
Your surroundings will change too! A miraculous story that I realized through practicing the "Law of the Mirror"


What is the "Mirror Law"? Learn the basics

Definition and origin of "Mirror Law"

 The "Mirror Law" is a law in which the way one's mind and deep consciousness are reflected in the reality around them, and as a result, relationships and events are formed. This idea has been widely discussed in the fields of psychology and spirituality, and became widely known in 2006 after Noguchi Yoshinori's book, The Laws of the Mirror. This book has been a bestseller with over 1 million copies sold and has moved many people struggling with self-development and improving their relationships. This law states that "reality is a reflection of one's own mind," and proposes that the world we feel every day reflects our own consciousness and inner state.

The fundamental role of this law in human relationships

 The "Mirror Law" is said to have a particularly large impact on human relationships. For example, this law suggests that relationship troubles and difficulties in love are often caused by one's internal state or feelings rather than the other person. Feelings that we usually have, such as anxiety, anger, and self-denial, can be reflexively manifested in our interactions with others. Conversely, having positive attitudes and emotions can lead to positive changes in relationships. In this way, the "Mirror Law" teaches us the principle that, rather than changing someone, we change our surroundings by looking at ourselves and improving our actions.

The psychological mechanism of relationships between the self and surroundings

 Even from a psychological perspective, the underlying mechanisms of "Mirror Law" are self-awareness and projection. We sometimes unconsciously project our inner emotions and qualities onto our surroundings, and we find them in others. For example, people who are not confident in themselves may take the words and actions of others as "eyes of criticism" because they are actually viewing themselves negatively. On the other hand, if you increase your self-esteem and have a positive attitude, your surroundings may change for the better accordingly. These psychological mechanisms support the theory of "Mirror Law."

Pros and cons of this law and their background

 While there are many voices of support for the "Mirror Law," it is also true that there are mixed opinions. Supporters say that through this law, it has helped improve relationships and encouraged them to reflect on themselves. On the other hand, there are many criticisms that it is psychologically strange, and questions such as, "Isn't it just me the cause?" In particular, the misunderstanding that even situations that cause harm or absurd events should be considered "your fault" can lead to false evaluations of this law. However, the original "Mirror Law" does not emphasize your own responsibility, but is presented as a framework for considering self-improvement and the impact on others. By deepening your understanding, you will be able to discover how to use this rule in your life.

Effects and effects of "Mirror Laws" that you can understand by practicing

The beginning of change: The reason I first tried to practice

 Many people who have first practiced the "Mirror Law" have experienced daily relationship worries and vague dissatisfaction with themselves. For example, it is common for people who have become more uncomfortable with the reactions of those around them to their own thoughts and actions, and they find out that the law of the mirror "reflects their inner self" and want to find out why.

 Many practitioners of this law particularly have the question: "Why do I always end up with the same relationship trouble?" and "Is there something wrong with myself?" It is common for people to start with a slightly skeptical attitude, such as, "What is the law of the mirror?" or "Is this theory really meaningful?", but as they practice it more and more people realize the change.

Examples of improvement in love and relationships

 There have also been many reports of cases where love and relationships have improved dramatically by practicing the "Mirror Law." For example, while people are increasingly dissatisfied with a particular partner, some people have come to realize by looking back at "what attitudes they were taking towards their partner." As a result, as you gradually change the way you treat the other person, your attitude naturally softens and your relationship has improved.

 People who had experienced repeated troubles at work and between friends also began to look inside themselves and try to change their feelings and thoughts. He also says that his attitude and language have changed without him even realizing it, making his work progress more smoothly and new relationships of trust have been built. In this way, many people have come to realize that mirror laws have a positive impact on relationships and love.

Issues that are likely to occur during practice and how to overcome them

 One of the challenges that many people face when practicing the "Mirror Law" is their resistance to acknowledging their own weaknesses and negative aspects. In particular, when you think of the events around you reflect your inner self, you can sometimes feel like you want to feel that it's strange. Although we often get caught up in self-repentance and guilt, we need to remember that the purpose of this law is merely self-improvement and not self-denial.

