
Meditation Exploration - A guide to inner peace and enlightenment


The relationship between enlightenment and boundary line What is "enlightenment"?

It is a mysterious and special concept that resonates deep within our hearts. In spiritual quests and religious practices, this term refers to the ultimate goal of spiritual growth: reaching a deep mental state.

However, the definition of what exactly is "enlightenment" is and is left to many interpretations. Still, it is thought that there are common characteristics in the process of approaching this state.

One of these is the phenomenon in which the boundary between you and the others becomes thinner. This article will explore practical ways, particularly meditation practices, how "borderline density" affects our mental state, and how we can approach a state of "enlightenment."

Chapter 1: "The Dark Borderline" that distinguishes between the Self and the Other

1.1 What is a "dark border"?

In our daily lives, we clearly distinguish between the existence of "self" and "other" and each of us recognizes as independent beings. This state is defined as a "dark border" state. In this state of "dark borders," self-centered thinking and behavior tend to be prominent, and there is a tendency for a strong desire for self-expression and recognition to act.

For example, an attitude of believing your opinion or value as the absolute correct answer and not accepting any other way of thinking further strengthens this boundary.

At this time, we tend to view things as dual perspectives such as "right/wrong" or "good/bad", making it difficult to tolerate grey areas and diversity.

1.2 The impact of "dark borders"

As a result, we try to show off our legitimacy by criticizing and looking down on others. For example, attacking others on social media or trying to push your own opinions through at work or school is a typical example of a "strength boundary."

In this state, your vision will be narrowed and it will be difficult to accept values ​​and ways of thinking that are different from your own. Furthermore, it can lead to jealousy and envy that cannot be honest about the success or happiness of others.

1.3 Excessive self-awareness and "a thick boundary"

Furthermore, the state of "dark borders" can also be a factor that creates excessive self-consciousness. An excessive sense of self-awareness that you are special can create a sense of competitiveness and superiority with others, and can lead to actions that will help you maintain your own position even if you kick someone around you.

This state can be said to be a kind of state of dependence, where you are constantly comparing yourself to others and trying to confirm your own value by winning the competition. On the other hand, the inferiority complex of "I'm not good" and "I'm not worth it" is actually rooted in a state of "dark boundaries."

At first glance, a sense of superiority and inferiority may seem like opposite emotions, but at the very core they have the commonality of clearly distinguishing themselves and others and being constantly aware of them as objects of comparison. Negative feelings about yourself separate and isolated yourself from others.

1.4 Specific examples: "The dark boundary line" lurking in everyday life

For example, people who act in a promotion race at work that holds their colleagues behind can be said to be shaking between a sense of superiority and inferiority. Also, people who are always concerned about what others think and are too concerned about the number of likes on social media are likely to have similarly high boundaries.

Behind these behaviors is a strong desire to "be superior to others" and "be recognized by others", which leads to leaving one's own value to the evaluation of others.

Chapter 2 - "Thin Boundary" to Accept Self and Others

2.1 What is a "thin boundary"?

On the other hand, in the spiritual world and spiritual perspective, a state of "thin boundaries" is an important clue to approaching self-growth and "enlightenment." A "thin boundary line" refers to a state in which an individual can rationally and intuitively understand the position and emotions of others without feeling any clear boundaries between them and their surroundings.

We all have different values ​​and ways of thinking depending on a variety of factors, such as the environment we were born and raised, experience, personality, and even our brain structure and health.

This diversity is natural and not unnatural. A "thin boundary" mind can accept this diversity for granted and focus on the perspective of others rather than unconscious criticism or denial.

2.2 Changes that "thin boundaries" bring

For example, even if someone refutes your opinion, instead of immediately denying that person, you can calmly take it by saying, "I see, that's how you think about it." Furthermore, rather than responding emotionally to others' failures or shortcomings, you can take it with generosity, saying, "Everyone has mistakes."

This is the recognition that "differences in values ​​are natural and we should aim for harmony rather than conflict." Recognizing the existence of other people's values ​​itself leads to the fusion of the self and others.

2.3 Empathy and the "thin boundary"

Furthermore, a state of "thin boundaries" also has the effect of developing a heart of empathy and compassion. Because you can feel the joy and sadness of others as if you were yours, you naturally feel the desire to help others.

This condition is thought to lead to altruistic behavior and service activities. Furthermore, the vague distinction between the self and others will free you from a sense of loneliness and alienation and build deeper relationships.

