Spiritual Awakening and the Influence of Media

The power of media and spiritual awakening
In modern society, media such as television and social media have become indispensable in our lives. The convenience of information gathering, communication, entertainment, and more is immeasurable. However, as words such as "television is a brainwashing device" and "SNS is a stimulating device," exist as a reality that cannot be ignored. In this article, we will delve deeper into the problems presented by these expressions, and consider how we should view spiritual "awakening" and how to deal with the media.
I. The power of the media, the mechanism of brainwashing and incitement
The words "TV is a brainwashing device" and "SNS is a stimulating device" are critical views of the powerful influence of the media. These expressions suggest that the media may have some control over people's thoughts and behavior, and the mechanisms are diverse.
1. The side of television brainwashing devices
For many years, television has been at the heart of many people's lives. Its influence is extremely large, and can sometimes be criticized as a "brainwashing device" for the following aspects:
- Unilateral information dissemination, biased reporting, and television tends to be compiled and delivered unilaterally, depending on the intentions and convenience of the broadcasting station or program producer. This can make viewers more likely to continue to touch information that is biased towards a particular perspective or value, making objective judgments difficult. In particular, news programs have also pointed out the risk that viewers' emotions and opinions will be manipulated depending on the content of the report and the way they are expressed.
- Emotional appeal and entertainment - TV shows use a lot of direction and expressions that appeal to the viewer's emotions. Whether it's drama, variety, or documentary, they tend to try to attract audiences and improve viewer ratings by creating emotional ups and downs. However, this can blunt rational judgments and make viewers more susceptible to emotional responses.
- Passive viewing, thought-stop, and television provide information visually and intuitively, making it a medium that makes viewers more likely to be passive. If you are not in the habit of critically considering information, you may end up blindly accepting the information you are playing on TV and end up in a state of halt.
- Repeated imprinting - Television can instill the same information into the subconscious of viewers by repeatedly broadcasting the same information. Advertising and commercials are prime examples, and seeing a particular brand or product repeatedly can unconsciously stimulate your purchasing desire.
- Blind subjugation to authority and television is easily perceived as having social influence or authority, so viewers tend to unconditionally believe what has been reported on television or made by famous people.
2. Sides as inciting devices for social media
SNS has developed rapidly with the spread of the Internet. It has become used by many people because of its ease of use and high spreadability, but on the other hand, it is sometimes criticized as an "inciting device" for the following aspects:
- Information spreading power and false information spreading. SNS allows information to be spread in an instant and wide range, which leads to the problem of spreading false information and misinformation being easily spread. In particular, emotional or shocking content has a very high spreadability and may be spread without confirmation of authenticity.
- Amplification of emotional responses, flare-ups, and social media are a space where anonymity is likely to cause emotional and aggressive speech to circulate. This can amplify emotional responses and cause troubles such as fire.
- Polarization of peer pressure and opinions ・In social media, peer pressure on specific opinions and actions can be more likely to cause situations that make it difficult to express different opinions. Additionally, information is displayed tailored to the user's interests, making opinions more likely to be polarized, and it can lead to conflicts between people with different opinions.
- Algorithm bias/SNS algorithms select and display information based on the user's past behavior history and interests. This can lead users to only touch information that is close to their own opinions, narrowing their vision and making them more likely to get into biased information.
- Personal information leakage and privacy infringement. Social media requires that you register your personal information, and there is a risk that this information may be leaked or your privacy may be violated. Additionally, comments and actions on social media may remain as digital tattoos and may have an impact on the future.
II. Spiritual perspectives, awakening and how to deal with the media
"Awakening" in a spiritual perspective means not just receiving information, but also developing the ability to listen to your own inner voice and see through the truth. How should we face the media and achieve true awakening after understanding the negative aspects of the media?
1. Listen to your inner voice
Media information is given externally and is not necessarily true. It is important to value your own emotions, intuition, and values rather than being swayed by media information. Cultivate the habit of listening to your inner voice through meditation and journaling. By facing yourself in silence, you can discover your true self and gain strength not to be misled by the media.
2. Cultivate critical thinking
It is important to not blindly accept information sent from the media, but to develop the ability to examine information from a multifaceted perspective and think critically. Get into the habit of analyzing information from various angles, such as where the information is sourced, whether it is biased or not emotionally expressed, and making it a habit to judge objectively. Furthermore, by referring not only to one source, but also to multiple sources, you can gain a more multifaceted perspective.
3. Increase information literacy
It is important to develop the habit of checking the source and credibility of information, and to improve your ability to spot false information and misinformation. In particular, you should be careful as many information that is spread on social media is unknown whether the truth or false information is present. Don't neglect your efforts to increase information literacy, such as supporting information and listening to expert opinions.
4. Establish your own axis
It is important to act based on your own values and beliefs, not influenced by media information or the opinions of others. By clarifying what you value and what you are aiming for, and establishing your own axis, you can live your life independently without being misled by the media.
5. Maintain a sense of distance from the media
It is important to keep media usage within a moderate range and avoid excessive use. Constant exposure to information from the media can be a mental burden and prevent you from hearing your inner voice. By consciously making time away from the media, spending time in nature, or immersing yourself in your hobbies, you can refresh your mind and body.
6. Expanding consciousness and understanding of wholeness
It is important to expand one's own awareness through spiritual exploration and to capture the world from a larger perspective. We are each and every one of us part of the universe and are connected to each other. Understanding this wholeness allows us to transcend the divisions and conflicts that media create, and create a world based on love and harmony.
III. To build healthy relationships with the media
Media is an essential and useful tool in our lives, but we must not forget that we have the power to control our thoughts and actions. In order to build a healthy relationship with the media, it is important to be aware of the following points:
Understanding the purpose of media - Media is operated with a variety of purposes, not only providing information, but also increasing advertising revenue and viewership ratings. Understanding the purpose of the media will help you to see the hidden intentions of the information.
- Beware of excessive information - Overloading information can cause mental fatigue and stress. Choose only the information you need and try not to touch unnecessary information.
- Different media usage: Each media has its own characteristics. It is important to use the right media according to your purpose.
- Media-independent: Media is a tool to make our lives convenient and not something we should rely on. Don't rely on the media, but cherish yourself to stand on your own feet, think with your own head, and feel with your own heart.
The words "TV is a brainwashing device" and "SNS is a stimulating device" represent the magnitude of the influence the media has and the need for a critical perspective on it. However, by making appropriate use of media, increasing information literacy, and being aware of "awakening" from a spiritual perspective, we can control the influence of media and live more independently.
In modern society, it is becoming increasingly important to maintain an appropriate distance from the media, to develop the ability to see through the truth while listening to our own inner voice. Rather than being at the mercy of the media, we can master the media and create a richer and more fulfilling life.