
Check your age by standing on one leg! Revise your daily health habits


What is the one-leg standing test? Why you can tell the level of aging

Overview and methods for standing one leg

 One-leg standing test is a simple method of measuring balance ability. In this test, you will stand barefoot on a flat floor, and keep your balance lifted with one foot. Your arms naturally follow the sides of your body, and your gaze is directed straight ahead. Usually, an assessment is made based on whether this posture can be maintained for 10 seconds. If it fails, you can try again up to three times. This simple method of measuring your sense of balance allows you to check your health and biological age indicators.

Relationship between balance ability and aging

 It has been found that as you age, your balance ability decreases. Research shows that for example, the average time to stand on a pivot foot is 2.2 seconds less each year. This decline in balance is caused by a decrease in information processing in the muscle strength, somatosensory, visual and vestibular systems. Compared to walking speed and muscle weakness, a decline in balance ability is an important sign that is the fastest sign of aging, and is a very useful indicator for understanding your health.

Research data shows the effects of standing on one leg

 A study published in 2022 showed that one-legged ability is very strongly associated with health and risk of death. The study reported that people who cannot stand on one foot for 10 seconds are about twice as likely to die than those who can. Additionally, health conditions that can be seen by the amount of time you can stand on one leg indicate that balance ability can be maintained until the age of 60, but then decreases rapidly after that. In particular, middle-aged and older people should use these results to review their daily health habits.

Standing on one leg signs of weakness

 If you are unable to stand on one leg properly, multiple functions of your body may be beginning to fade. Decreased balance ability can be caused by weakened muscle strength, changes in vision and vestibular sensations, and delayed nervous system. These can lead to problems such as increased risk of falls and lower walking speed. Being aware of these signs early and taking measures is key to extending your healthy life expectancy.

Health indicators measured by standing on one leg

What do you know when you stand on one leg?

 Time on one leg is more than just an indicator of balance ability, but is an important health indicator that reflects health and progression of aging. In particular, for middle-aged and older people, the amount of time they can stand on one leg is attracting attention as a simple way to check their biological age and health level. Research shows that shorter time on one leg increases the risk of death and the likelihood of falling. These data show the effects of poor body muscle strength and sense of balance on overall body health, and are an important factor in daily health management.

Approximately 10 seconds! How much should I do?

 One guideline for your health is whether you can maintain your posture for 10 seconds while standing on one leg. A 2022 study reported that middle-aged and older people over the age of 60 are at about twice the risk of death compared to those who get it if they can't balance on one foot for 10 seconds. A healthy adult would ideally be able to stand stably for 10 seconds with his eyes open and his arms lowered to the side of his body. If this is not achieved, it may indicate a decline in muscle strength and sense of balance, as well as a possible health risk.

Research results showing the relationship between health and life expectancy

 Several studies have revealed the link between the ability to stand on one leg and lifespan. For example, a study published in 2022 conducted evaluations of one-legged standing on 1,702 middle-aged and older people, indicating that people with a higher ability to stand on one-legged standing tend to have longer lifespans and better health. Furthermore, since a decrease in balance occurs earlier than a decrease in muscle strength and walking speed, it is said that standing on one foot is useful as an indicator for early detection of aging. These results confirm the importance of incorporating one-legged stand in daily habits to extend healthy life expectancy.

Standard values ​​for standing one leg by age group

 There are differences in the ability to stand on one leg depending on age. For example, it is said that younger generations in their 20s to 30s can stand on one leg for more than 30 seconds, but for elderly people over 65 years old, 10 to 20 seconds is the standard guideline. Research also says that with each year of age, the average time to stand on one leg decreases by about 2 seconds. Using these standard values ​​as a reference, you can measure your time on one leg and use it as an indicator of your health.

How to slow aging? Measures that involve standing on one leg

Tips for standing on one leg into a daily habit

 Standing on one leg does not require special tools or space, making it an exercise that is easy to incorporate into your daily life. The trick to making it a habit is to find a habitual time in your daily life. For example, by standing on one leg while brushing your teeth or cooking, you can continue without being aware of it. Another good way to do this is to use your time to stand on the train or bus to work.

