
Records of the Radioniku Exorcism Workshop - Purification and Memorial Service of Divine Spirits and Animal Spirits -

Haunted House

Miraculous Radioniku Exorcism Workshop

In August 2009, when the hot and humid summer had passed and the tranquilness of Obon remained still, an exorcism workshop was held. During that period, it was said that spiritual energy would become more active in Japan, and many people felt even stronger about the existence of an invisible world. Each participant was subjected to some spiritual influence, with some suffering from severe spiritual disorders that could interfere with daily life. The venue, located in a quiet location away from the hustle and bustle of the city, was surrounded by an unusual atmosphere that was different from usual, further increasing the tension among the participants.

This workshop was specifically designed to purify and memorialize the spiritual obstacles caused by animal spirits, as well as the more powerful vengeful spirits. The lecturer is Lin Sangqing, an exorcist with many years of experience. Professor Hayashi has a track record of freeing many people from their suffering through his solid knowledge, skills and deep spiritual insight. This workshop was an important opportunity for participants to face their own spiritual problems and take a step towards solving them.

Some of the participants were women who visited multiple psychics and found the workshop with the desire to crouch for their symptoms. She was tormented every day by the invisible pain of the exit, as if she had been trapped in a dark tunnel. "I don't even understand why I am the only one who is suffering so much, or what it means to be alive," she trembles in heartbreaking. Her body was heavily influenced by animal spirits, especially powerful spirits such as foxes and giant snakes, which had already caused serious damage to the body and mind, and had eroded her life to the core. Her expression was exhausted, and her lifeless eyes spoke of inner agony.

The workshop required results to be produced within a limited time, and it was necessary to quickly grasp the situation of each individual participant and take appropriate measures. Professor Hayashi carefully observed the participants' spiritual condition and strived to provide treatments tailored to each individual. In particular, this woman's case was serious, and Professor Hayashi was asked to take a careful and professional approach. We had to go deeper into the roots of spiritual disorders and carefully solve each problem.


Dialogue and purification with evil spirit bodies - elucidation of individual spiritual situations

With the start of the workshop, Professor Hayashi began by removing the spiritual influences behind women. After removing some of the superficial spirits, Hayashi-sensei asked her quietly. "How are you in your current state?" she replied, closing her eyes and slowly feeling the state of her body. "I feel weight and pain in my shoulder blades, hips, back and neck. I especially feel a strong sense of tightness in my neck, and I knew that three foxes had been possessed for a while," she said, oozing out the pain that had been tormenting for many years.

Professor Lin Sangqing listened carefully to her words and asked the spirit body of the "fox" behind it. "What do you guys want to do?" Professor Hayashi's voice was quiet, but it gave a sense of solid will. Then, the answer came from a spiritual being, as if he had been interpreted. "We want to return to our original sacred realm, rather than distorting our powers and becoming obsessed with this world." The foxes wanted to let go of their obsessions in this world and return to their original place.

Professor Hayashi accepted this desperate wish, using his reliable skills to tear off the spirit of the "fox" and send it to the original realm of God. At that time, he prayed not simply to remove the spirit bodies, but to allow them to return to peace. "We had four foxes. We sent them all out," Professor Lin Sangqing explained quietly and with confidence. Through dialogue with spiritual beings, he leaned close to their hearts and led them to salvation.

The woman then told her, "A large snake is wrapped around her waist." When Professor Hayashi's "Lin Sangqing" heard those words, his expression tightened in an instant. This spiritual body was extremely powerful and could be a type of "divine spirit" that could be dangerous to the practitioner's life if done poorly. Professor Hayashi focused his attention on his presence with caution and meticulous attention. This snake spirit was not just an animal spirit, but a higher-ranking being, and its power was very powerful. He spoke with the snake spirit, respecting its will, and separated this powerful being from her body and returned it to its original place. This process required sophisticated skills and concentration, and was filled with tension that could not allow small mistakes.

Furthermore, she began to talk about past events. "When I was examined by a psychic in the past, my head was twisted in an inappropriate way, and my spiritual body began to get into the wound," he complained. Previous treatment mistakes have made her worse spiritual impairment. Using special equipment and techniques, Hayashi-sensei examined the wounds on her neck and identified the gaps in which the spirit body had entered. Then, treatment was given to completely seal the gap, preventing the spirit body from entering again. This procedure was a detailed and delicate task, and demonstrated Professor Hayashi's skill level.

