
Action is the mother of success, the subconscious, and the words of Steve Jobs and Wozniak, who carve out life.

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Compass of good fortune - A collection of quotes that continue into the future

Success does not come overnight, but is built up through the accumulation of unconscious actions every day. By following the roots of the future, whether it's brilliant success or unexpected misfortune, you will end up with one action. To achieve success, it is essential to go beyond rational thinking and choose and take action what your subconscious truly desires.

We are forced to make many choices in our daily lives. In this case, we often rely on rational thinking, such as profit and loss accounts and desires. However, such calculations may benefit in the short term, but can lead to bad luck in the long term. Because true success is achieved not only by satisfying superficial needs, but by harmonizing with the subconscious desires deep within the heart.

The subconscious is like a huge database of information accumulated through our past experiences, emotions, memories, and more. It affects our thoughts, feelings and behaviors on a deep level that we don't normally notice. By receiving and taking messages from the subconscious mind and taking action, we can create the future we truly desire.

The greats who have made their mark in history have achieved great achievements by understanding and utilizing the power of the subconscious. They have followed their intuition and passion, overcome difficulties and make the impossible possible. Their words will give us courage and hope across the ages, and will serve as a start button to embrace a lucky future. Famous quotes are truly a vitamin for the mind that stimulate our intelligence, boost our drive, and brings a sense of exhilaration after reading.

This time, we would like to lighten the path to success through the famous quotes of two great people, Steve Jobs, the leading innovator of the 20th century and co-founder of Apple, and Steve Wozniak, the genius programmer who worshiped him.

Steve Jobs And Steve Wozniak

Steve Jobs: An innovator who follows the voice of his heart and overturns common sense

Steve Jobs was born in 1955 and passed away in 2011 at the young age of 56. As one of Apple's co-founders, he has created a huge impact on the tech industry by creating a number of innovative products that change the world. His words are filled with a spirit of constant challenge and pursuing innovation.

"You are already free. There is no reason not to obey your heart."

These words encourage us to live freely according to our own heart voice, not bound by stereotypes or common sense. We tend to be so concerned about the expectations and evaluations of those around us that we lose sight of what we really want to do. However, Jobs argues that listening to the voices of his heart and finding passionateness is the key to living a fulfilling life.

"Intuition, destiny, life, karma... you have to believe something. My life has always been changed by believing."

This phrase suggests the importance of believing in invisible forces, such as intuition and destiny, when faced with problems that cannot be solved by logical thinking alone. Jobs has overcome many difficulties by valuing not only logical thinking but also subconscious messages such as intuition and emotions.

"The most important thing is to have the courage to follow the voice and intuition of your heart."

These words emphasize the importance of always listening to our hearts and having the courage to believe in our intuition, even if it differs from those around us. Many people tend to worry about what others think and give up on what they really want to do. However, Jobs teaches that following the voice of his heart and pursuing the path he believes in is the path to true success.

"Innovation comes from standing talk in the hallway, a call to share a new idea at 10:30pm, or an awareness that opens holes in the thoughts of an issue."

The phrase suggests that innovation comes not only from planned and formal processes, but also from accidental encounters and unprecedented realizations. Jobs has always been open, exposed to a variety of information, and values ​​free thinking, creating innovative ideas.

"Work is a big part of your life. The only way to get genuine satisfaction is to do something that you think is great. And to do a great job, you can love what you're doing. If that's not yet found, just keep looking."

These words preach the importance of finding passionate and genuinely enjoyable for the work that makes up a large part of our lives. Jobs believed finding a job that he could be passionate about was the most important factor in increasing life satisfaction.

"Every morning, I asked myself in the mirror: "If today is the last day of my life, would you like to do what I'm trying to do today?" If the answering "NO" continues for days, something has to be changed. ”

These words suggest the importance of always looking back on our actions in our daily lives and asking ourselves whether we are truly doing what we want to do. Jobs was conscious of the finiteness of his life and always tried to live according to his passions.

"If one thing goes well, you should not stay there forever and do another great thing. Find out what you need to do next."

This phrase preaches the importance of always setting new goals and continuing to take on challenges, not being satisfied with the status quo. After Apple's success, Jobs continued to challenge new fields, including acquiring Pixar Animation Studios and entering the film industry.

