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Master your precognitive dreams! A brain scientist talks about tips and practices of dreaming


Basic knowledge of precognitive dreams, their mechanisms and characteristics

What is a precognitive dream? Differences from Seidhu

 A precognitive dream refers to a phenomenon in which a dream experiences possible events that may occur in the future. These dreams are often talked about in conjunction with the paranormal phenomena and the function of the subconscious, but there is also a theory that they are the effect of memory and cognitive bias. A similar concept to precognitive dreams is called a true dream, but there is a clear difference between the two. Seiyu is a phenomenon in which the contents of a dream occur in a short period of time, and is characterized by its clear details. On the other hand, precognitive dreams often contain more abstract and symbolic messages, and they may take some time to make them reality. Understanding this difference will allow you to explore more deeply the possibilities of precognitive dreams.

What are the characteristics of people who are prone to precognitive dreams?

 People who are prone to precognitive dreams have several common characteristics. For example, children, people with a rich imagination, and people who are said to be inspired. Children are said to be more likely to experience precognitive dreams because they can grasp everyday events with a flexible mind and have a strong subconscious effort. In addition, people with a rich creativity tend to have a strong subconscious mind in their dreams, making them more likely to have symbolic dreams. On the other hand, although interpretations are divided about how the presence or absence of inspiration is related to precognitive dreams, it is said that people who are sensitive to sense are more likely to have implicit dreams of the future. It can also be said that even people who are not stressed on a daily basis or who have a good sleeping environment are more likely to have predictive dreams.

The relationship between dreams and subconscious minds that unravel from neuroscience

 From a neuroscience perspective, dreams are said to occur during the process of organizing experiences and memories during the day. The subconscious in particular accumulates information and events that we don't normally notice on a daily basis, and these can sometimes be expressed as dreams. A phenomenon called a precognitive dream is also thought to be deeply related to this subconscious. For example, when a potential memory or sensation rises to consciousness, it can become a dream that suggests future possibilities. The right hemisphere of the brain also controls intuition and creativity, and it is said that training to stimulate the right brain is effective as a way to have predictive dreams. Certain brain wave states (for example, relaxed alpha waves and theta waves) are also said to activate the subconscious and increase the chances of having predictive dreams.

Types of Precognitive Dreams and Specific Examples

 There are several types of precognitive dreams, each with a distinctive pattern. The easiest to understand is "Shin Dream," where the events you dream of becoming reality. For example, there is an example where you dream of having a conversation with a friend and the content actually happens the next day. Next, in a "reverse dream," the opposite result of what you saw in a dream becomes reality. For example, you might want to achieve success after dreaming of failure.

 Furthermore, in "symbolic dreams," certain numbers and colors suggest future events. For example, an event that brings good fortune after the number "7" appears in a dream. In addition, you may receive messages about the future from people who have passed away or unknown to you in the form of "Reimu." There have also been cases where Reimu, a historical figure, has been passed down as a prophecy since ancient times. Finally, a phenomenon known as "deja vu" can also be interpreted as being related to a precognitive dream, and in a scene or situation you have never seen before, you may feel that you have seen it in a dream before. It is believed that these phenomena can occur when the brain reproduces detailed images and patterns caused by the subconscious.

Preparation and scientific approach to precognitive dreams

Creating a relaxed state, using breathing techniques and meditation

 It is important to create a state of relaxation in preparation for precognitive dreams. By relieving daily stress and tension, you can create a state where your brain can be more likely to concentrate on your dreams. Recommended methods include deep breathing and meditation. For example, the 4-7-8 breathing technique, which involves inhaling for 4 seconds, stopping for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds, has the effect of regulating the autonomic nervous system. Meditation also helps to calm your mind by closing your eyes in a quiet environment and focusing on your breath. By incorporating these relaxation techniques, it becomes easier to access your subconscious and is effective in creating a foundation for a way to see predictive dreams.

Training methods to stimulate the right brain

 One way to have predictive dreams is to train your right brain. The right brain is the part that controls sensations, images, and creative thinking, and by activating this part, it is said that the vividness of dreams and connections with consciousness are strengthened. Specifically, effective methods include drawing, rhythmic exercises, and playing games using intuition. We also recommend image training and training to cultivate sensory memory. This activates the function of the right brain, making it easier to receive signs from the subconscious through your dreams.

The importance of dream diaries to improve memory

 Keeping a "dream diary" to record the contents of your dreams is one of the ways to make it easier to see precognitive dreams. Not only does it improve your memory to remember your dreams, it also helps to analyse and predictability of your dreams. When keeping a dream diary, it is important to record the contents and emotions of your dreams as soon as you wake up. Furthermore, by looking back at symbols and situations that appear in your dreams, you can help you find patterns and signs of a precognitive dream. By making a dream diary a habit, you can clearly understand the connection between dreams and reality, and deepen your connection with your subconscious mind.

