Good luck

Seven ways to get good luck by leaving it to the natural flow

Large trees dyed at the sunset

7 ways to get lucky

Life is like a river flowing. Sometimes calm, sometimes intense, sometimes unpredictable. However, by not opposing the laws of nature and surrendering to the flow, it can go surprisingly smoothly and open the door to good fortune. Here we will explain seven good fortune methods to help you live in the flow of nature and make your life richer and more happy, along with specific examples and the underlying ideas.

1. Cherish your intuition and trust in the compass of the heart

What is intuition?
Intuition is a feeling that comes from deep within the heart, not based on logical thoughts or past experiences. It could be said that "I feel that way" or "It really touches you," and that it is difficult to explain in words.

Fukutomi Kazutaka
Fukutomi Kazutaka

Why is intuition important?
In our daily lives, we are surrounded by a lot of information and always think and judge in our heads. However, sometimes you can think too much in your head and lose sight of your true feelings and the direction you really need to go. Intuition can be a precious message that our subconscious and soul is trying to convey to us. If you ignore it, you may end up falling out of your original path and may experience discomfort and stress.

How to improve your intuition

  1. Meditation - Meditation that closes your eyes in a quiet place and focuses on your breathing helps to calm your mind and make it easier to receive intuition.
  2. Journaling - By writing down what you feel every day and what comes to mind, you will be able to deepen your understanding of your inner self and become more aware of your intuition.
  3. Being exposed to nature and spending time in nature has the effect of refreshing your body and mind and sharpening your intuition.
  4. Be aware of the five senses: By being aware of your vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, your brain is activated and you can receive intuition more easily.
  5. While we value points to be careful about and intuition, we need to be careful about impulsive behavior and unfounded judgments. Make sure to distinguish between intuition and impulses and remember that sometimes rational judgment is also necessary.

Case studies

  • One woman was considering changing jobs and received job offers from several companies. Some companies had good conditions, but for some reason I felt that they didn't understand, and in the end I chose the company that had the lowest conditions, but that I felt was the only one I could have done. As a result, I was able to develop my talent at the company and build a fulfilling career.
  • When choosing a destination, we often hear stories of visiting places that we felt were "worried for some reason," rather than places that are highly rated in guidebooks, and we have had wonderful encounters and unforgettable experiences.

2. Have the courage to not resist the flow and accept it

What are the waves of life?
There are times in life where there are times when it's not. It goes up and down like a wave. In good times, you can continue with the flow, but in bad times, even if you resist, the situation doesn't improve.


Why is it important not to resist?
When things don't go well, we sometimes get panicked and try to break the situation, doing everything we can to help. However, forcing yourself to resist can actually drain your energy and make the situation worse. By not resisting the flow and accepting it once, it can be a preparation period to preserve energy and move on.

What does it mean to accept?
Accepting is not about being content with the current situation. This refers to understanding the current situation and understanding the situation objectively, rather than recognizing it. And it is important to keep an eye on yourself quietly, not blaming yourself, saying, "This is the time of year .


Specific actions

  1. Rest - When things don't go well, it is important to take a rest without straining yourself and take a rest both your body and mind.
  2. Analysis: Let's calmly analyze why the situation is in the current situation.
  3. Prepare to embrace change: Improve yourself and grow for the next opportunity.

Case studies

  • One man lost his job after his long-time company went bankrupt. At first I was despaired, but I left myself with the flow and took a rest. After that, I gained new skills and was able to change jobs to a company with better conditions than before.
  • One woman was dumped by her longtime boyfriend and was deeply hurt. However, by not forcing my sadness to be rejected and accepted, I was able to meet new people and have a happier relationship.

3. Have a sense of gratitude and foster a rich heart

The Power of gratitude
Appreciation gives us positive energy and fosters a richness in our hearts. Having a sense of gratitude will help you feel happy even in small things in your daily life, increasing your satisfaction with life.


Why is gratitude important?
Appreciation is like a magnet that attracts good luck. By appreciation, we realize the wealth we already have and can attract even more wealth. Appreciation also helps to smooth relationships and deepen connections with those around you.

How to make gratitude a habit

  1. Speaking words of gratitude and just saying "thank you" in your daily life will boost your gratitude.
  2. Thank You Note: By writing down what you've been grateful for every day, you can develop a habit of gratitude.
  3. Meditation of gratitude, meditation that focuses on gratitude calms the mind and increases positive emotions.
  4. Things to be careful about: Trying to force yourself to feel gratitude can have the opposite effect. Let's cherish the feeling of "thank you" from the bottom of our heart.

Case studies

  • One woman started the habit of writing in her gratitude notebook every day. I have come to be grateful for the everyday events that I had taken for granted up until then, and my heart is filled with excitement and I am able to spend my days peacefully.
  • One man has made it a habit to express his gratitude to his superiors and colleagues after he has achieved results at work. As a result, I have a better relationship with others, and my work has progressed even more smoothly.