"What I like about life is all that doesn't cost money. In the end, the most valuable asset we have is time (not money)."

This phrase suggests the importance of us to value the resource of time rather than money. Jobs believed that money is just a means and what really matters is what you use your time to do.

"Dots cannot be connected while looking ahead. They can be connected by looking back at the past. So I have to believe that these points and dots will connect in the future. I have to believe in something, whether it's your courage, your destiny, your life, or your karma. I've never failed this way. This method has changed my life."

These words preach the importance of us to look back on past experiences and believe that they will lead to the future. Jobs believed that past experiences would always be useful in the future, even if they seemed meaningless.

"Time is limited, so don't waste someone's life. Being trapped in the preconceived notion that it should be like living according to the ideas of other people."

These words emphasize that we should live our lives according to our passions, rather than live our lives to meet the expectations of others. Jobs believed that being able to truly succeed was to go the path he believed in, without being trapped by preconceived notions.

"Don't listen too much to the opinions of others and drown the voices of your mind. The most important thing is to have the courage to follow your mind and intuition. You already know intuitively what you want to be. Everything else is not important."

These words emphasize the importance of us to have the courage to listen to our hearts and to believe in our intuition, not to be misled by the opinions of those around us. Jobs believed that everyone knew what they really wanted to do.

"I believe that patience is purely perseverance, half of the factors that separate successful and failing entrepreneurs."

The phrase suggests that perseverance is essential for entrepreneurs. Jobs believed it was important for entrepreneurs to persist and continue their efforts in the face of difficulties, not giving up.

"Be hungry. Be foolish."

This phrase preaches the importance of having a spirit of constant greedy for knowledge and not satisfied with the current situation, but challenges new things. Jobs has always had a hunger spirit and has achieved numerous feats by pursuing the path he believes in with his own self.

Steve Wozniak, a genius programmer, tells the pursuit of truth and fun

Steve Wozniak was an American computer engineer born in 1950 and founded Apple with Steve Jobs. He developed Apple's early products on his own, making a major contribution to the spread of personal computers. His words teach us the importance of pursuing the truth and having fun.

"I have a little bit of fun whenever I do, even at work, and that makes me happy."

This phrase preaches the importance of having fun in everything we do, including our work. Wozniak saw enjoyment as one of the most important factors for being happy.

"Enjoying is a higher priority than wealth, or in other words, success."

The phrase indicates that Wozniak places more importance on enjoyment than wealth or success. He thought that even if he had wealth or success, it would be pointless if he could not enjoy it.

"The most important thing is to tell the truth."

This phrase shows Wozniak places the most importance on telling the truth. He thought being honest was the most important factor in gaining trust.

"What you teach people is not very important, it's even more important to motivate them."

This phrase shows Wozniak believes that in education it is more important to elicite motivation to learn than to teach knowledge. He believed that if a person is willing to learn by himself, knowledge will naturally acquire.

"I know what life is good for me."

This phrase indicates that we should decide how we want to live our lives. Wozniak thought it was important to live according to the voice of his own heart, not to be misled by the opinions of others.

"The best law of good fortune is "Don't be sad."

The phrase suggests that Wozniak believes that having an optimistic attitude is a key component of attracting good fortune. He believed that it was important to remain positive and not be pessimistic, even in the face of difficult situations.

"The content you learn is not that important, and the key is whether you are motivated or not."

This phrase shows Wozniak believes that in learning it is more important to have a willingness to learn than to what to learn. He believed that if a person had the willingness to learn from his own, he could succeed in any field.

"You have to persuade me. You are yourself. You are the only person you have to convince me."

This phrase shows that in order to achieve our goals we must first persuade ourselves. Wozniak thought that if he was not satisfied he could not persuade others.

Summary and action are the key to unlocking the future

The quotes from Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak teach us the importance of following the voice of our hearts and acting passionately.

They teach us the importance of persistently trying not to give up even when faced with difficulties. Their words will give us courage and hope and provide a start button to embrace a lucky future.

Success is not just a consequence, but is achieved through self-confrontation and passionate behavior. A belief in intuition and passion, not afraid of failure, and constantly learning will pave the path to success. Action is the mother of success, and is the key to awakening the subconscious and carving out life.

Now, starting today, let's take action by following the voices of your heart, with the words of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in our hearts. The future is in your hands.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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