
A psychological barrier called "lonely energy" - self-defense and growth perspective


Living in the centre - the fear and impact of thinking energy

There was a text focusing on the concept of "lonely energy" that others emit, and considering its effects and countermeasures. This article is an attempt to view experiences in which one's own performance is reduced due to the words and actions of others or receive negative reviews as a kind of psychological barrier called "solitude energy," and to present its mechanism and how to deal with it.

Here, we will critically examine this concept of "lonely energy" and explore the lessons learned from it from a more realistic and constructive perspective. in particular,

Validity and limitations of the concept of "lonely energy": clarifying the possibilities of this concept and its weaknesses of lack of scientific evidence.

is the true nature of negative influences from others
  , we analyze what kind of psychological factors are affecting them.


Characteristics of people who are susceptible to influence
are not considered as "good people," but rather consider in detail what kind of psychological tendencies people are susceptible to influence.

abstract solution
of "freedom from suggestion," we propose ways to protect ourselves from the negative influences of others through concrete actions and thinking methods.


Relationships as opportunities for growth
  We present a perspective that views negative relationships as opportunities for deepening self-understanding and growing.

1. The validity and limitations of the concept of "lonely energy"

The concept of "lonely energy" can be evaluated as an attempt to express the psychological effects of other people's negative words and actions in a way that is easy to understand intuitively. Explaining specific symptoms such as headache and slurredness as if they were the effects of invisible energy will make it easier to empathize with your own experiences and will help you become aware of the problem.

However, the term "solid energy" is merely a metaphorical expression with little scientific evidence. It is not something that can be measured like physical energy, and the specific mechanism is unknown. Therefore, relying too much on this concept can lead to misunderstanding the nature of the problem or making it difficult to find a solution.

For example, if you blame your boss's harsh words on "lonely energy," you may overlook the possibility that you lack communication skills or problems with how you work. Furthermore, even if you set an abstract goal of blocking off the "lonely energy," you will not be able to take concrete action and the situation will not improve.

Therefore, it is important to view the concept of "lonely energy" as a gateway to becoming aware of problems and strive to understand the specific psychological factors behind it.

2. The true nature of negative influences from others

Instead of the vague phrase "lonely energy," it is important to understand the specific psychological factors behind negative influences from others. Below are some of the most common factors:

Cognitive biases
people tend to interpret information based on their own preconceptions and experiences. For example, if you have received a negative review from your boss in the past, you may also interpret the small actions and actions of your boss in a negative way.


Low self-esteem and
low self-esteem people tend to take other people's words at face value and tend to take negative reviews excessively. If you believe that you can't do your job, you may not be able to objectively judge what your boss points out, and you may feel even more depressed than necessary.

Want to recognize
someone: People with a strong desire to be recognized by others may be extremely afraid of criticism and may be too scared of the other person's face. As a result, you may be unable to express your own opinions or refuse the other person's requests.


Submission to authority
tends to be more likely to be obedient to the opinions of those with authority (such as bosses, teachers, parents). Therefore, even if it is an unreasonable request, you may be unable to assert your own opinion by taking into consideration the other person's position.

Psychological Safety
If an organization or team does not have an environment in which you can express your opinions and emotions safely (psychological safety), people may become atrophied and may not be able to perform.


These psychological factors interact with each other and act in a complex way. For example, people with low self-esteem can lead to a chain of events in which cognitive biases negatively interpret the words and actions of others, and pandering to the other person excessively in order to satisfy their desire for recognition.

3. Characteristics of people who are susceptible to influence

Rather than the vague idea of ​​"good person," it is important to consider in detail what kind of psychological tendencies people are susceptible to negative influences from others. Below are some of the most common features:


a high level of empathy
and ability to understand and empathize with other people's emotions are more likely to be caught up in and be susceptible to other people's negative emotions.

who tend to be self-sacrificing
can be unable to refuse the other person's requests and may end up burdening them.


can lead to so much that you can be overly concerned about small mistakes and criticism, and end up stressed.

not good at assertiveness
and are not good at expressing their opinions and feelings openly are more likely to be swayed by the other person's opinions and may accept unfair requests.


Past Trauma:
Past trauma experiences (such as bullying, abuse) can affect current relationships and lead to hyper-sensitive reactions to the words and actions of others.

These characteristics are not necessarily negative. High empathy and self-sacrificing spirit are important factors in smoothing relationships. However, if these characteristics are excessive, they can become more susceptible to others and erode your own mind and body.

4. Specific solutions

Rather than an abstract solution of "freedom from suggestion," we propose ways to protect ourselves from the negative influences of others through concrete actions and ways of thinking.

that correct cognitive distortions
and strive to have an objective perspective.


Recognize your strengths and strengths to increase your self-esteem

Assertive communication:
Acquire the skills to communicate your opinions and emotions frankly and politely.


Rather than accepting all the requests of others that draw boundaries

Stress Management
Have time to relax and hobbies to avoid stress from accumulating.


Seeking Help from a professional
If past trauma or emotional wounds are affecting you, seek the help of a professional, such as a counselor or therapist.

These solutions do not immediately work. It requires daily awareness and effort. However, by acquiring these skills, you will be able to protect yourself from the negative influences of others and live more independently.

5. Relationships as opportunities for growth

Rather than simply viewing negative relationships as a source of pain, let's look at them as opportunities for deepening our self-understanding and growing.

Deepen your self-understanding: Observe what emotions arise under what circumstances and what kinds of emotions arise, and recognize your weaknesses and challenges.


Analyzing relationship patterns : Looking back on past relationships and checking whether similar patterns have been repeated.

Learn: Learn a variety of skills, including difficult relationships, communication skills and problem-solving skills.


A catalyst for self-growth: Overcoming difficult situations will increase your self-esteem and allow you to grow mentally.

Building new relationships : Proactively build relationships that are positive for you and build a network that supports you.


Relationships are not always good. Sometimes you may face difficult situations. However, such experiences provide valuable opportunities for deepening and growing self-understanding.


The concept of "lonely energy" can be evaluated as an attempt to express the negative influence of others in a way that is easy to understand intuitively. However, this concept is merely a metaphorical expression with little scientific evidence.

The important thing is not to rely on the concept of "lonely energy," but to take concrete actions such as understanding the specific psychological factors behind it, correcting cognitive distortions, increasing self-esteem, and trying to communicate assertively.

It is also important to see negative relationships as opportunities for deepening self-understanding and growing, rather than simply as sources of pain.

By overcoming difficult relationships, we can grow stronger, smarter, and more human.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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