
Mystery and Mysterious Mayan Civilization - Spiritual


Mayan civilization, its location, the mystery of destruction

The Mayan civilization continues to fascinate us even among the ancient Mesoamerican civilizations with its highly civilisation and mysteries. The prosperity and decline, and the numerous mysteries left behind in the ruins, attract not only historians and archaeologists, but also many people. In this article, we will explore more deeply about the locations that set the Mayan civilization, the mysteries of prosperity and destruction, and the spiritual charms hidden in the ruins.

The stage of the Mayan civilization, the diverse natural environment and city states

The Mayan civilization flourished in regions that span what is now southeastern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and parts of El Salvador. This vast area was blessed with a diverse range of natural environments, including tropical rainforests, plateaus and coastlines.

Terrain and climate

The tropical rainforest, blessed with fertile soil and abundant rainfall, making it a suitable area for agriculture. However, at the same time, it was a harsh environment, with the challenges of moisture, disease and jungle.

In the plateau and in the arid regions, the limestone was abundant and used as a building material.

It was able to use coastlines and seafood, and played an important role as a trading route.


The formation of city-states

The Mayan civilization developed through the development of independent city-states, rather than unified empires, by competing and cooperating with each other. Each city-state had its own rulers, temples and cultures, and formed a complex political structure. These city-states, while each of them was independent, shared a common culture and religion.

Major city states

Tikal - Located in today's Guatemala, it is known as one of the largest Mayan civilizations. There are many giant pyramids and temples remaining, and the grandeur is impressive. In particular, the sights of giant pyramids such as Temples 4 and 5 represent the power of Mayan civilization.


Copan - Located in today's Honduras, this city is known for its exquisite sculptures. In particular, hieroglyphs engraved on the stairs and altar sculptures are recognized as masterpieces of Mayan art. Copan is an important place to demonstrate the high level of artistry of the Mayan civilization.

Palenque - Located in what is now Mexico, this city is characterized by its beautiful architecture and sculpture. In particular, the inscription temples and sculptures left in the royal palace convey the delicate sense of beauty of Mayan civilization. Palenque is also known as the "jewel of Mayans" due to its elegant appearance.


Chichen Itza - Located in what is now Mexico, it is famous for its magnificent pyramid "Castillo." In particular, the shadows of snakes descending on the pyramid steps, seen on the vernal and autumnal equinox, suggest that they are designed with built-in astronomical knowledge. Chichen Itza is a unique culture that combines the Mayan and Torteca civilizations.

Calakmul - Located in what is now Mexico, it is a large city alongside Tikal. The ruins of giant pyramids and temples remain, and their vast scale speak to the high level of urban construction skills of the Mayan civilization. Karakumur is also known for having a rivalry with Tikal.


Uxmal - Located in today's Mexico, this city is known for its unique architectural style known as the Puuk style. In particular, the Governor's House and the Wizard's Pyramid are famous for their beautiful designs. Uxmal conveys the advanced architectural skills and artistry of the Mayan civilization to this day.

Prosperity of the Mayan civilization, the flowering of advanced knowledge and culture

Fukutomi Kazutaka
Fukutomi Kazutaka

The Mayan civilization has built a sophisticated civilization for around 3,000 years. The history can be broadly divided into three periods:

1. Preclassical period (around 2000-250 BC) - the birth of civilization

  1. The start of agriculture, the cultivation of corn, beans, etc. began, and the settling life began.
  2. Village formation: Small settlements were formed, and the foundations for social organization were laid.
  3. Manufacturing of ceramics - Early ceramics were made, and lifestyles gradually changed.
  4. Early religious views were formed, such as the beginning of religion, nature worship and ancestral worship.

2. Classical Period (around 250-900) - the height of civilization

  1. City-state development and a large-scale city-state was formed, becoming the center of politics, economy and culture.
  2. Advanced Building Technology - Large-scale buildings have been constructed, including pyramids, temples and palaces.
  3. We have made precise astronomy, mathematics and calendar developments, and created accurate calendars. The Mayan calendar had a complex system that combined 260-day and 365-day calendars. Advanced mathematics using decimal methods has also been developed.
  4. The development of hieroglyphs and developed their own hieroglyphic systems, recording history, myths, rituals, and more.
  5. Art Development: Advanced artworks have been created, including stone carvings, earthenware, and murals.
  6. Trade has been increased, long distance trading routes have been developed, and products from various regions have been gathered in cities.

