Power spot

Tokyo's guardian deity Taira Masakado - an unparalleled "shadow" power spot - ②


Masakadozuka - A sanctuary of an extraordinary lie in the heart of the economy

Otemachi, the heart of Tokyo. Masakadozuka is a quiet space filled with silence in this place, which can be said to be the heart of Japan's economy, with skyscrapers. With the Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo headquarters, the dignity of the megabanks, and the Keidanren Hall, which represents the business world, standing in line with the Keidanren Hall, the front line of economic activity, it forms an alien space surrounded by greenery, as if only one corner of it had been cut out.

From the outside, it looks like an oasis that gives you a moment of peace and will make you forget about the hustle and bustle of the city. However, Masakadozuka is more than just a place of rest. Every year on September 22nd, executives from large corporations based in the area gather together to serendipitous memorial service, breaking the silence of this area. This is nothing but proof that Masakadozuka is a place that has been feared by people as a god of curse since ancient times in the Heian period.


A twill with two faces, tranquility and intense power

At first glance, it gives a sense of the depth of history, but there is no slight sense of terrifying atmosphere. However, the moment I step inside I feel the atmosphere clearly change. It is a space that is full of pure and delicate atmosphere, and is truly worthy of calling it a sanctuary. Your mind suddenly lightens and you will be enveloped in a mysterious feeling, as if your whole body has been purified.

Many visitors are seen quietly clasping their hands and quickly leaving. This shows that there are many regular visitors who value this place on a daily basis. When I stand in front of the neck mound, there is no reason to feel my head naturally bowing.

And from the hidden mound behind the stone monument that stands in front of it, you can feel that powerful power is being released so much that words cannot be expressed. It is filled with overwhelming energy, like a powerful magnet, and is drawn to you without asking whether it is present or not.

However, even today, it is reported that visiting the Nezuki mound with disrespect will have an unimaginable and terrifying experience. Why does this happen even though it is such a pure and calm atmosphere? To unravel the mystery, let's take a look back at the history of Taira Masakado and explore the history of how the Masakado Tsukado was built.

A legendary warlord who is descended from Emperor Taira Masakado and Emperor Kanmu

(Tsukioka Yoshitoshi <Sagami Jiro Hei Masakado>)

Taira Masakado was a warlord who was active in the mid-Heian period, and was a man who made his name about 180 years ago, long before Taira Kiyomori, who was active in the Genpei Battle. When you think of the Heike, many people may think of Taira Kiyomori. However, if you go back to the lineage of Masakado, you can see that it is a venerable family that is derived from the Imperial family.

The magnificent footprints of Masakado, interpreted from the historical documents and historical records.

One of the valuable historical documents that are essential to know about Taira Masakado is the Masakado Ki. Let's carefully interpret this historical document and follow the magnificent footsteps of Prince Masakado.

(50th Emperor Kanmu)

During the mid-Heian period, "Rekanzai" was the prosperous political system in which the Fujiwara clan took control of the imperial court, and the glamorous national culture flourished in a magnificent way, mainly in Heian Kyoto. However, in regions far from the capital, new forces, called "samurai," emerged, and bloody wars were constantly unfolding everywhere.

Emperor Kanmu

This was before the two forces that would make their name known as samurai masters in the future, such as Genji and Taira clans, appeared on the frontiers of history. There were two types of Genji: the Seiwa Genji, which is based on the blood of Emperor Seiwa, and the Heike clan, which is based on the blood of Emperor Kanmu.

The Kanmu Hei clan is a branch family based on Prince Kuzuhara, the third prince of Emperor Kanmu, and King Takamochi, the son of Prince Kuzuhara, laid the foundation for the Kanmu Hei clan as a samurai. And the grandson of King Takamochi is none other than Taira Masakado.

In other words, Masakado was a noble figure with royal blood. His father, Hirayoshi, was the best honorary position for the samurai of the time, called the Mutsu Naval Base Shogun.

However, the relationship between his uncles, Hirayoshi Kane and Masakado, gradually deteriorates, and eventually the battle develops. Furthermore, he is invited by Hira Maki and is forced to fight forces such as Hirakuka and Gengo. It is said that the cause was caused by the uncles taking away part of the land inherited from his father.

Masakado is an extraordinary valour and has won spectacular victory in numerous battles. His brave and bold fighting quickly became a story of the people, and his name became widely known.

Masakado saved the Kanto heroes and people and pursued their ideals

About 1,000 years ago, when the Fujiwara clan was proud of its power, the Kanto region was called "Azuma Ebisu" and was despised by the people of the city. Despite its own land, he was not allowed to carry out politics and was always under the control of the imperial court.


However, samurai living in the Kanto region had excellent combat abilities and were very dissatisfied with the central government. Meanwhile, Taira Masakado, a powerful clan in Shimsa (now Chiba Prefecture), finally stands up. With the cooperation of samurai who were dissatisfied with the central rule, Masakado succeeded in occupying Hitachi, Ueno and Shimotsuke, and seizing control of the entire eastern country.

It is said that Masakado was a very democratic figure. As evidence, it is said that he listened sincerely to the voices of the people under his control and tried to reflect them in politics.

Masakado also receives an astonishing oracle from the shrine maidens. "An angel of Hachiman Daibosatsu, the incarnation of Emperor Ojin, will grant Masakado the position of the new emperor. This position will be given to the spirit of Sugawara Michizane."

Sugawara Michizane is a tragic figure who, despite having risen to the key position of Minister of Right, was demoted to Dazaifu in Kyushu due to a political enemy conspiracy, and died in despair. It is said that after his death he became a vengeful spirit and shocked the imperial court.


(Sugawara Michimasa)

In place of Sugawara Michimasa, he was given the rank of the new emperor to Prince Masakado in order to clear his grudge against the imperial court.

Coincidentally, 903, when Masakado was born, was exactly the year Michizane passed away. Therefore, he was told that Masakado was the reincarnation of Michizane. When the court learned of this oracle, it must have been struck by intense terror.

However, there is no way the imperial court would silently overlook Masakado, who calls himself the new emperor, the new emperor, overturning the emperor.

Therefore, the imperial court took all possible measures to suppress Masakado. We order popular temples and shrines across the country, including Usa Hachiman Shrine in Kyushu, Todaiji Temple in Nara, Daigoji Temple in Kyoto, Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine in Osaka, and Shinshoji Temple in Chiba, to pray for the surrender of Masakado. They tried to suppress Shokado using divine spiritual techniques.

The Emperor, as well as the Imperial Court bureaucrats, monks and priests, prayed to the gods and Buddhas. He also performed the horrifying magic that destroyed Masakado, in which a talisman with the name of Masakado was thrown into the flames and the doll was hanged from the tree.

At the same time, the imperial court organizes a suppression force and orders them to defeat Shokado. Taira Sadamori and Fujiwara Hidesato, samurai from the eastern provinces, are appointed to the extermination forces.

In 940, Prince Masakado was finally killed by Fujiwara Hidesato. The arrow fired by the imperial army pierces one of Shokado's eyes, and when he fell to the horse, Fujiwara Hidesato turned him off. This happened just two months after Taira Masakado called himself the new emperor.

(Fujiwara Hidego, who defeated Taira Masakado)

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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