
The light of the orb is God's message!

Outer Shrine Torii

When I was 21, all good things started to happen after I saw the orb. Lin Sangqing's experience

There are various opinions about orbs.

I have spent over 40 years studying the spiritual world. When I was 19 years old, I frequently visited Jimbocho bookstores, buying old documents from the Taisho and Showa eras, always exploring any hints.
At that time, Jimbocho was able to obtain many extremely valuable books today. We were able to extract valuable information from this and use it in subsequent research.

When I was 21, Tenke came down to me, "Go to Kobe." At that time, I was penniless and had no idea what to do when I went to Kobe, but I acted honestly and with the message of Tenkei, boarded the Shinkansen from Tokyo Station.

Although I arrived in Kobe, I had no choice at first to do anything and ended up feeling dazed at Kobe Port. At that moment, something like light began to fall from above towards me.
I thought, "Is light really something that falls!" and looked at my palm and it turned out to be materialized platinum gold leaf.

When I saw that, I was given a kind of unfounded conviction, saying, "There must be something good going on in the future." That was the first time I had ever seen the phenomenon of energy clearly.
A week later, I lived in a luxury apartment in Ashiya and started working. Over the next four months, we started to have 200 customers, including major manufacturers.
When I listened to Tenrei honestly, I realized that there are truly good things.

A message from God given to all

I have been researching it in my own way for many years, and an orb is a "message from God."
Orbs are generally not visible to the naked eye, but I can capture that light. Rather than seeing the shining light, it feels like the shining light enters your field of vision for a moment.

In essence, orbs are the same as the sun, and their light is given equally to everyone. If you can understand this honestly, you may be able to see the orb.
If you can take a photo of your orb, practice receiving the message. Try practicing to sense whether it's a message to yourself or someone who's involved.
If you continue, you will gradually become aware of it.

If you can see it with the naked eye, if a red light glows close to you, it means "Beware of disasters related to you," and if a red light shines in the direction of your family's home, it means "There is a disaster within your family, so look for the cause." You can also interpret the message by the location of the orb.

Orbs bring luck to those whom God believes

There is another way to make the orb visible.
It is to "live in a way that is trusted by God." If you have an intuition that you want to go or try it, immediately take action .

For example, if you think you want to go to a hot spring, you can go straight away. It's the same as being told to "come," that you want to go, so you have to do it right away.

Many people give up their chances of success. Even though you've been given the opportunity from God, if you don't take action for various reasons, such as "it's not possible now" or "it's soon," the opportunity will pass by in an instant. It's not enough to say "I believe in God" and you have to become someone who God believes in you. If you receive a message and act honestly, you will be able to trust God.
When God truly trusts us, something even more amazing will happen this time. For example, the moment you think, "We don't have enough sales this month," the orb will glow and bring you money.


Once God begins to believe you, the orb will bring you luck even if you can't see it. A spiritual way of life involves improving your abilities and fortune and creating a reality that is easy to live in. Therefore, the basic principle is to improve your spirituality as much as possible and create a constitution that allows you to receive messages.
As spirituality increases, the sparkle of the orb will naturally become visible. After that, if you follow the message, you will be able to succeed more and more.

Orb color lets you understand God's message

1. Message from orbs based on color


The light seen in my field of vision is a message from God. Be honest and act.
If you don't follow this and make excuses, you will miss out on happiness.

If a certain color glows in your vision the moment you start a gossip about someone, it's a sign that you're talking about the person you're talking about.

  1. Red: A message that informs you of dangers and disasters. If it glows above your head it indicates the possibility of a disaster. To prevent disasters, pay attention to those around you.
  2. A stronger warning color than orange or red. Reddish oranges in particular can be life-like spirits who are grudged by someone and are in love. It's safer to stay away from people with orange orbs.
  3. Platinum White - Sign that money is included. This means that if you see multiple lights, the money will be poured in one after another, and if the light is too large, the large amount of money will be poured in once. It represents the magnitude of reward for your efforts.
  4. The yellow color that is close to yellow or 24 gold is a message that you will receive money from someone else.
  5. The green and emerald green glow is the colour of God. It indicates that you are protected by sacred energy.
  6. A blue-sapphire blue-like glow indicates that good relationships and deepen relationships with those people. It is a message that "good things happen through connections with others," such as when good information is received from someone.
  7. Purple and purple lines are signs that your luck will improve.

2. How to tell whether a good or bad or bad


There are two broad types of orbs: spiritual (good) and floating spiritual (something to be careful about). Whether it's a photo or a naked eye, the moment you see it, you get a feeling. Take care how you feel the moment you see it.

  1. 〇Good Orb The more transparent the appearance, the better the energy.
  2. 〇Bad orbs: A lot of impurities. If you see an orb in the photo, first try to feel the energy. If you find it disgusting, don't put it on hand and discard it.

3. The meaning of orbs by shape

  1. Round: Intelligent and messaging.
  2. Linear Biocycle, representing fortune. The more beautiful the waveform, the better. The rattling, swaying lines are proof that your luck is disrupted.
  3. Diamond Represents a pattern of behavior. Squares mean that you live in a stable environment with squares. This also means that the closer you get to a circle such as an octagon, the wider your range of activity.
  4. The stage rises like a shower. The more transparent the lines and the more clearly the streaks and the three-dimensionality, the stronger the tendency to improve.

4. Orbs can be seen when cleaning aura

In order for the orb to be visible to the naked eye, the aura must be cleaned.
By exhaling a sigh, the evil energy that had accumulated inside your body suddenly flows out, making it easier to see the orbs, and stress becomes evil. It is recommended to do it on a night when you are more stressed than in the morning.
Practice it every day.

  1. Inhale through your nose, lift your shoulders, and hold your breath for a moment.
  2. Exhale deeply and relax your shoulders too.
  3. Repeat steps 1-2 three times.

Orb questions/Reader Q&A

Q. When I went to Yakushima, I took a photo in front of a large tree. When I saw what I had taken, I saw a red light surround me.
I was surprised and checked the surrounding area and found that it was following the line "No entry from here onwards." Was God angry? Or does it have a different meaning?


A. That's a warning. However, God isn't angry, he's telling you how bad your body is. The message is "Physical discomfort is coming soon" and "Take care of yourself, take a break."
"Don't go beyond this point" is a rule set by humans to prevent the environment from being destroyed.
If something bad happens, it's probably the work of the unattainable spirits there.

5. With the help of Orbs, we will bring you a bright future

Use the light of the orb as your ally and live a life that is unique to you

Orbs give us tips on how to live a better life. However, orbs are merely "supporting roles." Once we receive the orb's message, we must take action ourselves in the end.

With the help of an orb, unleash your inner glow and weave a story that is unique to you. I'm sure there's a richer and happier future waiting for you.

Believe in the guidance of light and become a new self

Orbs are special, showing endless possibilities. I would be very happy if you could develop an interest in orbs through this article. If you can see the orb, take that message carefully and make your own life even brighter. I sincerely hope that this will light up your heart and provide a small opportunity to lead a richer life.

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Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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