Natural Science

An innovative leader - the superhuman, Hida Harumitsu's physical education philosophy: Hida-style sturdy technique


Hida Harumichi

He goes beyond the boundary of being a mere founder of health methods, and his life and achievements have been deeply sympathetic to modern society and continues to have a huge impact. 1

On December 25th, 883 (Meiji 16), it was founded in Onuma, Katsura Village, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture (now Nishikara Town, Yamanashi Prefecture), during a period of transition, when the era was drastically changed from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period.

He was born as the fifth son of his father, Kawai Rikugen, a doctor, but he was sick from a young age and faced various health difficulties throughout his growing up.

To overcome his own weakness, he awakens to physical and mental discipline and begins his path to establishing his own health methods. In the process, he proposed a integral view of health that was more than just a physical boost, but also included spirituality and philosophical depth.

Hida Harumitsu's stance

The weak constitution of childhood and challenges for physical and mental modification

Hida Harumitsu's childhood was a daily struggle against his weak constitution. He has experienced many serious health conditions that make him prepared for death from repeated illnesses. However, this hardship was the driving force behind him becoming mentally and physically disciplined.

He feels a strong sense of crisis that he will not be able to live his life as it is, and he is determined to restore health with his own hands. 1

Around 1900 (Meiji 33), when he turned 8, he began to try his best to change his mind and body in order to fundamentally change his life.

At this time, Hida carefully studied various health and exercise methods around the world. He absorbed knowledge from a wide range of fields, including Western physical education, traditional Eastern health practices, martial arts, and more, and instead of simply imitating them, he combined them to suit him, sometimes with bold improvements.

And the system that was later known as the Kawai-style surgeon technique was born as the culmination of this research and practice.

Later, as his achievements became widely recognized, this system was renamed "Hida Style Gyokujutsu" and gained greater recognition and influence.

The foundation of Hida-style surgeon techniques is "Tanden Training." "Tanten" is a key point of energy that is thought to be located at the center of the belly, and is a very important concept in oriental medicine and martial arts.

Hida believed that by training this Tanden, he could not only support superficial muscle strength, but also support health from deep inside the body. This focus stands out from the Western athletic education methods that were common at the time, and highlights his originality.

The double challenge of health methods and pursuing academic studies

Hida Harumitsu was not just a person who pursued health. He was also very interested in academics and had a strong intellectual curiosity.

He was enrolled at one of Japan's leading universities, including Chuo University Law Department, Meiji University, Politics and Commerce Department, and Waseda University Literature Department, which were top educational institutions at the time, and showed an extraordinary desire to study multiple fields at the same time.

He greedily absorbed a wide range of knowledge, including law, politics, economics, and literature, and deepened his own ideas.

Hida also devoted her passion not only to academic studies but also to martial arts. He established a judo club at university and also worked to promote martial arts, which trains the body and mind as one.

For him, physical training was an important tool for not only improving health, but also for honing his mind and achieving overall human development.

From this point of view, it can be seen that his ideas were more than mere physical education techniques, but also had a comprehensive perspective that was familiar to human education.

Popularization of sensitivity techniques and spreading his ideas

In 1911 (Meiji 44), Hida Harumitsu published his first work, Experiment Simple Stimulation Techniques. This book attracted a general audience with health-conscious interests and quickly became a bestseller. In a society where interest in health was growing at the time, Hida's books inspired many people to be aware of their own health management.

The success of this book was an opportunity for the "power-health technique boom" to spark the "power-health technique boom" all over Japan, and made the name Hida Harumitsu widely known.

After that, Hida also tried to live in the military. He joined the 4th Konoe Infantry Regiment and attempted to apply sturdy techniques to the field of military training.

He was convinced that sturdy techniques are effective in building a body that can withstand harsh training in the military, and further strengthened its practical aspects.

His military experience has led to the addition of more practical and effective elements to his health practices.

In 1917 (Taisho 6), he moved to Hachimanno, the village of Tagata District, Shizuoka Prefecture (now Ito City), where he became a new research hub and devoted himself to practicing geological techniques.

His health methods went beyond just technology to improve physical fitness, but deepened towards a more integrated approach that included spirituality and philosophical depth.