 To overcome this, it is recommended to start with small steps. For example, carefully observe the words you say in your daily life and the feelings you have towards others. And rather than seeking results right away, it is important to have a patience to accept the changing self that is slowly changing. Furthermore, it is effective to gain a third-party perspective by consulting with trusted friends and mentors.

A great sense of awareness and achievement created by small success

 Small successes gained in practicing the "Mirror Law" can lead to great realizations. For example, many people have experienced that they have noticed that they had unconsciously used harsh words to close relatives, and by consciously changing them, they have been receiving more frequent smiles and words of gratitude.

 As these small success experiences accumulate, self-understanding will improve and "big realizations." Not only will it change the way you treat others, but it will also expand your own values ​​and views, leading to an even greater sense of accomplishment. Even if the changes seem trivial at first, by actively taking them into consideration, you will be able to give you the courage to take the next step. The "Mirror Law" is truly a tool that connects one's inner self with the external environment, and can be a driving force for a positive and positive change in life.

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The Miracle Law Proves Miracle Examples

Episodes of family reconciliation and rebirth

 For those suffering from family troubles, the "Mirror Law" can be a clue to the solution. For example, a woman had a sympathy for her family. She was dissatisfied with her parents from an early age, and her feelings never faded into adulthood. Based on the "Mirror Law," I became aware of my heart and being grateful, and gradually my relationship with my family eased. These changes allowed us to communicate honestly between families, and ultimately revived into a relationship where we could feel a bond again.

Successful stories of improving interpersonal relationships at work

 Workplace relationship worries can also be improved by practicing the "Mirror Law." In one man's case, his relationship with his boss was awkward, and it made him feel depressed about going to work every day. However, the man decided to reassess his conflict with his superiors based on the concept of "the mirror law," which states that "the reality at work is a reflection of your own mind." By realizing the stereotypes and negative emotions underlying the conflict and trying to let go of them, the tone of the conversation naturally softened, and gradually my boss began to show concern. As a result, team collaboration has strengthened and it has a positive impact on business efficiency.

The impact of your own internal changes on your surroundings

 It is said that the effect of "Mirror Law" can not only change oneself, but also have a chain reaction to those around them. There is an example of a housewife becoming increasingly unhappy with her family due to daily stress. She felt the family's attitude was "cold" and felt isolated. However, through the practice of "Mirror Laws," I first turned my attention to changing myself, and instead of feeling dissatisfied, I began to express my gratitude on a daily basis. The positive changes were contagious to the family, gradually increasing the conversations within the home, creating a warm atmosphere with constant smiles. This episode is an example that gives you an idea of ​​the psychological mechanisms of the laws of the mirror.

The moment when empathy for others creates new relationships

 "Mirror Law" can also help you increase your ability to empathize with others and create opportunities to build new relationships. One student had the trouble of being isolated from friendships. He believed that the cause was the cause of this, so he began practicing the "Mirror Law" as a way to reassess his attitude and mental state. Then, when I realized that I had an unconsciously rejected attitude and tried to change it, I was surprisingly able to empathize with the other person's feelings and position. These small inner changes led me to gain trust from those around me, and as a result, I was able to build new friendships. This is an example of how I realized that by viewing myself as a "mirror" that reflects others, it is possible to develop good relationships with others.

Tips for practicing the "Mirror Law" more effectively

A simple way to look inside you

 In order to effectively implement mirror laws, it is extremely important to first look deep inside yourself. This is because it is the first step to understanding how your mind and emotions are reflected in reality. A simple way is to spend a few minutes of self-interaction every day and take a moment to calmly reflect on what you are feeling and why you feel that way. For example, using a diary to write down the events and feelings of the day can be effective in organizing the feelings you are unconsciously holding in your mind. Additionally, by incorporating deep breaths and meditation, you will be able to face your inner self. By having this habit of staring at yourself in detail, you can deepen your practice of the laws of the mirror.