4. Let go of attachment and create space for the heart

What is obsession?
Attachment is a state of overly obsessing past events, specific objects, people, emotions, etc. When you have an obsession, your mind is trapped in the past and wastes the energy to move forward into the future.

Fukutomi Kazutaka
Fukutomi Kazutaka

Why is it important to let go of your attachment?
By letting go of your obsession, you can create space in your mind and create space for new opportunities and possibilities. Being attached to past failures or unfulfilled dreams makes it difficult to meet new people or find new goals.

How to let go of attachment

  1. Looking back at the past - Look at past events objectively and learn lessons from them.
  2. By forgiving and forgiving yourself and others, you can let go of past sympathy.
  3. Rituals to let go - You can organize your mind by burning things that symbolize what you want to let go, or by uttering words to let go.
  4. Things to note: It's not easy to let go of your obsession. Don't panic and try to let go little by little.

Case studies

  • One woman was obsessed with past love, but decided to let go and was able to step into a new love.
  • One man was trapped in past mistakes, but forgiveness allowed him to take on a positive new job.

5. Care for yourself and cultivate self-love


What is self-love?
Self-love is the acceptance of and cherishing yourself as you are. Lack of self-love can lead to poor self-esteem and can be influenced by other people's opinions and may lead to lower self-esteem.

Why is self-love important?
By cherishing yourself, you will become healthy both physically and mentally and create positive energy. Narcissism also serves as a basis for loving others, and also helps to build good relationships with those around you. People with narcissism are also resistant to adversity and have the power to overcome difficulties.


How to cultivate self-love

  1. Acknowledge your strengths and praise your own good points.
  2. When you are tired or labour yourself, take a break or do what you love to heal yourself.
  3. Forgive yourself or fail, don't blam yourself, but forgive yourself.
  4. Affirm yourself, acknowledge your own value, and say positive words.
  5. Note: Narcissism and self-centered attitudes are different. Narcissism also means respecting others while valuing yourself.

Case studies

  • One woman always cared about the evaluation of others, but she said that she became more confident in her own way since she became aware of taking care of herself.
  • One man said he was constantly pushing himself too hard at work, but since he began to make it a habit to take care of himself, he has become more healthy both physically and mentally and can concentrate on his work more.

6. Touching nature and to experience great energy

The Power
of Nature is filled with energy that heals and invigorates us. By touching nature, you can refresh your mind and body, reduce stress, and regain your true self.


Why is nature important?
We are part of nature. By connecting with nature, we can feel safe and at ease, and balance our mind and body. Spending time in nature also sharpens your intuition and increases your creativity.

How to get into nature

  1. You can feel the energy of nature just by walking around the park or forest.
  2. You can refresh your mind and body by hiking and walking in the mountains and nature.
  3. By gardening and growing plants, you can feel a connection with nature.
  4. It's also a good idea to enjoy activities that will be spent in the natural environment, such as outdoor camping and fishing.
  5. Things to note. When you are exposed to nature, be sure to be safe and follow manners.

Case studies

  • Some women try to put themselves in nature when they are stressed out. It says that it will soothe your mind and refresh your mood.
  • One man says that meditation in nature can restore the tranquility of the mind and sharpen his intuition.

7. Continue small actions and accumulate changes

is not about seeking strength or major changes, but even small things can be done, so it is important to continue taking action little by little each day. Continuation is power, and the accumulation of small actions eventually creates great change.


Why are small actions important?
If you set a big goal, you may end up giving up halfway through. Setting small goals and achieving them will help you gain confidence and stay motivated. Also, by continuing small actions, it becomes a habit and you can continue without any effort.

Examples of small actions

  1. Get up early, wake up a little earlier every day and make time for yourself.
  2. Exercise - Create a habit of moving your body, even if it's just a little bit every day.
  3. Reading - Create a habit of reading books, even if it's just a little bit every day.
  4. Learning - Create a habit of learning new knowledge every day, even if it's just a little bit.
  5. Things to note: Don't make unreasonable plans and try to act within the limits of your enjoyable experience.

Case studies

  • One woman began to start a habit of reading books little by little each day. It took me about 10 minutes at first, but as I continued on, I began to love reading and gained a lot of knowledge.
  • One man started the habit of exercising little by little every day. At first, I used to walk lightly, but as I continued, I gained strength and was able to live a healthy life.


To surrender your life to the natural flow is never a way to live without thinking.

By cherishing our intuition, not resisting the flow, being grateful, letting go of our obsessions, cherishing ourselves, experiencing nature, and continuing to take small actions, we can navigate the waves of our lives and lead to good fortune.

Don't rush, have fun, try practicing these methods at your own pace. There is sure to be a wonderful future.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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