittgenstein said, "The question is a series of small questions." When we face major problems, we tend to be at a loss. However, when you break down this big problem into small questions, you may find a surprising way to solve it.

Specific examples and approach to problem solving

By dividing the question, "Why do I always fail at this job?" into more specific questions, such as "In which part of this job do I have difficulty?", "Do I have enough skills necessary for this job?" and "How should I maintain my motivation for this job?", we can begin to take concrete actions to solve the problem.

Chapter 7: The future is unpredictable

Regain flexible thinking


Wittgenstein's philosophy teaches us the pointlessness of drawing a linear future. We try to predict and control the future, but in reality the future comes with an unpredictable curve. Success also comes beyond that curve, something we will never be able to get if we are bound by an extension of the past.

That's why we need to regain flexible thinking. We need to try new things, not be afraid of failure, and explore new possibilities without fear of change. And even if you stumble or fall, you have to always have the power to learn, grow and rise again from it.

The final chapter - "words that change the world" open the door to change

Invitation to a new world

If you want to change who you are now and make the most of your potential, you are already ready to pick up "words that will change the world." This book explains Wittgenstein's profound questions in an easy-to-understand manner as a concrete practical method for us living in modern times.

By interpreting this book, you will be able to doubt common sense that you have previously taken for granted and rethink the world from a new perspective. You will be able to know the power of your words, control your thoughts, and expand your possibilities.

The key in your hands

And what awaits you beyond that is a new life that is freer, more creative, more fulfilling. How broad will we have when we are freed from the bondage of thought? Let's go and look for the answer along with this book. The key to opening a new door is already in your hands.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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