Tokyo's guardian deity Taira Masakado - an unparalleled "shadow" power spot - ④

Exploring the causes of Taira Masakado's vengeful spirit and strange phenomena
The legend of Taira Masakado's vengeful spirits is a story deeply rooted in Japanese history and culture, and the numerous strange phenomena that are said to occur at the headmur make the legend even more mysterious. However, rather than dismissing these phenomena as merely superstitions, we can explore them through the ancient Chinese ideological system of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, which allow us to try a deeper understanding and realistic interpretation.
The theory of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements is that all things in the universe are made up of two opposing elements, Yin and Yang, and five elements, wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, and circulate together, affecting each other. This idea provides a framework for understanding everything from natural phenomena to human body and social phenomena.
By analyzing the energy of Taira Masakado's death and the place called the head mound from the perspective of Yin and Yang Five Elements, it is possible to identify the cause of the strange phenomenon and take measures to address it.

The death, resentment, and the energy of Hidden Masakado's death and the sinister energy
Taira Masakado was a warlord who had a strong influence in the Kanto region during the mid-Heian period, and called himself the new emperor and rebelled against the imperial court. However, he lost the battle with Fujiwara Hidesato and others and was killed in battle. His death was a symbol of the power struggle during the rise of samurai, and was tragic to be branded as a rebel against the imperial court.
In the theory of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, death is the ultimate in Yin's energy, and death in particular is said to have a strong grudge in the place and what is left behind. In the case of Masakado, he was treated as a traitor-armed force by the imperial court and lost his life without being properly evaluated, so it is thought that he had a strong grudge.

Furthermore, the separation of the most important part of the body, the neck, led to an imbalance in energy and amplifying grudges. The neck is a place that controls thoughts and emotions, and can be said to be the center of life energy. With his head being separated, Shokado's soul was not released from his body and remained in this world, and is thought to have increased his power as a vengeful spirit.
From the perspective of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, Masakado's death was an event that disrupted the yin and yang balance of society at the time, not only the fate of individuals. The new era of the rise of samurai and the conflict between the old system centered around the imperial courts has shaken up the stability of society and caused anxiety and confusion in the hearts of people. Masakado's grudge symbolizes the instability of society and is thought to have emerged in the form of a strange phenomenon.
The stagnation of energy and qi at a place called Kuzuka and the imbalance of the five elements
The Kuzuka is located in Otemachi, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, and is said to be the place where Taira Masakado's head was buried. This place has been reported on various strange phenomena since the Edo period, and it still remains quietly located in a corner of a business district, giving it a unique atmosphere.
In the theory of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, places such as mounds and graves are places where the souls of the dead reside, and it is said that Yin energy is likely to gather. In the case of Kuzukazu, the strong grudge of Masakado's Lord will add even more to the hilarious energy, making it a place with stronger yin energy than a normal cemetery.

From a Feng Shui perspective, each location has a suitable balance of five elements. For example, downtown areas and office districts are said to be strong in fire and money, bringing vitality and development. Meanwhile, quiet residential areas and parks are said to be strong in wood and dirt, providing peace and stability.
In the case of a neck mound, the historical background may result in excessive water qi (yin), which may cause the balance to be insufficient with the other five elements. Water qi symbolizes emotions, subconscious minds, secrets, etc., and when it becomes excessive, it is said that anxiety, fear, and loneliness can cause feelings of anxiety. It is thought that the reason why strange phenomena occur around the neck mound is due to this excess water.

Another important point is that the neck mound is closer to the Imperial Palace. The Imperial Palace is the heart of Japan and the residence of the Emperor, and is a place with strong sun energy. The presence of a neck mound with strong yin energy nearby can significantly disrupt the balance between yin and yang, and can promote strange phenomena.
Causes of strange phenomena: gloomy runaway, incongruity of the five elements, memory of the land
The strange phenomena that are believed to occur in the neck mound are diverse, and have been reported in various ways, including poor health, accidents, computer malfunctions, and delays in construction work. These phenomena cannot be dismissed as mere coincidence or imagination. From the perspective of the Yin-Yang Five Elements theory, it is thought that these phenomena are caused by the yin energy accumulated in the neck mound running wild, disrupting the flow of qi around it.
A gloomy runaway: It is thought that the resentment of Masakado's grudge and the sinister breeze of the neck mound are linked, and the energy of that energy goes out of control, disrupts the flow of qi around it, causing various strange events. This gloomy runaway is said to be prone to becoming more pronounced at times when yelling energy is strengthened, especially at night or on rainy days.

Discomfort of the Five Elements: Excessive water qi (yin) weakens fire qi (yang) and earth qi (stable), inhibiting energy circulation. This can cause effects such as poor health, accidents, or disasters. For example, if the fire weakens, it can lead to lack of energy and poor concentration, making it more likely to lead to accidents and mistakes. Also, when the soil weakens, you lose a sense of stability and security, and you become more likely to feel anxious and stressed.
Land Memories: Land is said to remember past events. The tragic event of the death of Masakado is deeply engraved on the neck, and it is thought that memories of this are released as energy, causing strange phenomena. Memories of this land are particularly susceptible to people with strong inspiration, and they are said to be able to strongly sense the strange atmosphere of the neck mound.
Specific measures: Harmony and sorrow based on the Yin and Yang Five Elements
In order to regulate the energy of the neck mound and calm the strange phenomenon, a comprehensive measure based on the theory of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements is necessary. Below we suggest some specific measures:
- A requiem festival will be held, and a festival will be held to calm the soul of Masakado, and the grudge will be purified. The purpose of the Requiem Festival is to invite experts such as priests and monks to bring peace to the soul of Prince Masakado through prayer and chanting of sutras. Furthermore, local residents can be expected to increase the energy of the entire region.
- Balance adjustment of the five elements: Something symbolizes fire and earth qi around the neck mound to balance the five elements. For example, planting red flowers can help boost fire energy and counteract the energy in the shady area. Additionally, placing stones increases the energy of the soil, providing a sense of stability and security. Furthermore, planting trees has the effect of enhancing the energy of the trees and promoting growth and development.
- Installing a barrier: A barrier is placed around the neck mound to control the flow of air. Barriers are made using stones, bamboo, plants, etc., and have the effect of blocking evil energy from outside and stabilizing the internal energy. When installing barriers, you should consider the appropriate materials and arrangement based on your knowledge of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.
- Land cleansing and land cleansed by experts to remove negative energy. The land is purified using salt, alcohol, incense, etc., and has the effect of washing away past memories and evil spirits that have oozed the land. When cleaning up the land, it must be done in the appropriate manner and procedures under the guidance of a specialist.
- It is important to maintain the environment and clean the area around the neck mound to maintain its clean condition. A clean environment smoothes the flow of energy and attracts good energy. In addition, brightening the lighting around the neck mound can also weaken the energy in the shadows.
- Prayer and gratitude When visiting the Neburi mound, it is important to respect and express gratitude to Masakado's spirit. Prayer and gratitude create positive energy and enhance the energy of the entire neck mound.
These measures should be carried out under the guidance of experts with knowledge of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements (such as Onmyoji and Feng Shui Masters). Experts can analyze the situation in the neck mound in detail and propose the best possible countermeasure.
The legend of the vengeful spirits of Taira Masakado and the strange phenomenon of the head mound can be delved deeper by understanding them through ancient wisdom, the Yin and Yang Five Elements theory. By identifying the cause and taking appropriate measures, it will be possible to harmonize the energy of the neck mound and calm the strange phenomenon.
Through these measures, we will be able to deepen our understanding of history and culture, and build a more peaceful and prosperous society.