
The importance of mindfulness

Woman meditating

The importance of mindfulness: The compass of the mind for surviving modern society

Modern society is full of information overload, stress, and constantly changing circumstances. We tend to forget to live in this moment, like a boat swayed by the waves, at the mercy of regrets about the past and anxiety about the future. In such an era, what we should return to is the concept of "mindfulness," which restores the tranquility of our minds and focuses our attention on the present.

What is Mindfulness? A journey to find out where your mind is now

Mindfulness is mental training that focuses your attention on the "now, this moment" that is neither the past nor the future. This is a mental state that can be practiced not only in the form of meditation, but in all aspects of daily life.

In mindfulness practice, we put aside the evaluations and judgments we make on a daily basis and focus our attention on our inner world, such as our bodies, emotions, and thoughts.

In this process, we are able to objectively observe our state of mind and remain calm without being swallowed up by the waves of emotions.

Mindfulness can be said to be a kind of "reset mind button" in modern society. In the midst of busy days, we are constantly thinking about something and pursuing something.

But mindfulness gives us the opportunity to pause these mental movements and focus our attention in the present moment, giving us the opportunity to regain our tranquility.

Meditation is one of the important tools for this, and by focusing on your breath and paying attention to your body's sensations, you can expect to regain your calm and reduce stress.

Living in the present, free from the fantasies of the past and the future

We often forget to live in the "now" by being trapped by past events or by anxiety and expectations for the future. Continuing to regret past failures or worrying about an unprecedented future can exhaust our minds and cause stress.

However, the heart of mindfulness lies in the "now, this moment." This approach allows you to face your self deeply by asking questions like, "What are you feeling now?" and "What is happening to you?"

For example, in our daily lives, we unconsciously do many things.

From waking up in the morning until going to bed, it often acts like an autopilot.

However, if you are aware of mindfulness, you can gain new discoveries and awareness among the actions you take casually in everyday life.

For example, when drinking coffee in the morning, you can enjoy a different experience than usual by consciously experiencing its aroma, temperature, and the sensations it feels in your mouth.

Mindfulness can also be expected to help relieve negative thought patterns and increase self-awareness.

Thoughts like regret for the past or worry about the future can tire us out, mindfulness can regain mental stability by not only realizing these thoughts and observing them, but regaining mental stability without being swayed by them.

Furthermore, increasing self-awareness can have a positive effect on communication that helps you understand your own emotions and thought patterns and build better relationships.

Learn mindfulness and Strengthen the muscles of the mind through practice

There are many ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life, and among them, meditation is widely known. Mindfulness Meditation in particular is a simple method of focusing attention on breathing, making it easy for beginners to tackle.

During meditation, we notice movements of our minds, such as thoughts and emotions, and practice "just observing" them. In this process, you will be able to maintain your mind's tranquility without being swayed by the distractions that circulate through your mind.

Meditation makes our hearts stronger and more flexible, just like we train our heart muscles.

In addition to meditation, exercises such as raisin work are also effective ways to experience mindfulness. In raisin work, you will be able to fully enjoy the raisins while paying attention to the color, texture, smell, taste, and the feeling of chewing them.

The raisins you eat casually everyday will feel completely different through conscious experiences.

Raisin work will not only increase your insight into your senses and emotions, but also develop an attitude of accepting your own senses and enrich your everyday experiences.

Meditation School

Specific benefits of mindfulness: fostering mental and physical health

The reason why mindfulness is attracting attention around the world is its numerous effects. The stress-reducing effect has been demonstrated in numerous scientific studies, and it has been found that habitually incorporating meditation can work properly in the areas of stress in the brain, and balance the mind and body. If you are suffering from daily stress, practicing mindfulness will help you reduce stress and maintain a healthy mental and physical state.

Mindfulness also has a great effect on improving concentration. Everyone has experienced how work or studying can be distracted and distracted from focus. Mindfulness meditation can be expected to help organize unnecessary thoughts and bring straightforward focus on the tasks you are currently working on. Improved concentration can lead to increased work efficiency and increased academic achievement.

Furthermore, developing self-awareness is one of the important benefits of mindfulness. Through the process of consciously observing emotions and thoughts, you will be able to understand yourself more deeply.

By increasing your self-awareness, you will acquire the skills to control your emotions, allowing you to act calmly without being swayed by your emotions. As a result, you will be able to build good relationships with others, enriching your family and social life.

Why companies choose mindfulness: Encourage organizations and personal growth

The modern business environment is constantly changing and competition is intensifying. Companies are taking various initiatives to maintain the physical and mental health of their employees and to ensure maximum performance. Among these, mindfulness programs are attracting attention as they reduce employee stress, increase focus, and bring out creativity. Many companies have introduced mindfulness training in order to improve their work environment and improve work efficiency, and they have realized the effects.

In particular, it is said that introducing it as a leadership development program is highly effective. In order for leaders to make calm and accurate decisions, it is important to control their stress and not be influenced by emotions.

Mindfulness will enhance leaders' self-awareness, develop the ability to calmly observe waves of emotions, and support better decision-making.

Advanced companies such as Google are incorporating mindfulness training to improve employees' mental liberty and improve their creativity and communication skills.

The training not only reduces employee stress, but also improves passion for work and productivity, leading to improved performance for the entire company. Mindfulness has the power to encourage not only personal growth, but also the growth of the entire organization.

Recommended books to deepen your learning: Continue your mindfulness journey

Reading related books can help you gain a deeper understanding of the world of mindfulness. Many books explain the concept of mindfulness from a variety of perspectives, so it's important to choose the one that suits your needs.

For example, Search Inside Yourself (by Chardy Meng Tang) is based on the mindfulness program developed by Google, and explains the essence of mindfulness with humor for business people.

Meanwhile, "Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation" (written by Yoshida Masao) features easy-to-understand illustrations for beginners. This book is recommended for those who are trying meditation for the first time.

EQ Mind Intelligence (by Daniel Goleman) delves into the connection between emotional intelligence and mindfulness, providing knowledge to improve relationships. By increasing your emotional intelligence, you will be able to build smoother communication and better relationships at work and at home.

For those who want to further explore the practice of meditation, we recommend Beyond Mindfulness (by Bante H. Gunaratana). This book offers specific ways to train your focus and observation skills in meditation.

Additionally, "Lessons to Keep Your Head Empty" (by Andy Pudicom) introduces 10-minute meditation techniques that are easy to incorporate into your busy daily life, supporting efficient mindfulness practices.

Summary: For a richer life

Mindfulness is more than just a concept of psychology, but it is a powerful tool to improve the quality of our daily lives. It leads to personal mental health, improving relationships at work and at home, and even a sense of fulfillment in the overall life. Practicing mindfulness will help us live a more peaceful and happier life.

Whether you are suffering from stress or anxiety, struggling with relationships, or want to improve your focus at work or school, this is the opportunity to try incorporating mindfulness. Mindfulness will be a powerful compass to encourage the growth of each and every one of us and to lead a richer life.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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