3. Post-Classic Period (around 900 to 16th century): Decline and change

  1. The decline of city-states in the classical period The city-states that flourished during the classical period fell into decline, and the population declined.
  2. The rise of a new city-state - A new city-state has emerged, centering on the Yucatan Peninsula in the north.
  3. The Mayan and Torteca cultures are fused with Mayan and Torteca cultures. At Chichen Itza, a unique culture has developed.
  4. Spaniards' Invasion - The Spanish invasion in the 16th century led to an end to the Mayan civilization.

The Mayan civilization: The Mysterious Decline

The Mayan civilization, boasting its advanced civilization, experienced a massive decline at the end of the Classical Period. Various theories have been proposed about the cause of this decline, but no conclusive conclusions have been made.


Probable theory: Environmental destruction

  1. Due to the expansion of agricultural land due to deforestation and population growth, and the demand for building materials has led to large-scale cutting of forests.
  2. Soil erosion and forest loss caused soil erosion and reduced fertility.
  3. Drought and long-term droughts caused a sharp decline in agricultural production.

Political turmoil

  1. Wars between city-states and conflicts between city-states intensified, and wars began to occur frequently.
  2. Even within the internal conflict and city-states, power struggles and rebellions broke out among the ruling class.
  3. Social unrest, war and food shortages have made society unstable.


  1. The epidemic of infectious diseases such as smallpox became prevalent, causing the population to plummet.
  2. The weakened immunity and the long-term food shortage have weakened people's immunity.

Invasion from outside

  1. Other ethnic groups invaded and other ethnic groups destroyed city-states.
  2. Destruction of trade routes and the economy was disrupted.
  3. These factors are thought to have been intertwined in a complex way, leading to the decline of Mayan civilization. In recent years, the theory that environmental destruction was the most important factor has become a promising theory.
  4. Mayan civilization ruins - spiritual energy and mystery
  5. The Mayan civilization ruins are attracting attention not only for their grand scale and precise architectural techniques, but also for their spiritual aspects. Visiting the ruins gives you a sense of Mayan views of space and religion, as well as advanced knowledge and skills.

Spiritual elements of Mayan civilization ruins


Star Observations and Calendar

  1. Astronomy and Mayans accurately observed the movement of celestial bodies and created the calendar. They viewed the movement of the celestial bodies as the will of the gods and used them in rituals and rituals.
  2. It has a complex calendar system that combines the 260-day calendar (Tzolkin) and the 365-day calendar (Haab), which was intended to capture the rhythms of the universe and the cycles of nature.

Pyramids and energy

  1. Energy accumulation: There is a theory that pyramids were not merely structures, but also acted as devices that collect and release cosmic energy.
  2. The sacred place, pyramid, was a place for worshiping the gods and a sacred space for rituals.

Temples and rituals

  1. Prayer to the Gods The temple was a place for worshiping and praying for the gods.
  2. Sacrifices, sometimes sacrifices of humans and animals were offered, hoping for the dedication to the gods and for the blessings and prosperity of nature.

Hieroglyphs and mysticism

  1. Hieroglyphs The Mayan characters are made up of complex and mysterious hieroglyphs. These letters contain Mayan history, myths, and view of the universe, and many undeciphered parts remain.
  2. Transmission of knowledge: Mayan Scripts were an important means of passing on knowledge and culture to future generations.

Connection with the universe

The Mayans place importance on connection with the universe, and believed that the position and movement of stars influenced human destiny and society.

Cosmic Order

  1. They built a social structure that reflected the order of the universe and lived a life in harmony with nature.
  1. When you visit Mayan civilization ruins, these spiritual elements give us new insights and inspiration to those of us living in our modern times. Feeling the energy that resides in the ruins and thinking about the ancient Mayan view of the universe will also lead to our own inner quest.
  2. The Mayan civilization was an ancient civilization that had built a sophisticated civilization, yet had a mysterious and ruined eradication. The ruins not only have historical value but also spiritual charm. Unraveling the mysteries of Mayan civilization is extremely important in understanding human history, culture, and connections with the universe. A journey to visit and experience the mysteries of the Mayan civilization could also be a journey to explore our own inner world.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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