
The impact of adjusting your luck

Man cleaning

A thorough explanation of how to set up your home will affect your luck

Home is the foundation of our lives and an important place to find peace of mind and body. But despite its importance, we often tend to underestimate the condition of our home. When our house is in ruins, it becomes as if the confusion in our minds has been embodied, and it has a negative effect on our luck. Conversely, if your home is orderly, good energy will flow smoothly and you will be able to live a fulfilling life filled with both your body and mind.

1. Mechanisms that affect your luck

A home is not just a building, but a place where the energy of the people who live there is condensed. When we get home, we can soothe our daytime fatigue, calm our minds and gain new vitality. However, if the house is in a state of disruption, this energy circulation is stagnant and you are more susceptible to negative effects.

If energy is stuck or unnecessary objects or dirt accumulates in the house, energy will not flow smoothly and will become stuck. This is similar to how river flows are coughed with garbage, and stagnant energy can lower your luck and cause a variety of discomforts.

The interaction between the external environment and the internal environment - the external environment of the home has a direct impact on our inner environment, that is, the mind and emotions. That's why looking at a messy room makes me feel restless, irritated, and lethargic. Conversely, a clean and tidy space can help calm the mind and improve your concentration and thinking skills.

Linking and tidying up with mental organizing, tidying up and organizing is not just a process of moving things, but also facing your own inner self and identifying what you really need. In this process, we can unwittingly organize our minds and let go of unnecessary attachments. This is a mental detoxification and prepares you to embrace new energy in a clearer state.

2. Specific benefits of tidying up your home

The benefits of tidying up your home can be diverse. Below we will explain in detail the specific effects.

Increase in luck
  1. The smoother energy flows, making it easier for good luck to naturally flow into it.
  2. By letting go of unnecessary things, a space will create a place where new opportunities and encounters can be attracted.
  3. A space filled with positive energy has a positive impact on both the mind and body, and improves your luck in all aspects, including work and relationships.
Health and mental health
  1. A clean and tidy space reduces stress and promotes physical and mental health.
  2. A relaxing space improves sleep quality and helps you recover from fatigue.
  3. Spending time in a comfortable space can help you maintain mental stability and maintain mental balance.
Increased concentration and productivity
  1. Organized spaces help clear your thoughts and increase your focus.
  2. An environment where you can quickly find what you need can make effective use of your time and increase productivity.
  3. Creating an environment for working and studying will increase motivation to achieve your goals.
Improve relationships
  1. A cozy home will help smooth communication with family and friends and provide good relationships.
  2. A home that makes you want to invite others will help you increase opportunities for interaction and build rich relationships.
  3. Working together with the whole family to set up the house is also a great opportunity to deepen family bonds.
Improvement of the economic situation
  1. The habit of cherishing things reduces waste and provides financial security.
  2. Selling unnecessary things also creates opportunities for extra income.
  3. Organized spaces also help reduce lost items and reduce unnecessary expenses.
Mental stability
  1. By letting go of unnecessary things, you can cut off attachment to the past and feel positive.
  2. In the process of reaffirming your values, you can find what is truly important and increase your satisfaction in life.
  3. Spending time in a comfortable space increases self-esteem and brings peace of mind.

3. Specific ways to set up your home

Even when you say you're going to set up your home, some people may not know exactly what to do. Here we will introduce some specific methods that anyone can easily do.

  1. Start by disposing of unnecessary things. If you haven't used anything in more than a year, you need to be prepared to let go.
  2. When throwing away things, dispose of them as a way of expressing gratitude.
  3. It's also a good idea to make effective use of unnecessary items by using flea market apps and recycling shops.
  4. By reducing the amount of things, the space expands and the flow of energy becomes smoother.
  1. Divide your items by type, decide where to store them, and organize them.
  2. Make sure to get into the habit of returning what you used to it.
  3. Use storage items and other items to aim for storage that is beautiful and easy to use.
  4. By making it a habit to organize things, you can always keep them in good condition.
  1. Make the habit of cleaning frequently every day.
  2. Be sure to thoroughly clean areas such as water, entrances, and windows that serve as energy paths.
  3. Not only vacuum, but also wipe it to clean every corner.
  4. It is also important to ventilate regularly and invigorate fresh air.
  5. Cleaning not only removes dirt, but also has the effect of purifying negative energy.
Purification of space
  1. Purify your space with aromas, incense, herbs, and more.
  2. Let the space get exposed to sunlight and increase the energy of your space.
  3. Place your houseplants to enhance the air purification effect and invigorate natural energy.
  4. Place crystals and power stones to adjust the energy of your space.
  5. Use a tuning fork or a singing bowl to adjust the vibrations in the space.
Creating a space that focuses on the five senses
  1. Incorporate visual and pleasant colors, and develop lighting to create a relaxing space.
  2. Take measures to prevent hearing and noise, and create a relaxing environment by listening to pleasant music.
  3. Create a nice fragrance space using your sense of smell, aromas, herbs, etc.
  4. Use materials that are both touchy and soft to the touch to create a space that is particular about the feel.
  5. Keep your taste/kitchen clean and enjoy delicious food to boost your energy.
Utilizing Feng Shui
  1. Incorporate feng shui and create a space that is conscious of the flow of energy.
  2. The entrance is an entrance that brings good luck, so make sure you keep it clean at all times.
  3. Make sure to develop colors and arrangements to make your bedroom a relaxing space.
  4. Keep the toilets and kitchens clean.
  5. Choose the furniture arrangement and color, taking into consideration the orientation and layout of the house.
Regular maintenance
  1. Maintain your home regularly to ensure a comfortable living environment.
  2. Repair any problems with your home, such as water leaks or rain leaks, as soon as possible.
  3. Clean walls and floors regularly to keep them clean.
  4. Keep your curtains and blinds clean by washing them regularly.
Feeling of gratitude
  1. Be grateful for your home and treat it with care.
  2. When cleaning or tidying up, be sure to express your gratitude.
  3. The home is a source of energy for you, so stay in good condition and never forget to be grateful.

4. Things to note when preparing your home

While it's good to keep your home in place, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Don't overdo it - If you try to clean up everything at once, you can get tired and give up. Let's proceed little by little, within a reasonable range.
  • Instead of trying not to push yourself too hard or seeking perfection, aim for a comfortable space. It is also important to avoid worrying about some clutter.
  • Create your space based on your own comfort and not being influenced by other people's opinions. Be careful not to be influenced by other people's opinions.
  • It is important to keep things organized and cleaned while having fun, rather than doing them reluctantly.
  • Work with your family and make sure you work together to keep your home organized. It also provides a great opportunity to deepen family ties.

5. Summary: Home is the foundation of life

Building a house is not just an act of cleansing your room, but also enriching life itself. Home is where we spend our days and where we recharge our body and mind. That's why valuing your home and maintaining a comfortable space is extremely important for improving your luck and living a better life.

Take this opportunity to rethink your home and start creating a comfortable space. There will surely be some amazing changes in your life

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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