
The collapse of the "milk myth" - Dairy products and osteoporosis


The hidden truth lies in food

We have long believed in the myth that "milk is good for the bones." Since childhood, I have been taught that I should drink milk to get closer and strengthen my bones, and as I get older, I have been advised to eat dairy products to prevent osteoporosis. The supermarket's dairy section is lined with a wide variety of milk, yogurt and cheese, and is recognized as an important source of calcium intake. But is this "milk myth" really true?

In recent years, research results that overturn this common sense have been published one after another, raising questions about the relationship between dairy products and osteoporosis. And the key to unraveling this question is a "plant-based" diet, mainly plant-based foods.

Is milk really good for your bones?・Popular occurrence of osteoporosis in Europe and the United States

Milk is rich in calcium and certainly provides the nutrients needed for bone formation. However, calcium is not found only in milk. There are many calcium-rich foods in nature, including vegetables, legumes, and seeds. Despite this, we have been trapped by the image of milk = calcium and have been consuming excessive amounts of dairy products.

If milk really has the effect of strengthening bones, osteoporosis should be less common in Western countries where dairy consumption is high. But the reality is not that. has reported surprising results , with countries with higher calcium intakes showing higher rates of osteoporosis and higher hip fractures This fact has led us to question the "milk myth" that we have long believed in for.

Worldwide Authority Warns Dr. Campbell's Shocking Recommendations on "Dairy Products and Osteoporosis"

Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a global authority on biochemistry, has come to the shocking conclusion that dairy intake rather increases the risk of osteoporosis. Dr. Campbell conducted a deep dive into the effects of animal protein intake on the human body, and compiled the results in his book China Study.

Dr. Campbell said that when you consume animal protein, the body produces acidic substances. To neutralize this acidic state, the body mobilizes calcium stored in the bones. This process repeats the bone calcium decreases and the bone becomes brittle. In other words, eating dairy products suggests that it may weaken the bones rather than strengthen them.

Additionally, Dr. Campbell warns against low-fat milk. Low-fat milk has a higher protein concentration due to reduced fat content. It has been pointed out that high protein intake may increase the risk of prostate cancer, and it is thought to be even higher, especially for animal protein. Dr. Campbell warns that a high protein, low-fat diet is highly linked to prostate cancer, comparable to the relationship between tobacco and lung cancer.

Conflict with the dairy industry - Unfair pressure Dr. Campbell suffers

Dr. Campbell was once raised in a dairy farming family and believed that milk was a complete diet. However, he says that he has been forced to change his mind over many years of research. I realized the fact that "milk is a complete diet for calves, but not for humans."

However, Dr. Campbell, who made the truth public, will pay the price. He was forced to become a manager at Cornell University. That was shortly after being given plenty of research expenses as a frontline scientist at Cornell University. The reason for this is that the dean of Cornell University was an advisor to the dairy industry. The event was seen as a serious violation of academic freedom and caused a major ripple. Dr. Campbell lost his position by sticking to his beliefs and pursuing the truth.

Meet Dr. Ethelstin: A fusion of medicine and science

  1. Dr. Campbell's research results had a major impact on the medical community. Cardiac surgeon Dr. Ethelstin was impressed when he read an article about Dr. Campbell's China Report, published in the NY Times in 1990. Dr. Ethelstin had previously used standard treatments for heart disease patients with surgery and drug therapy, but he felt that this was not a fundamental solution.
  2. Dr. Ethelstin invited Dr. Campbell to the meeting, and the two met for the first time. Dr. Campbell has been on a separate path from the scientific side and Dr. Ethelstin has been on a separate path from the clinical medicine side, but the two met have opened up new paths to sharing their own knowledge and working together to improve people's health.
  3. Based on Dr. Campbell's research, Dr. Ethelstin now removes dairy products from patients' diets and recommends plant-based diets. As a result, many patients have overcome heart disease and have experienced dramatic improvements in health.

Plant-based revolution in diet and health

Dr. Ethelstin and Dr. Campbell have gone their separate ways, but have finally come to the same conclusion. That is, a plant-based diet is the key to bringing us to health.

Plant-based meals are made up of plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds. This diet contains very little animal fat or cholesterol, reducing the risk of lifestyle-related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cancer. Furthermore, it is rich in dietary fiber, which can improve the intestinal environment and boost immunity.

Dr. Ethelstin has also practiced a vegetarian diet and is closely associated with patients, demonstrating its effectiveness. He serves as the head of the Cleveland Clinic Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Recovery Program, saving many patients.

Dr. Campbell has also been actively speaking, stating the importance of plant-based diets. In 2017, a performance in Japan was also held, which inspired and hopeful many people in Japan.

"Folkes Overnight" - A documentary that tells the truth

The activities of Dr. Campbell and Dr. Ethelstin were filmed as the documentary film "Folkes Overnight" and received a huge response all over the world. The film follows the trajectory of two doctors and clearly conveys the impact of plant-based diets on people's health, based on scientific evidence.

The film features patients who have overcome heart disease through a vegetarian diet and those who have overcome cancer despite having five bypass surgeries, and who have overcome their cancer, telling the surprising benefits of a vegetarian diet. Their experiences have inspired many people and inspired them, and have inspired them to change their diet.

"Folkes Overnight" is more than just a documentary film. It is a revolutionary work that overturns the long-established common sense of food and presents new hope for health.

Overwhelming support from experts: Dr. Campbell's China Report

Dr. Campbell's book, "China Report," has received high praise from experts in a variety of fields, including the medical, nutritional, and scientific worlds. "This book clearly teaches us the deep connection between health and food," says Marilyn Gentry, president of the American Cancer Research Association. "This book also presents the detrimental consequences of animal proteins, which is surprising," said Nobel Prize in Physics. Furthermore, Dr. Dean Ornish, founder of the Institute of Preventive Medicine, praised the book as "the most important book ever written about nutrition."

Other experts, including the Executive Director of the National Academy of Sciences' Food and Nutrition Committee and the World Bank's Special Environment Advisor, have supported the China Report, demonstrating its influence.

A key to carve out a lucky life and a healthy diet

In the information society, we can be exposed to a variety of information. There are many incorrect and biased information among them. However, by examining information yourself and acquiring the correct knowledge, you can make better choices.

  1. Health isn't just about not getting sick. It is a foundation for living both physically and mentally satisfying and self-satisfied. And a healthy diet is an essential part of laying the foundation.
  2. The choice of what we eat and how we eat has a huge impact on our health, as well as our life itself. Practice a healthy diet and live a life filled with both physical and mental health. And by knowing the truth and taking action yourself, you should be able to carve out a more fortunate life.

Summary: When to rethink your diet using knowledge as a strength

This article overturns the long-established "milk myth" and uncovers the unknown relationship between dairy products and osteoporosis. And we have shown that plant-based diets are key to improving our health and living a better life.

Many researchers and doctors, including Dr. Campbell and Dr. Ethelstin, continue to pursue the truth with passion and belief. Their efforts have given us the knowledge and options to lead a healthier and happier life.

Now is the time for us to turn that knowledge into power and rethink our diet. A healthy diet will not only lead to our own health, but also to the health of future generations. Please use this information to help you live a better diet and have a healthy and lucky life.

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Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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