He came to believe that the body and mind are inseparable and that harmonizing them leads to true health.

Integrating psychology and philosophy and establishing spirituality

Hida Harumitsu has stepped into the realm of psychology and philosophy as he pursues his own health methods even more deeply. He studied Eastern philosophy, religion, psychology and more, and attempted to blend it with his own health methods.

As a result, in 1923 (Taisho 12), he further deepened his own techniques and philosophy, and reached the philosophy of "equal amount of hips and litters, with a focus on positive sides."

"Up and ventilator equals" is the idea of ​​maintaining harmony throughout the body by balancing the lower back and abdomen. On the other hand, "positive center" means being aware of the spiritual center, that is, the center of one's existence.

Hida preached that by combining these two, it will allow you to fully integrate the balance between your mind and body and place your consciousness at the center of your own. This concept was very original in physical education and health methods at the time, and speaks to his philosophical depth.

Hida blended his own training methods and theory with natural remedies. He placed great emphasis on maximizing the natural healing powers that humans naturally possess, and instead of relying on medicine or medical care, he aimed to maintain his health on his own.

This kind of idea was an antithesis to the Western medicine-centric medical system at the time, and demonstrated his advanced views.

Through this fusion with natural therapy, his health method developed even more uniquely, and later completed as a "terrifying therapy."

Hida Harumitsu's main work, "The Holy Central Path: Hida-style Strengthening Techniques: The True Therapy"

His book has captured the hearts of many people as a book that dramatically increased his awareness of health. The book generously contains practical techniques that apply central force and philosophical guidelines based on the view of space ethics. His ideas go beyond mere health methods, and provide comprehensive presentations on how to live as a human being and how to interact with the universe, and have had a deep emotional and influential effect on many readers.

Postwar peace activities and philosophical pursuits in later years

During World War II, Hida Harumitsu was worried about the future of the country, and in the midst of a patriot, he also threw himself into the dangerous actions of recommending that then Prime Minister Tojo Hideki end the war. During this incident, he even decided to take his own life for a while, but was discouraged and from then on he began to deepen his thoughts on further peace. After the war, he worked hard to deepen his ideas and aimed at harmony and peace for all of humanity.

In his later years, he became immersed in religious philosophy and pursued the idea of ​​aiming to harmonize the whole of humanity. In 1955 (Showa 30), he founded the Seisensha Shrine, and actively engaged in activities related to the peace movement. He believed that not only physical health, but mental health and social peace are essential to humans, and he devoted his life to achieving this. However, the following year, on August 24, 1956, he lost his turbulent life of 72 years after a 49-day fasting, and after a turbulent fasting, he ended his 72 years of unwell.

Hida Harumitsu's legacy and its impact on modern times

Hida Harumitsu is not just the founder of health methods, but his ideas continue to have a major impact even in modern times. His integrated approach to unity in mind and body has become the basis for modern alternative medicine and self-development training, and is supported by many people.

In 1985, the Hida Style Stimulation Research Group was established, and movements to inherit his ideas and techniques continue to spread both domestically and internationally. This can be said to be proof that the health methods he proposed have timeless and universal value.

In particular, in modern society, the posture improvement methods, Tanden training methods, and breathing techniques proposed by Hida Harumitsu are deeply sympathetic to people living in a stressful society. Modern society has many factors that can harm your health, such as stress, lack of exercise, and irregular lifestyles.

In such circumstances, the health method proposed by Hida continues to be used not only as a valuable tool to improve physical discomfort, but also to encourage internal stability and self-growth. His unique philosophy is not just about training your body, but also provides concrete guidelines for mental stability, mental improvement, and building a better life.

The Hida-style surgeon technique is not merely a methodology for physical training, but a comprehensive health model with philosophical insights and mental improvements. Many people use this method to achieve a truly rich and healthy lifestyle. Hida Harumitsu's achievements have surpassed exercise therapy and a view on health, and are a great guideline that aligns with modern people's ways of life.

The fact that his legacy is so inherited shows that his quest had "timeless value." Hida Harumitsu's life teaches us that health is not just a physical state, but something that concerns mind, philosophy, and the whole way of life.

His ideas are becoming even more important in modern society and will continue to influence many people in the future.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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