Power spot

Tokyo's guardian deity Taira Masakado - an unparalleled "shadow" power spot - 1


Taira Masakado's head mound - In search of the truth

Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Taira Masakado's neck mound is quietly located in the center of the business district. Even if you have never visited, many people will be able to hear the numerous legends about this neck mound. You have probably heard of the rumor that "if you level the neck mound or act indignantly, misfortune will come to you due to the curse of Taira Masakado." There are countless actual incidents that have occurred, and people have been in awe as if the head mound was alive.

However, when I happened to see a photo of Taira Masakado's neck mound, I felt an overwhelming energy that was different from the legend of the vengeful spirit. There are many cases where rumors and reality differ from those in the world. Is there a hidden truth behind the legend of vengeful spirits that have been passed down for many years? That thought didn't leave my mind.

So, in order to actually see for yourself, I decided to go on a journey to the shrines related to Prince Taira Masakado, including the Kuzukazuka. The sights we were able to see there were far more than we could imagine. I was able to feel the prayers of the people that have continued since ancient times, and that the soul of Masakado still lives on in the present day.

(It is located near Otemon, the main gate of the former Edo Castle, and is surrounded by skyscrapers. When you take a step outside, you will see a sight of businessmen coming and going.)

1. Many traditions of vengeful spirits and the source of awe

First, let me introduce some of the legends of the vengeful spirits surrounding the head mound of Taira Masakado. These lore cannot be dismissed as mere superstitions. This is filled with the awe and respect of people, rooted in the deepest parts of history.

  1. Sakai House and the mysterious deaths of Date and Harada: Around the time Edo Castle was completed (around 1636), this area became a region lined with daimyo mansions, and the Sakai House mansion was built. The necktower was taken up in the courtyard of the Sakai family's mansion. Later, Inari Shokado Shrine was built by the Sakai family, and the worship of the maids began to gather. However, in 1671, an incident occurred in which Date Aki and Harada Kai were murdered on the Sakai family's grounds, and it became feared that it was the curse of Lord Masakado. This incident further strengthened my awe at the existence of the Nezuru.
  2. The Ministry of Finance and the Unfaithful Deaths of 14 People: As the Meiji Period began, the Sakai residence was demolished and the Ministry of Finance was built. The neck mound was left intact and is set to be located in a corner of the Ministry of Finance's premises. The Ministry of Finance was burned down in the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923, and when the burnt-down sites were sorted, the Ministry of Finance decided to break down the neck, level the ground, and build a temporary building on it. According to records from the Ministry of Finance, a strange phenomenon occurred, in which the staff working at the temporary building became more and more injured and sick, and finally, 14 senior officials died in a row. The officials, trembling at this situation, demolished the temporary building and held a remembrance for Lord Masakado in 1927 by the Kanda Shrine shrine chief. It is said that this memorial service was a very grand event. Incidentally, the shrine chief who held this reposed ceremony was the grandson of the national scholar Hirata Atsutane and a descendant of Masakado. He had the strange fate of requiring his own ancestors.
  3. Thunder strikes and a letter of apology from Minister of Finance Kawata Retsu: However, despite the holding of the requiem ceremony, the curse did not subside. In 1940, a sudden lightning struck the main building of the Ministry of Finance, causing numerous casualties. This year coincidedly, it was 1,000 years after Masakado's death. The 1,000-year festival was suddenly held on a grand scale, and the new cost of preserving Masakadozuka was set up, and all officials of the Ministry of Finance apologized to the spirit of Masakado. Then, then Minister of Finance Kawata Retsu himself took the pen and erected the cost of preserving the old remains. (This preservation fee remains today.) This incident shows that the Ministry of Finance was deeply afraid of the curse of the Nezuki.
  4. Relocation of Kasumigaseki and the government building burned down: The Ministry of Finance then moved to Kasumigaseki to escape from this area, but the air raid in 1945 burned down the government building, killing and injured many officials. This event may suggest that the Ministry of Finance was unable to escape the curse of the neck mound.
  5. GHQ and Bulldozer rollover: According to GHQ documents, after the war, the US troops came and leveled the ground with a bulldozer as mere burnt stones, but they hit some stone and rolled over, and the two were laid down, and one of them died instantly. There is something similar to a gravestone in the roasted earth, and when you ask locals, you will find that it is a neck mound. We petitioned the headquarters to preserve the product, and somehow the neck mound was saved. Maybe the American military was also in awe of the existence of the neck mound?
  6. Irregular changes in Japan Long-Term Credit Bank and its employees: However, the strange changes continue to stop. In 1961, the land on the east side of the Kuzuka belonged to Japan Long-Term Credit Bank and Mitsui Life Insurance, and the building was built. However, the site where the Japan Long-Term Credit Bank was built was on the old approach to the Kuzuka. Two years later, the staff members in the rooms on each floor facing the mound will develop illness one after another. So we invited a priest from Kanda Shrine to perform a purification ceremony. It seems that the curse of the Nezuka attacks people no matter where they are.
  7. Construction work and the light and darkness of the two buildings: In 1973, two buildings were built with the neck mounds between them. The building, which was carefully honoured and then started construction, did not occur at all, but in another indifferent building, two workers died during construction in the basement, and many people were injured in the same location. This event suggests that the presence or absence of respect for the neck mound will determine the fate that follows.