Many spirit bodies

Unlocking techniques and curses - Unlocking the fate of ancestors

Furthermore, Professor Lin Sangqing noticed that there were signs of her being labeled with a "cursed card." "A man and two women put up a curse card on me," she accused. When Professor Hayashi heard these words, he carefully analyzed her spiritual energy and located the traces of the curse. Based on years of experience and knowledge, Professor Hayashi analyzed the technique and carefully removed the curse. The power of the curse was so deeply rooted that it could not be easily removed, but Professor Hayashi's expertise and strong will completely lifted the curse.

Furthermore, her spiritual issues have been found to be deeply related to issues surrounding her ancestors. Professor Hayashi carefully examined the spiritual causal relationships of her ancestors, and in order to release the fate, he purified spirits and memorial services of all his ancestors. This memorial service was not only a solution to her own problems, but also a key step to cut off negative energy from her ancestors and turn the fate of her family. Professor Hayashi gave a memorial service with all his heart to cut off the fate of the past and lighten hope for the future.

After exorcism, her expression brightened surprisingly brightly, and her complexion regained a healthy colour. A smile that hadn't been seen before appeared on her face, and she looked like a completely different person. Participants also said, "My face is completely different, I've become more beautiful!", and it was clear to everyone that the spiritual impairments had disappeared. The sight not only represented the results of the treatment, but also the fundamental changes brought about by spiritual purification. She gave a bright smile, as if free from years of suffering.

She asked at the end, quietly and a little confused. "Why was I the only one who had experienced this?" Her words contained questions she had had for many years and confusion about the reality that was hard to understand. Professor Hayashi took a sincere attitude towards her questions and conveyed the possibility that her ancestors had a man like Fushuku who handled jutsu, and that the jutsu was applied in response to this, and that the influence of this may have been stagnant on her modern-day girlfriend. The past events had an impact on her modern day. Professor Hayashi carefully explained the spiritual causal relationship and unraveled her questions.

The background of animal spirits and the relationship with Inari gods - Exploring spiritual truth

There are cases where sacred beings are contained behind animal spirits. For example, the "fox" at Inari Shrine are originally a cosmic god, and the shape of the fox itself is merely a pseudo attribute. However, by being trapped in a material form and losing sight of its essence, there is a risk that it will be affected spiritually and transformed into an animal spirit. Sometimes souls that are obsessed with this world and are unable to return to their original locations can appear in the form of animals.

Through years of experience, Professor Hayashi has established the task of returning the spirit to its original state and returning it to the correct dimension. This requires a high degree of concentration and expertise, and is not something that anyone can do. Professor Hayashi has trained many years of training to manipulate spiritual energy, and his skills have been extremely sophisticated. He not only removed the spirit, but also performed the treatment with all his heart so that the spirit could return to its original place in peace.

Later social gathering - a deep dialogue that questions the essence of psychic

After the workshop, participants met with Emma, ​​a psychic and a fortune teller, and they set up an even deeper conversation in the form of an offline meeting. While praising Professor Hayashi's actions, Professor Emma said, "In the first place, people should be offering memorial services and purifying them on their own, but it is time and risky and is not realistic. For this reason, there is a need for someone like Professor Hayashi." She emphasized that in modern society, the presence of experts with expert knowledge and skills is essential to save people suffering from spiritual problems.

Professor Hayashi said, "I'm not acting to help anyone. The result of my best efforts will just happen to help someone," but pointed out the negative effects of people's ego and emotions on spiritual behavior. In particular, the words "before you believe in God, it is important to look at whether you should believe in your own actions." His words preached the importance of facing one's actions in spiritual quest.

The unique era and opportunities for people to come to today - the possibilities of spiritual evolution

In Professor Emma's words, the world is now giving humanity the opportunity to relieve unpurified causality and karma and to memorialize its ancestors. This is an opportunity for all humanity to evolve spiritually, and an opportunity for the unleashing of past fates and ascending to a higher dimension. Professor Hayashi's activities seem to capture this cosmic flow and lead many people to opportunities for purification. He is not just solving spiritual problems, but also encouraging people to grow spiritually.

Finally, Professor Hayashi's attitude towards acting with humility and selflessness deeply impressed the participants and readers, making this special workshop meaningful. Without exposing himself to his strength, he simply quietly and calmly eased the suffering of the people and led them to salvation. His actions were filled with deep respect for the spiritual world and a warm love for the people. This workshop would have been a valuable experience for participants to learn the truth about the spiritual world and encourage their own growth. I hope that this record will serve as a guidepost for those seeking spiritual quests.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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