Specific examples that can be consciously put into practice in everyday life

 Mirror Laws can be easily put into practice in everyday life. For example, try to be aware of this law even when you have small relationships at work or at home. If you unconsciously feel resentful towards someone else's words and actions, try asking them "what is reflected in your mind?" It is also effective to develop the habit of consciously using kind words to others. For example, many people realize that simply expressing words like "thank you" or "sorry" with all their heart can change your environment incredible ways. Also, using mirror laws to be conscious of smooth communication with others in love and relationships can be a good example.

How to deal with emotions and how to create positive thoughts

 To change relationships and real events, it is essential to first face your own emotions honestly. Rather than forcibly suppressing negative emotions such as anger and sadness, it is important to recognize and accept them as they are feeling this feeling right now. Then, instead of blaming yourself too much, try changing your perspective by asking, "How can I think positively?" For example, if something unpleasant happens, try thinking, "What does it teach you?" By becoming more and more honest with emotions and thinking positively, you should be able to feel the effects of the Mirror Law even more.

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Utilize third party perspectives and feedback

 It is important not only to self-analysis, but also to incorporate third-party perspectives. Sometimes internal parts that are difficult to notice can be reflected in response to others' words and actions. Therefore, getting honest opinions from trustworthy friends and family is an effective way to get to know yourself. For example, you may discover something new, just by asking, "Have you ever been bothered by my attitude or behavior recently?" It is also effective to utilize specialized support such as counseling and coaching. By accepting feedback from others, you will open up a path to overcome challenges you may not have noticed and to gain a deeper understanding of the laws of the mirror.

Learning and life changes gained through practice

The need for "self-growth" taught by the laws of the mirror

 When we practice the "Mirror Law" the first thing we notice is the fact that our inner self is affecting our surroundings more than we think. This law highlights the areas you lack and the areas you need to improve through your relationship with others. In the process, you will have the opportunity to reflect on why it is a challenge for you, rather than simply seeking anger and sadness from outside, even if it is an unpleasant experience. This will allow you to turn your relationships and love issues into sources of self-growth. As the question "What is the law of the mirror?" implies, the essence of this theory is to get the opportunity to get to know oneself deeply and grow from the outside world.

Not only will you change your surroundings, but you will also feel like you will be changing yourself

 When practicing the "Mirror Law," the first thing that will change may be the reaction of those around you. But even more so, you will notice that your inner self is gradually improving. For example, you can be able to calmly respond to words and actions that you used to feel angry, and it can be easier to understand the emotions behind someone else's words. Every time you feel that change in yourself, you can realize how effective the laws of the mirror are. The changes will then spread to those around you, and will have a positive effect on your relationships and love. Even when you feel that reality is "fair", you can gain even more realization by looking back that it was your inner self that actually attracted such a situation.

The future after gaining new values ​​and views

 Another major change that can be achieved through the "Law of the Mirror" is new values ​​and views on things. You will be able to reconsider the challenges and hardships that you had previously thought "why it is just me" as actually a learning opportunity that you need. As a result, every event in life can feel as a step towards growth. This new value will bring about a more positive and hopeful future. In human relationships, instead of criticizing or denying others, accepting and sympathizing with others will expand the possibilities for building a better relationship.

A complete review and message to readers

 Practicing the "Mirror Law" may require strict self-reflection, which you might want to avoid. However, that is the real joy of this rule. By not taking the events around you as mere coincidences, but looking at your own mind and actions like a mirror image, you can gain new realizations and growth. And there have been many reports of cases where relationships and relationships improve throughout this process. This law is not just a spiritual perspective, but also psychologically meaningful. Please try to incorporate the idea of ​​"Mirror Laws" into your daily life and experience the miraculous changes. By changing yourself, you will be able to feel that the world around you will also be brighter and more positive.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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