
A way of life that captures success: carve out your destiny from a small step


Compass of good fortune - A collection of quotes that lead to success

The desire for success is something that everyone has in their hearts. But what exactly is its success? Is it just a success that comes down to wealth and fame? There is not one answer to this question. Because everyone has different definitions of success.

However, what we can say in common is that success is a state in which you can "expand your abilities to the fullest, your results are recognized by those around you, and you are satisfied with yourself." This is a sense of fulfillment that can be gained by utilizing your strengths and contributing to society, and is also proof of your self-growth. And to be successful means winning the battle against yourself and being freed from past failures and setbacks.

Many people dream of success, but struggle to achieve it because they leave their success to special talent and destiny. But in reality, success is never available overnight. It is built up through small daily efforts, accumulation, and most importantly, a strong will to believe in yourself.

The seeds of success lurk nearby: seize small triggers

The seeds of success are never falling in special places. It is hidden in everyday life like a treasure. For example, a conversation you accidentally overhear in a cafe, a new connection that was born there, or a book you suddenly picked up at a bookstore. All of these can be "stars" that have the potential to change your life dramatically.

Luck is the power to be able to sensitively sense such small triggers and grab them without missing them. And by cherishing and cultivating the triggers you have grasped, believing in yourself and acting, the door to destiny will be opened. In the process, you will be able to awaken your true sleeping powers and demonstrate abilities that you never imagined before.

To capture small luck, exploring and continuing to take action every day

In order to pave the path to success, it is essential to take proactive action in your daily life. It is important to explore what you truly want to do and what interests you are interested in, and to be actively involved in them.

There's no need to give up thinking, "I don't have any special talent." Many successful people did not demonstrate outstanding talent from a young age. They were living their days just as ordinary as us. However, one day, they seized a trigger and poured passion into it, and developed their talents and achieved results that surprised those around them.

Get into things: Focus is the key to success

Many people called successful people are given extraordinary passion for one thing. They pursue things thoroughly, as if they were possessed by something, and hone their knowledge and skills in the field.

In the process, those around you are inspired by their ability to act and take action, and are drawn into their charm. Their passion is a powerful driving force behind the scenes of those around them and working together to succeed.

Life Compass: Learn from the quotes of successful people

The path to success is by no means flat. You may be overcome with confusion and anxiety. At times like these, the words of our great ancestors give us courage and hope.

Below are some quotes from successful greats. These words may resonate in your heart and give you energy to act.

  1. Maya Angelou : "You can't use up your creativity. The more you use it, the more it overflows."

    It teaches us that the more you use it, the more you train and the more possibilities it expands.
  2. James Allen: "A person is the very thought of a person."

    It suggests that thought determines actions, and actions determine destiny. Having positive thinking is the first step towards success.
  3. Socrates: "I know that I don't know anything."

    He teaches us the importance of staying humble. The constant attitude of learning is the source of growth.
  4. Malcolm X. "If you are not prepared to die for freedom, remove the word 'freedom' from your dictionary."

    It teaches you that strong will and determination are necessary to achieve your goals.
  5. George Bernard Shaw: "The secret to success is to go against the greatest majority."

    It suggests the importance of not being afraid of being different from others and sticking to one's beliefs.
  6. Franklin Roosevelt : "There's only one thing we should fear: fear itself." It teaches us the importance of overcoming fear and acting.
  7. Abraham Lincoln: "You can deceive everyone for a moment. You can continue to deceive some people, but you can't continue to deceive everyone."

    It suggests the importance of integrity. Trust is essential for long-term success.
  8. Oliver Goldsmith: "The best honor for us is not to never fall, but to wake up every time we fall."
    • George Santayana : "Those who cannot remember the past are destined to repeat the past." Learning from past experiences suggests the importance of not repeating the same mistakes.
    • Sidney Smith: "If you criticize the present and praise the past. It's a sign of aging."

      It teaches you the importance of not being bound by the past, but always looking to the future.
    • McAuley: "Those who have been given correct information about the past will never feel gloomy or pessimistic about the present." This teaches us that a correct understanding of history can give us a more objective view of the present.
    • Pablo Picasso: "Great artists imitate, great artists steal."

      While referring to existing ones, he suggests the importance of pursuing uniqueness.
    • Claude Monet: "All great painters are more or less impressionistic, and they are usually a matter of intuition." It suggests the importance of trusting intuition and cherishing one's own sensibility.
    • John Lapock: "Live is colored by art, just as flowers are colored by the sun."
      He teaches us that art enriches life.
    • Ralph Waldor Emerson: "Every artist was an amateur at first."

      Rather than seeking perfection from the start, it teaches you the importance of gradually honing your skills.
    • Johann Wolfgang Goethe: "Nothing will free you from this world more than art, and nothing will build a more solid bond with this world than art."

      He teaches us that art gives peace of mind and deepens connections with society.
    • Haywood Hale Brune: "Sports doesn't create a personality. It illuminates a personality."

      It teaches you that you can learn about your personality and talent through sports.
    • Charles Sugar Ray Leonard ( boxer ) : "Everyone is given a certain skill in life.

      I just happened to be given the skills to beat." He teaches us the importance of finding your talent and making use of it.
    • Quincy Jones : "People who can't love themselves can't love others either."

      It suggests the importance of first loving and affirming themselves.
    • Doug Mahershold: "The strength you have is not required of life. The only reward you can achieve is not to run away from it."

      It teaches you the importance of standing up to difficulties without escaping.
    • Futabatei Shimei: "No, life is spirited."

      It teaches you the importance of working hard with everything in mind.

    For everyone who pursues success

    This article is dedicated to everyone who pursues success. I myself am still in the middle of development and am pursuing success every day.

    The journey to success may be long and tough, but never give up and take steps at a time.

    And I sincerely hope that this sentence will spark your good fortune and light up your path to success.

    Carry out your own destiny by cherishing small opportunities and believing in yourself and acting. Success is never a distant dream. It is about to sprout in your hands.

    Shokey Hayashi
    Shokey Hayashi
    Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
    Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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