Women's worries

[Love fatigue] Spiritual healing

Vietnamese women

A journey to find love and harmony

"I repeat the same pattern again..."
"Why is my heart so exhausting..."
Romance is a deep, beautiful experience that the soul seeks.
However, sometimes you can be swayed by that energy and feel tired. If you are feeling "love fatigue," you may need to listen carefully to your soul.
In this article, we will provide you with prescriptions from a spiritual perspective to help you heal love fatigue and find true love and harmony.
"How can we create a happy love that will make our soul happy?"
Let's look together to find the answer.
Find the signs of your soul - a message hidden deep in fatigue -
Love fatigue is not just a sign of mental fatigue, but sometimes it is a sign from the soul.
It's like a lost soul telling you, "Stop."
First, notice the sign and receive the message hidden behind your fatigue.

Has past karma influenced your current love life?

From a spiritual perspective, experiences from past lives and soul issues can affect your current love life.
Perhaps the promises that were unable to fulfill in past relationships and unresolved issues are casting a shadow over the current relationship.
Sometimes the same pattern repeats, as if the soul "want to clear this challenge and grow."

Does obsession bind your soul?

"He is the only one who's there," "If you miss this love, it's no good."
Such obsessions bind your soul and take away your freedom.
Attachment not only creates dependence on others, preventing one's own growth, but also clouds the brilliance of the soul.
It may be like a bird trapped in a birdcage, your mind may be cramped.

Are you being taken away by energy vampires?

In romantic relationships, there are people called "energy vampires" who unconsciously take away the other person's energy.
If you feel that you are constantly being robbed of energy, you may need to take a little distance to protect yourself.
It can also make your mind exhausted, just like your energy is being sucked away.

Are inner children looking for healing?

Experiences that hurt you from past love may have caused deep scars to your inner child.
If the inner child is not healed, it is more likely to cause anxiety and fear in love.
It may be that a wounded child is seeking healing just as he is seeking love from a parent.

Is it different to receiving the message from the current high level of love from the soul's purpose?

Your soul was born in this life with a specific purpose.
If your current love affair is off the target of your soul, your soul can feel dissonant and tiresome.
It may be that your mind is lost, as if a sailing ship is heading in a different direction than a compass.

Let's receive messages from higher dimensions

Sometimes, higher-dimensional beings (angels, guides, etc.) are sending messages to you.
It can also be seen as a dream, intuition, or as an inspiration that comes at a random moment.
If you are feeling any hesitation or anxiety in love, try listening to messages from higher levels.

A spiritual healing prescription that will make your soul shine

Once you notice the message from your soul, it's time to heal and make your soul shine.
Take care of your soul carefully, just like polishing a jewel.

1. Regain your connection with the Earth through grounding

Grounding means connecting with the energy of the Earth and stabilizing the mind and body.
By touching the earth, walking barefoot, or touching trees, you can receive the energy of the earth and calm your mind and body.
By setting its roots firmly on the ground, like a tree root, it will fill you with energy.

2. Adjust your chakras and smooth out the flow of energy

A chakra is an energy center located in your body.
If the chakra is incompatible, it can lead to physical and mental discomfort.
Use meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, and more to regulate your chakras and smoothen the flow of energy.
The smooth flow of energy will help you balance your body and mind, just like a river.

3. In meditation, listen carefully to the voice of the soul

Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and listen to your inner voice.
Have some time to meditate, even if it's just a little time every day.
Just like the surface of a quiet lake, when your heart is still, you should be able to hear the voice of your soul.

4. Working on the work to heal past karma

By working on the work of healing karma in past lives, you can prevent the same pattern of love from repeating it.
Try a variety of methods, including meditation, healing, and past life therapy.
Just like healing old wounds, letting go of the karma of the past should open up a new future.

5. Heal your inner child

Gently embrace yourself to heal the inner children who have been hurt by past love affairs.
It is also recommended to interact with your inner child or work on work to heal past trauma.
Healing your inner child will increase your self-esteem, just like welcoming a lost child.

6. Deepen connections with higher dimensions

Deepen connections with higher dimensional beings through meditation and prayer.
A higher dimension will guide you and give you the message and support you need.
Just as light from the heavens pours down, your life will become richer with higher dimensional guidance.

On a journey to find true love and harmony

Love is a great opportunity to encourage soul growth.
If your current love is tormenting you, stop and listen carefully to the voice of your soul.
And continue your journey in search of true love and harmony that will please your soul.

1. Believing in meeting soulmates

From a spiritual perspective, it is said that there are "soulmates" in this world who have a deep connection between you and your soul.
Soulmates are not always romantically involved, but when they meet, their souls resonate and encourage each other's growth.
We will surely meet one day, as if we were tied by the thread of destiny.

2. Aiming to integrate with twin rays

A twin ray is an existence that was originally a single soul, but was born into two parts.
When you meet Twin Ray, you feel a strong connection between your souls and begin your journey towards integration.
Integration with twin rays can promote growth in the soul, but can be difficult, but as you overcome it, your soul will shine even more. Just as two lights become one, integration with twin rays can be said to be the ultimate form of love.

3. Learn unconditional love

Learn unconditional love through love.
Unconditional love is love that accepts the other person as they are and does not seek reward.
By learning unconditional love, your self-love will deepen and your soul will shine more freely.
By generously giving love, like the sun, the world will be filled with love.

3. Learn unconditional love

Learn unconditional love through love.
Unconditional love is love that accepts the other person as they are and does not seek reward.
By learning unconditional love, your self-love will deepen and your soul will shine more freely.
By generously giving love, like the sun, the world will be filled with love.

4. Have the courage to let go

Let go of your obsession and ask whether your current relationship is really necessary for you.
Sometimes having the courage to let go can lead to growth in the soul.
By letting go, you will be able to start a new beginning, as if you were stripping off your old skin.

5. Love yourself

The most important thing is to love yourself.
If you can love yourself, you will be able to love others too.
Choose a way of life that cherishes yourself and makes your soul happy.
By loving and cherishing yourself like a single flower, its beauty will illuminate the world


We hope that it will be a light that illuminates the journey of your soul and a guidepost to find true love and harmony.
You are a beloved being, and your soul is worthy of shining.
Open your heart, follow the guidance of your soul and find love that is typical of you.
I'm rooting for you.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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