
Why are aggressive people easily hurt? Their characteristics and psychology of winning and losing


What are the characteristics of an aggressive person?

The factors behind weak personality

 Aggressive people often look strong, but in fact they often have a weak personality. The background to this may be a low self-esteem or a lack of confidence. For example, even trivial criticism can deeply hurt your heart because you may not have enough success in your childhood or are overly sensitive to evaluations from others. Negative experiences and how you are raised also have an impact. If you are not used to being denied, you can suffer serious mental damage when it is denied.

Aggression as self-defense

 Aggressive attitudes often manifest as part of self-defense. These people have a strong sense of wanting to hide their weaknesses and anxiety. By attacking others, they try to maintain their own position and fill in their own inferiority complex. By showing off your strong self, there is a psychology at work to prevent yourself from getting hurt. At first glance, these actions may seem hostile to the other person, but in reality they are nothing more than actions that try to hide their own mental weakness.

Why we are so committed to winning and losing

 The reason why aggressive people are so obsessed with winning and losing is due to their psychological states that can only be measured by comparing their own worth with others. The background to this is the desire to feel the advantage and feel secure by beating others. This habit may be due to the environment that has been raised in a competitive society and the social pressure to place emphasis on achievements and achievements. Another major factor is the fear of losing. In order to avoid the sense of self-denial and helplessness that you feel when you lose, you tend to be particular about winning at all costs.

Attitude towards others and inner worries

 The attitudes of aggressive people towards others often reflect their inner worries. In many cases, the harsh words and actions towards others are hidden behind their own feelings of anxiety and loneliness. For example, if you are not good at interpersonal relationships or feel that there is no one who will understand you, you may be aggressive towards the other person. While these actions may seem like retaliation against others, they are often true to themselves as crying out of their own heart.


Psychological mechanisms of aggression and vulnerability

Low self-esteem and emotional instability

 In many cases, aggressive people have low self-esteem. Because you lack self-confidence, you become sensitive to feedback and opinions from others. This low self-esteem can cause unstable emotions and lead to excessive defensiveness towards those around them. In particular, if you are not sure about your abilities or values, you will try to hold them down by aggressive actions to protect yourself.

The background of overreaction to criticism

 One of the characteristics of aggressive people is that they overreact to being criticized. This may be due to a growing background without experiencing negative feedback or failure. For example, people who were overprotected or spoiled in their childhood may not be fully immune to being denied, and may remain vulnerable to criticism even as adults. Therefore, even small opinions and comments from others are seen as an attack on them, and they act aggressively in a way that rebels against them.

Emotional patterns shaped by past experiences

 People with aggressive personalities can be influenced by past experiences a lot. For example, past trauma and humiliating experiences are deeply engraved in our minds, and these are reflected in our current attitudes towards others. These experiences have made it a habit to act aggressively in order to protect yourself. As a result, aggression often appears as a precaution to avoid being hurt in the same way.

Defense instinct due to anxiety and stress

 Anxiety and stress often lead to aggressive attitudes. Aggressive people are more likely to develop defense instincts due to external changes in their environment and pressures in relationships, as psychological instability increases. And sometimes they choose to take an offensive response to hide their instability. This behavior creates a temporary sense of security, but in the long run, it leads to an increasing number of troubles with those around you and further weakens your mental health.

Sad woman

Why do aggressive people stick to winning or losing?

The psychological impact of a competitive society

 In today's competitive society, many people are placed in an environment where they are valued for their results and achievements. Especially at work and school, there are often times when it is inevitable that it is inevitable that it is compared to others, and in this situation, values ​​that stick to "winning" tend to emerge. Under these social pressures, aggressive people become more obsessed with winning and losing in order to prove their raison d'oeuvre. As a result, this sense of competition manifests itself as an aggression towards those around them, and often denies others or acts intimidating.

Fear of losing

 In many cases, aggressive people have a strong fear of losing. In particular, if past experiences fail or setback are unable to overcome their failures and setbacks and the scars remain, the psychology behind trying to avoid reviving those memories. Therefore, accepting a loss can be seen as an act of revealing one's own weaknesses, causing one to act more aggressive than necessary. Given this background, aggressive people often have a weak mental side.

Aggression that brings about high pride

 Aggressive people often have a very high level of pride. High pride itself should not be denied, but when it becomes extreme, you will not be able to honestly accept people and situations that are better than you. As a result, they attack others to prevent them from getting hurt and try to give those around them the impression that they are "right" or "better." This pattern of behavior can be called a type of defense instinct to protect oneself, but at the same time, an aggressive attitude can also cause a vicious cycle.

Psychological strategies to protect yourself

 Behind the way aggressive people act like this is the psychological strategy of "wanting to protect themselves." They try to reduce the risk of being criticized or attacked by criticizing others or attacking them first. This can be said to be the result of excessive self-defense mechanisms. These behaviors may appear to be strong people when viewed by those around you, but in reality they are often the opposite of a weak personality. Aggressive people have a weak mental side and are fighting desperately to hide their weaknesses.

How to deal with and deal with aggressive people

How to deal with attacks calmly

 The key to dealing with aggressive people is not to respond emotionally. Responding to the other person's aggressive behavior with emotion can make the situation even worse. Aggressive people have weak mental aspects and often take strong attitudes as self-defense. Therefore, it is effective to remain calm and calmly determine why the other person is acting like this. When you ask why, "Why are you insisting that?", the dialogue can progress while avoiding emotional conflict.

Constructive communication tips

 When interacting with aggressive people, it is important to maintain a non-confrontational attitude. By not denying the other person's opinion and listening first, you may be able to ease tensions as you feel that the other person has accepted your thoughts. Also, by using words like "That's certainly the case," you can calmly express your own opinions while acknowledging the other person's opinions. Aggressive personality is often caused by low self-esteem, so giving a sense of "recognition" is the key to alleviating conflict.

How to set boundaries and protect yourself

 When dating aggressive people, it is important to set healthy boundaries to protect yourself. For example, if the other person is persistently criticizing or criticizing, you can prevent unnecessary stress by clearly indicating boundaries such as "I don't want to answer that" or "I don't want to touch on that topic in the future." Aggressive people often try to gain security by controlling the other person, so clarifying their own limits can also help ease their actions.

Supporting people who are aggressive to change

 If an offensive person wants to change their personality, it is also possible to support the process. First of all, the person's willingness to change is important, but it is helpful to understand the factors behind an aggressive personality. For example, it is important to approach low self-esteem and anxiety, which are cited as reasons for weak mentality, and provide an environment where people can be recognized. On the other hand, there are some aspects that aggressive people are unlikely to see the benefits of changing. Therefore, it is also recommended to utilize constructive feedback that will encourage growth and specialized support to reassess your values.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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