These legends of vengeful spirits demonstrate that the head mound of Taira Masakado is not merely a historic site, but a place with special powers. The head of Prince Masakado, a special place that was extremely powerful, is now cherished and preserved. However, I began to think that behind these events there might be other forces at work other than curses.

2. Prayer for the Neck Mound and the power to calm vengeful spirits

So, what exactly is this "another power other than curse"?

I visited the neck mound and tried to feel the atmosphere in my skin. Although it is located in the heart of the business district, there is a tranquil space that seems to have stopped at time. Flowers are always offered in front of the neck mound, and the scent of incense is wafting through it. Many people stopped, put their hands together, prayed.


When I saw the sight, I realized it. The head mound is not just a dwelling house for vengeful spirits, but a place for people to pray. I think that the soul of Masakado is calmed and protected by the prayers of the people.

3. Touring shrines associated with Masakado and following the footsteps of heroes

Furthermore, I visited shrines associated with Masakado. As I visited many shrines, including Kanda Myojin, Tsukido Shrine, and Kabuto Shrine, I realized that Prince Masakado was not just a warlord, but was loved and loved by people.

  1. The soul that protects Kanda Myojin and Edo Kanda Myojin is famous as a shrine dedicated to Masakado. The Kanda Festival is a festival held to comfort the soul of Masakado, and is one of the three great festivals in Edo and is bustling with many people. When I visited Kanda Myojin, I felt that Masakado's spirit still protects the city of Edo.
  2. Tsukido Shrine and the place where you can pray for victory Tsukido Shrine is a shrine that is said to have been praying for victory by Masakado. The temple grounds are offering swords and armor, which are said to have been used by Prince Masakado. When I visited Tsukido Shrine, I felt the spirit of Masakado's warlord.
  3. Kabuto Shrine and the Soul of the Neck Mound Kabuto Shrine is a shrine located in the place where the head of Masakado was said to have been buried. In the temple grounds there is a mound dedicated to the head of Prince Masakado. When I visited Kabuto Shrine, I wished that Masakado's soul would rest in peace.

4. Resonance between powers and souls other than curses and prayers

As I went around these shrines, I was convinced that Masakado's soul still lives on not only as a vengeful spirit, but also as an assertive person who gives people courage and hope.

So, what is the "another power other than curse" mentioned at the beginning?

In my opinion, it is the soul of Masakado and the power of the people's prayers. The Neck Mound is a place that is feared by the legend of vengeful spirits, and is also protected and calmed by the power of people's prayers. And the power of prayer probably sublimates Masakado's soul from a vengeful spirit to a guardian deity.

In other words, the series of events surrounding the neck mound are not merely curses, but rather a grand drama that is woven together by the soul of Masakado and the power of the people's prayers.

In search of truth: exploring history and soul

By visiting the Neburi Mound and visiting shrines related to Masakado, I was able to learn the truth behind the legend of the vengeful spirit. And that truth teaches us the depth of history, the preciousness of the soul, and the power of prayer.

Through this experience, I once again realized the importance of seeing for myself and thinking for myself, not being bound by public rumors or stereotypes. And I hope to continue to visit various places, meet a variety of people, and gain experiences in search of the truth.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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