How to keep your mind in your pre-bed routine

 Setting up a pre-bed routine can also be useful as preparation for precognitive dreams. Avoid blue light from your smartphone or computer and create a relaxing environment. It is also effective to take a lukewarm bath or drink warm herbal tea. You can also influence your subconscious by imagining a positive image before going to bed and having the intention of having a predictive dream in your mind. Additionally, it is effective to develop the habit of sleeping at the same time every night to improve your sleep quality. By practicing this routine, you will naturally be able to create a state that is easier to see predictive dreams.

Practical methods for predictive dreams and easy techniques to get started

Control your dreams with image training

 Using image training will help you become more consciously prepared for precognitive dreams. Specifically, the key is to think of the dreams you want to see over and over again while relaxed. The human brain has the nature of making it difficult to distinguish clear imaged information from reality, so by utilizing this, you will be able to gain a more concrete vision even in your dreams. It is also effective to work on your subconscious by positively suggesting that you can have predictive dreams.

Effective visualizations that induce precognitive dreams

 It is also recommended to practice visualization as a way to have predictive dreams. Before going to bed, draw as concrete footage in your mind about events that may occur in the future and topics that are bothering you as much as possible. In this case, paying attention to the smallest details such as surrounding scenery, people's expressions, and conversations will improve the effectiveness. This process activates the right brain function and provides the basis for the subconscious to deliver hints related to the theme through dreams. It is important to focus on positive images rather than anxiety or fear.

Differences and applications from lucid dreaming

 Precognitive dreams and lucid dreams are sometimes confused, but each have different characteristics. Lucid dreaming is a dream that is "a dream that is aware of your dreams," and allows you to control the content of your dreams at your own will. On the other hand, a precognitive dream refers to a phenomenon that symbolically or directly shows future events in a dream. However, by consciously using lucid dreams, you can also set the foundation for precognitive dreams. For example, focusing on the information you want to get in a lucid dream, or looking for specific symbols and messages can help to induce more accurate predictive dreams.

Tips for recording the signs you can get in your dreams

 When having a predictive dream, it is important to keep track of the signs you get in your dreams. Using dream diaries is essential to achieving this. Immediately after waking up, write down as much detail as possible what you remember in your dreams. By continuing this habit, you will be able to grasp patterns in your dreams and recurring symbols, and you will not be able to miss important signs. Also, as you record your dream diary, you will be more likely to notice the messages your subconscious mind emits. Especially if you feel that it's a precognitive dream, tracking how the content of that dream matches in your daily life will help you improve your ability to visualize your precognitive dreams.

Things to be aware of and limits when dreaming for predictive dreams

Scientifically viewed probability and the importance of verification

 Precognitive dreaming methods are an attractive theme for many people, but scientifically speaking, the probability of a dream happening in reality is very low. It has been pointed out that precognitive dreams are likely to be achieved by coincidence or cognitive bias, that is, by choosing and interpreting information that is convenient for you. Therefore, it is important to carefully examine whether the dreams you have truly foreshadowed future events. By objectively observing the probability of a dream and reality coincidence from a statistical perspective, uncertain interpretations can be prevented.

Your psychological state has an impact on your dreams

 It is said that dreams are greatly influenced by psychological state. In a state of high stress or anxiety, negative emotions are more likely to be reflected in dreams, and in many cases, it is possible to interpret them as mere nightmares rather than precognitive dreams. Also, on days when you are in a bright and optimistic mood, you often have dreams that look like positive precognitive dreams. For this reason, it is important to calmly understand the relationship with your own psychological state, rather than overinterpreting the content of your dreams.

A calm interpretation method to avoid incite anxiety

 Thinking of a predictive dream as an "absolute future prediction" can lead to anxiety and fear. Therefore, it is important to view the content you dream of as a reference only and be calm and not overreacting. Furthermore, even if you have a dream that is considered a precognitive dream, you need to think about the positive aspects of how you can utilize the content in your daily life. If you are worried, it is also effective to consult a professional to feel more secure.

Understanding the difference between fortune telling and spirituality

 Precognitive dreams are often associated with fortune telling and spiritual thinking, but their mechanisms are often explained as the function of the scientific memory or the subconscious. On the other hand, fortune telling and spirituality have a large element of faith and personal values, so it is necessary to avoid confusing the two. When practicing the method of precognitive dreaming, it is important to balance a scientific perspective with spiritual thinking while incorporating interpretations that suit you.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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