Women's worries

Love Guide - Be positive without fear of love

Woman relaxing in the bath

[Heartwarming Love Guide]

Have you ever felt that way? You may encounter some heart-pounding encounters, and some heart-warming partings may occur. Perhaps some people have thought, "I never want to fall in love again," because they have been hurt in a past relationship.

But it's okay. You are never alone.

In this article, I would like to write in kind words some tips to help you feel close to you, feel even a little more positive, and not be afraid of loving or being loved.

1. Start by taking care of yourself first

The desire to "love someone, be loved" is very natural and beautiful. But before that, don't forget to take care of yourself first.

Improve your gem called "self-esteem"

Self-esteem refers to the ability to recognize one's worth and love one's true self. If you have low self-esteem, anxiety and fears can increase in love, making you unable to take the first step or become dependent on the other person.

To increase your self-esteem, start by finding your own good points.

Accumulate small success experiences: Instead of trying to overcome things you're not good at, try developing what you're good at or trying something new to accumulate small success experiences.

Create a habit of praising yourself - praise yourself every day before going to bed by saying, "You worked hard today" and "You did well."

Don't blame past mistakes and past failures are important experiences to help you grow as you are now. Instead of blaming your past self, acknowledge your past self by saying, "This was what it was back then, but now I've grown even more."

Time to cherish your "love"

When do you feel excited? When you're eating something delicious? When you're looking at the beautiful scenery? When you're immersed in your hobbies?

Make sure you cherish the time you are honest with your "love." When our hearts are filled, people naturally shine. That brilliance will surely be a source of enthusiasm for wonderful encounters.


I'm not good at love so please let me know in detail. lol

2. Let's fall in love as the "self as you are"

When you fall in love, you tend to feel more strongly that you want to be liked by the other person. But there's no need to force yourself to dress or pretend to be yourself.

"You're the honest one" is the most attractive

If you push yourself to try and make someone like you, you will definitely get tired one day. Rather, finding someone who will like you as you are willing to have a much happier relationship.

Someone who accepts all their strengths and weaknesses. If you meet such a person, you will surely be able to build a warm and heartwarming relationship that will make you feel truly at ease.

Do not falsely communicate with yourself, and openly communicate with others

It is very important to be honest about your feelings in love. If you hide your true feelings because you are afraid that "if you think of me like this, you might dislike me...", you may end up creating a distance between you and the other person.

Of course, expressing your feelings too directly can sometimes hurt others. The important thing is to gently express your feelings while caring for the other person.

A relationship where you can understand each other's feelings will surely deepen your bond.


I'm nervous in front of men and can't speak well - I'll try to relax as much as possible and see me as honestly as possible. lol

3. Meetings are not "accidental" but "inevitability"

Some people may be thinking, "How do you come to a wonderful encounter?"

Preparing for a mental state to attract encounters

Meetings are not often achieved simply by waiting. First, prepare yourself mentally to attract a meeting. Always keep a smile on your face and smile is the biggest attraction that attracts people. By always smiling and smiling, the people around you will naturally want to get closer to you.

Actively participate in what you're interested in: By finding new hobbies and participating in events that interest you, you'll have the opportunity to meet the types of people you've never met before. Try talking to me yourself. If there's a wonderful person, get the courage to talk to me. You may feel nervous at first, but the courage to take the step can attract a wonderful encounter.

Don't rush, develop your relationship slowly

Just because you meet someone doesn't mean you have to become a lover right away. It is also important to develop a relationship slowly and not rush. Start by getting to know each other well as friends. The relationships you have built over time should be stronger and deeper.

4. "The courage to love" and "The joy to be loved"

Love can be accompanied by not only joy, but sometimes suffering and sadness. Still, don't be afraid to love.

The courage to love will make you shine

Loving someone is so wonderful. Feelings of caring for others warm your heart and make you shine. Even if that love doesn't pay off, the experience of loving someone will help you grow.

Accepting the joy of being loved

Being loved by someone is a very happy thing. By accepting the love you have from others honestly, your heart will be filled and you will feel even happier. There's no need to underestimate your own value by saying, "There's no way they'll fall in love with me like this..." You are a lovely woman worthy of love.

The difference between "obsession" and "dependence"

Loving is great, but sometimes it can turn into obsession and addiction. Attachment means having a strong desire to make someone yours. Dependence is the way you rely so much on others that you can't do anything on your own. A healthy relationship is a relationship where you can respect each other, support each other, and grow together. Attachment and addiction can cause pain to others and destroy their relationship.

Be sure to respect each other and build independent relationships.


I want to become an adult even in love. I'm clumsy so please support me lol

5. Some people may have experienced painful experiences in past love affairs that are not bound by past love. But don't be too caught up in past mistakes.

The past is a treasure that has helped you grow as you are now

The experience of hurt in past relationships is certainly painful. But it's only because of that experience that you are who you are today. Instead of blaming your past mistakes, acknowledge your past self by saying, "This was what happened back then, but now I've grown even more."

The courage to step into a new love

If you are caught up in past love, you will find it difficult to start a new love. But past experiences have grown your mind. Some people may think, "I don't want to fall in love again," but somewhere in my heart, I think they are thinking, "I want to love someone again."

Have the courage to heal past wounds and take on a new love.

 Finally, love is a wonderful spice that will add color to your life.

You may experience pain and sadness at times, but all of these things will be important experiences that will help you grow. Don't be afraid to love or be loved, and have a wonderful, unique relationship that is yours. I would be very happy if this article could support you in any way possible in your romance.

To those of you who read this article

You are a very nice woman. Please cherish yourself, and don't be afraid to love or be loved, and have a happy relationship. If you are worried or suffering, always rely on people around you. You are never alone. I sincerely support your happiness.


Praying for success in love at Tokyo Daijingu. I'll do my best this year. lol

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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