
Experience Radionics magic! ~Unraveling the journey of unknown energy and souls

A cube floating on the light blue water surface

Prologue: The world of radionics, manipulating invisible powers

We live in a visible material world, but behind it is a world of invisible energy and vibrations. Radionics is a technology that explores exactly this invisible power and engages in our real world. At first glance, it may seem like a scientific tool, but its essence is like stepping into the realm of mystical magic, which only comes to its true value by maximizing the spiritual sensibility and psychic abilities of the user.

We will learn about the mysterious vibrational world, unravel the deep world of Radionicus, and consider important themes in life: purifying energy, adjusting fate, dialogue with the soul, and self-realization.

Chapter 1: Radionics Experience: Energy Purification and Fate Adjustment

Radionics is more than just a machine. It is a tool for manipulating energy and vibrations, and its effects are largely dependent on the user's awareness, abilities, and proficiency. Radionics devices can sense and adjust the surrounding energy and vibrations as if to match the radio frequency.


1.1 Purification of evil energy

  • There is always a variety of energy wafting around us. There are positive energy, and there are negative energy. Negative energy tends to linger in places where people gather or where something has happened in the past. Radionics devices sensing and removing such negative vibrations, purifying the surrounding energy.
  • In personal sessions, we read the energy state surrounding the client, helping to improve the mental and physical state of the client by smoothing the stagnant energy flow and neutralizing negative energy. It is an act of bringing energy into a clean state, just like changing the air in a room.

1.2 Fate adjustment

Radionics can not only purify energy, but also adjust the client's mental wavelength and improve their fortune. Fortune refers to the flow of various events and opportunities in life. By regulating the energy of its clients, radionics has the potential to guide that flow in a better direction and change fate in a positive direction.

But what's important here is that radionics devices are not all-purpose. Devices alone are merely tools, and in order to truly achieve effectiveness, the user's skilled skills, spiritual abilities, and a high sense of ethics are essential.

1.3 The importance of skilled technology and ethics

Radionics requires extremely sensitive techniques because it deals with invisible energy. If you manipulate them by impersonating them without any true spiritual or purifying abilities, you will end up being able to remove spirits, and instead of removing them, you will be strongly influenced by yourself. For example, in exorcism, you can achieve Buddhahood only by accurately reading the vibrations emitted by the soul and using the yin and yang energy equally and simultaneously. A vibration on only one side cannot lead a spirit to the right place.

Furthermore, even if it is an act that purely wishes to improve someone's luck, it cannot be denied that if you try to manipulate your destiny easily, it could lead to unexpected consequences and lead to further misfortunes. Radionics must be treated with a high sense of ethics because of its powerful power.

Chapter 2: Ancient Wisdom and Journey of Spirits

When exploring the abyss of Radionicus, one thing we must not forget is wisdom that has been handed down since ancient times. In particular, Japan had a unique culture of comforting and seeing off spirits.

2.1 The power of the earrings

Since ancient times, there has been a custom in Japan to build graves in the sacred "Iyashiro Land." The Iyashiro Land is a place filled with the energy of the earth, and it was thought that by building a tomb there, the soul can be purified with natural energy and lead it to the dimensions that should be advanced without hesitation. The place where the soul should go depends on its virtue and state, and is divided into countless levels. The Ears were natural energy devices that smoothly guided the soul into the appropriate hierarchy.

2.2 The Wandering of the Spirit in Modern Times

However, in modern society, this kind of yashiro land is becoming lost. As a result, more spirits cannot attain Buddhahood, and they continue to wander around this world. These problems exist behind the increasing needs for exorcism and purification in modern times.

2.3 The Fusion of Radionicus and Ancient Wisdom

Radionicus has the potential to be a bridge to bring back ancient wisdom to the present day. By following the tradition of the Earsilo earth, using modern technology, harmonizing with the energy of the earth, we may be able to properly guide our souls. Radionics is a new tool for interpreting and implementing lost ancient wisdom from a modern perspective.


Chapter 3: A Journey to Carry Your Own Fortune

Changing destiny and improving luck is a desire that many people have. However, this cannot be achieved through mere desires or prayers. In order to truly return your luck to a good state, your own mindset and actions are essential.

3.1 The realization of author Hayashi Sangqing

The author began to explore techniques to turn his luck into "good condition," and at the age of 18, he realized a certain realization. While learning about the lives and futures of the highly educated colleagues I had worked with up until then, I witnessed the reality that "normal effort alone can reach limits." This shock became the starting point for a deeper exploration of the mechanisms of fate.

3.2 Accessing Akashic Records

Through trial and error, the author has acquired the skills to access Akashic Records. An Akashic Record is a type of storage medium in which all information in the universe is recorded. By accessing Akashic Records, you can understand not only past events, but also future possibilities and mechanisms of fate.

3.3 Manipulating luck and the philosophy of "recovering good luck"

Through access to Akashic Records, the author has established ways to manipulate his fortune. This technology is based on a simple yet profound philosophy of "recovering the good luck that humans naturally possess." We are born with good luck in nature. However, your luck can be damaged by your life experience and environment. Radionics can be a tool to restore that damaged luck to its original state.

3.4 Confronting Karma

However, even if you improve your luck, there is an inevitable challenge in your life, karma. Karma is the effects that appear in the present or future as a result of past actions. Events that seem "bad" at first glance can actually be merely a prologue to the abundance and happiness of the future. Only by fully overcoming this period and gaining learning can new possibilities be expanded. Radionics also has the potential to provide support to overcome karma.

Fourth: A life that makes full use of true vessels

Finally, let's consider the "vestibules" of people. A vessel is a symbol of a person's essence and potential, and sometimes appears as a pattern of personality and behavior.

4.1 A person with a large container

A so-called "huge-capable person" refers to a person with deep thought, passion, and tolerance. They make the most of their potential and have a positive impact on those around them.

4.2 People who cannot fully utilize the power of the vessel

On the other hand, the reality is that many people are not fully utilizing the power of the vessel and underestimating the possibilities they have. It is said that many people only use 20% of their abilities. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as when you are unaware of your potential or when you are avoiding trying for fear of failure.

4.3 To maximize your potential

To unlock 120% of your innate talent and potential, it takes small daily effort and hard work to reach your goals. If you compromise by saying "normal is fine", you can only get the results accordingly. Radionics may be a catalyst for awakening potential and growing into a larger vessel.

4.4 The way of life and the source of excitement of great people

When you remember the way of life of great people who have been impressed by the past and the moving story of a film, it is probably because these people have lived beyond their own capabilities with all their might. We can learn from the way great people live their lives, trusting in their own possibilities and the importance of exceeding their limits.

4.5 The importance of following your conscience

In the end, we can only find true satisfaction by avoiding guilty behavior and living according to our conscience. It is a state of freedom from self-deception and in harmony with one's essence. As a result, when you reach the end of your life, you can naturally and peacefully send your soul to the next world. Radionics may be a guidepost to support the process.

Summary - Radionics is the key to open the door to the unknown

Radionics is a tool to unravel unknown energy and the journey of souls. It is the key to open the door to a profound world that comprehensively covers important themes in life: purifying energy, adjusting destiny, dialogue with the soul, and self-realization.

However, it must not be forgotten that radionics is not merely a machine, but its effectiveness is largely influenced by the user's awareness and abilities. A high sense of ethics, a belief in one's own potential, and a constant learning attitude is the most important factor in bringing out the true value of Radionics.

We hope this information will serve as an entry point into the world of radionics and help our readers to enrich the journey of their own souls.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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