2.4 Specific examples: Empathy and altruism

For example, people who actively participate in volunteer activities can be said to be in a state of thin boundaries, where they feel the pain of others as if they were their own and think that there is nothing they can do. Also, when you see people in trouble, people who reach out without hesitation can also be said to be people who have a thin line of boundaries with others and have a high level of empathy. These people can truly wish for the happiness of others, not by self-centered thoughts.

Woman meditating

Chapter 3 - Practice of meditation that opens up the path to enlightenment

3.1 The importance of meditation and training your mind to dilute the boundaries

Practice of meditation is extremely important as an effective way to thin the boundaries and get closer to the state of enlightenment. Meditation is not just a way to calm the mind, but also a powerful tool to look deeper into the inner self and become aware of the connection between the self and the universe. There are many different ways to meditate, but here we will explain it, focusing on meditation, particularly for aiming for enlightenment.

3.2 Fundamentals of Meditation: Face the Self in the Silence

First, create an environment for meditation. Choose a quiet and calm place and sit on a cushion or chair in a comfortable position. Straighten your spine and gently close your eyes. Focus your attention on your breathing and repeat natural breathing. It's also a good idea to count the number of breaths at first. If you find distracted thoughts, don't try to force them away, just try to parry them.

The important thing during meditation is to focus your attention on the moment. Rather than thinking about the past or future, focus your attention on your breathing and body sensations at this moment. In this process, we can move away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and regain the tranquility of our minds.

3.3 "Enlightenment Meditation" that melts boundaries - fusion of the self and others

Next, try meditation to dilute boundaries. During meditation, first of all we need to be aware of our own existence. I stare at my body, my emotions, my thoughts, my observations. Next, imagine the boundary line drawn between you and others. I imagine this line becoming thinner and blurred, like a transparent film.

In this meditation, we aim to dilute the concept of "I" that distinguishes yourself from others. Feel and empathize with the joys, sorrows, and suffering of others as if it were yours. By experiencing the feeling of becoming one with others, the boundary line between yourself and others gradually fades away. It is also effective to imagine the whole Earth or the universe, and experience the feeling that you are part of its vast existence, as a way to dilute the boundaries.

3.4 Towards the state of thoughtlessness and consciousness during meditation

Furthermore, deepening your meditation can lead to a state of thoughtlessness that goes beyond thought and emotions. This state goes beyond understanding through words and concepts, creating an intuitive awareness and a deep understanding of the very existence. During meditation, when thoughts and emotions disappear and become simply present, we can feel a deeper sense of unity between ourselves and the universe.

This state can be said to be very close to the state of "enlightenment." However, this state is not something you try to force yourself to reach, but you will naturally come through the accumulation of daily meditation. It is important not to rush, relax, and continue meditating.

3.5 Use it in your daily life after meditation

After meditation, use this silence and awareness in your daily life. When interacting with others, be aware of the empathy and compassion you gained during meditation. Also, when judging things, try to take them from a broader perspective rather than a dual perspective. The realizations gained through meditation will gradually change our actions and ways of thinking, leading us to a more harmonious life.

Chapter 4: Boundary lines as indicators of mental state

4.1 What is indicated by shades of boundary lines

Ultimately, the shading of the boundaries between oneself and others is an important indicator for approaching spiritual growth and enlightenment. As long as you have a strong desire to be seen by others and to be recognized by others, and a critical attitude of "we want to eliminate things that are different to you," you can still say that there are strong boundaries. These aspirations and attitudes are based on self-centered ways of thinking and fear, creating barriers between you and others.

4.2 Steps to thinning the boundary line

In contrast, by gradually letting go of these obsessions and fears and having a flexible mind that accepts both yourself and others as they are, the boundaries gradually fade away. This process is a journey of self-acceptance and other acceptance, and while the path is by no means flat, it will certainly be fruitful. The main points begin by objectively looking at how strong my boundary line is now. During this process, delving deep into one's inner self and learning much from its relationships with others is the key to getting closer to "enlightenment."

4.3 Self-observation in everyday life

Specifically, it is important to be aware of when you feel strongly about boundaries in your daily life. For example, when you are criticizing others, jealous, or burning with a competitive spirit, these are signs of a deeper boundary line. Once you notice these signs, it is important to delve deeper into why you are feeling these feelings and deepen your self-understanding. Also, when interacting with others, imagining the other person's position and feelings and trying to empathize with them is a training that will help you thin your boundaries.

Conclusion: The journey to enlightenment continues

The path of enlightenment is never something that can be reached overnight. But that journey will be a very valuable experience that will continue to expand our own growth and potential. Through this journey, we will be able to gain a deeper understanding of our connections with others and lead a more harmonious life.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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