 Furthermore, standing on one leg improves your sense of balance and muscle strength by making it a habit, leading to maintaining your health and improving your biological age. It is important not to push yourself too hard at first, but try it for just a few seconds. Gradually increasing your goals will help you to feel a sense of accomplishment.

Easy exercises to train your muscles and balance

 To further improve the effect of standing on one leg, use supplementary exercises to strengthen your muscle strength and sense of balance. For beginners, we recommend lighter exercises, such as "bridge exercise" that involves lying down on the floor, or "leg extensions" that allow you to stretch your legs while sitting in a chair.

 If you want more results, yoga and stretching are also effective. Poses that include movements similar to standing on one leg, such as the yoga tree pose, can help you develop a sense of balance while training the muscles in your entire body. These exercises further promote the health benefits you get when standing on one leg and also help prevent aging.

Step-by-step practice when it's difficult to stand on one leg

 If you find it difficult to stand on one leg, you can practice effectively by taking step-by-step steps. At first, try to maintain balance by supporting the wall or chair, and gradually practice letting your hands go from the support. We also recommend starting with your eyes open, and once you get used to it, we recommend closing your eyes to increase the difficulty level.

 It is also important to practice within a reasonable range, such as setting the height to raise your legs at a low level. Repeated practice will improve your muscle strength and sense of balance, and ultimately you will be able to stand on one foot for a long time. Many people experience changes in their health and biological age during this process.

Exercises that help prevent aging other than standing on one leg

 Other exercises are effective not only to stand on one leg, but also to maintain overall health. For example, walking and swimming can improve cardiopulmonary function and effectively train muscles and joints. By performing these exercises together with standing on one leg, you can expect a synergistic effect in preventing aging.

 Squats are also recommended as an exercise that helps prevent falls. By tuning the muscle strength of the lower body, daily activities such as standing and walking can be more stable, preventing a decline in balance. Combining these exercises will help you not only maintain your health, but also have an even greater effect on slowing aging.

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Examples of improving health habits using one leg

Actual success stories and improving the health of the elderly

 There have been cases where one-legged health improvement programs aimed at elderly people have adopted one-leg standing. For example, in a nursing care prevention class aimed at people over 65 years of age, regular one-leg standing tests were conducted to increase participants' awareness of daily balance abilities. In addition, individual exercise guidance based on this standard has been confirmed to reduce the risk of falls. Additionally, there have been reports that improved balance ability has had a positive effect on other physical functions, improving health and biological age.

How to use a one-leg standing test that can be done at home

 At home, you can easily incorporate one-leg standing tests to help you improve your sense of balance while checking your health. For example, it is effective to stand on one leg when getting ready in the morning, or try standing on one leg while watching TV. Also, it is a good idea to aim to stand on one leg for more than 10 seconds, and if you are unable to do so, it is a good idea to practice gradually extending the time. This gives you an intuitive understanding of how your health is changing every day.

Efforts to use one-leg standing at work and local communities

 Standing one leg is an exercise that is easy to tackle at work and in the community. For example, more and more companies are introducing one-leg standing practice for lunch breaks and warm-ups. Additionally, local health promotion events are promoting efforts to improve health awareness by incorporating a one-leg standing test. This has led to increased participants' sense of balance and interest in health, leading to increased awareness of health management throughout the region.

The importance of standing on one leg and continuing health monitoring

 Standing one leg is attracting attention as a way to easily confirm changes in health and biological age. Therefore, it can be said that it is highly valuable to use it for continuous health monitoring. Performing a standing-up test on one leg regularly gives you an opportunity to understand changes in your physical strength and balance ability, and to review your lifestyle and exercise habits as needed. Such efforts are beneficial for many people as they also help to extend healthy life expectancy and prevent accidents caused by falls.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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