
Eating is the basics of health, and eating too much is unhealthy


Amount of food that can thoroughly remove waste

Modern society is a rich era where food information is flooded and delicious food can be easily obtained. But behind the richness we are at risk of eating too much.

TV and the Internet are introducing attractive restaurants and new products one after another, and as you walk around the city, restaurants with appetite-stimulating fragrances are lined up. Convenience stores and supermarkets can easily access groceries anytime, anywhere, and we tend to unconsciously consume more than necessary.

However, the basic principle of health is your daily diet. The food we eat is a source of building our bodies, inviting us to energize and support our daily activities. Overeating can not only gain weight, but can have a serious impact on our minds and bodies, and shorten our healthy life expectancy.

Overeating causes strain on the body

The food we eat is digested through our digestive organs, and after nutrients are absorbed, unnecessary items are excreted. This process is said to take around 18 hours. Digestion, absorption and excretion of food is a very heavy work that can be a huge burden on the body.

If you eat too much, your internal organs will always be in full operation and become exhausted. Furthermore, foods that cannot be digested accumulate in the body as waste products, causing blood flow to slow down and metabolism. Waste products are associated with fat and accumulate as that hateful cellulite. Cellulite is a serious problem, especially for women, and once it has accumulated, it is difficult to remove it.

Have you ever had the experience of feeling like your face has grown larger than in old photos, or even after losing weight, your face, thighs, and butt remain thick? This may be the result of cellulite buildup. As you get older, cellulite becomes less likely to fall off, which can cause aging of your appearance.

Children in their growing season require a lot of energy to grow, but adults who have stopped growing can maintain their bodies well without eating too much. Rather, eating too much only puts strain on the body and increases the risk of harming your health.

Interact with your body and find the optimal amount of food

So how do we find the best diet for us? Our bodies already know the answer. Our bodies are inherently intelligent and have the ability to sense the amount of energy and nutrients they need. Listening to those voices and interacting with your body to find the best amount of food for you is the first step to living a healthy diet.

The key to this is to eat when your body is "live". When you're really hungry, your food should taste great. This is a sign that your body needs energy, and by replenishing energy through food, your body regains its energy. Conversely, when you're not hungry, there's no need to force yourself to eat. Forcing your eating can put a strain on your digestive system and can cause you to become ill.

It is important to finish the amount of food you eat by leaving a little space in your stomach. As the saying goes, "80% full," rather than eating until you're full, give your stomach a little enough to eat if you force yourself to eat two more dishes, and your body will be able to digest and absorb more smoothly.

This little liberty is the energy that will make our lives smooth and improve ourselves. The room that seems a little unsatisfied brings out our abilities and improves our concentration. By adjusting the amount of food, you won't feel sleepy, tired after a meal, or slow down your work pace, and you'll digest more smoothly, allowing you to stay refreshed at any time.

The effect of food volume on your body and mind, as well as your luck

The amount of food we casually eat will affect our mind and body, and eventually our luck more than we think. Overeating can cause you to become heavy, depressed, and create negative thoughts. Indigestion can also worsen the intestinal environment and weaken the immune system.

On the other hand, a proper diet will lighten your body, lift your mood, and create positive thoughts. It can also help digestion, improve the intestinal environment, and boost immunity. If you are healthy in your body and mind, you will be able to take action more effectively and actively work on things. This will help your work and relationships to be smoother and your life will be richer.

In other words, maintaining the right amount of food can be said to not only maintain good health, but also have the power to enrich our lives in itself. Our bodies already know the best timing and amount. Our bodies are inherently very clever. Be sure to listen to these voices, and through dialogue with your body, find the best amount of food for you, and live a healthy diet.

Specific practice methods and steps to dialogue with the body

Even if you say you're starting a conversation with your body, some people may not know exactly what to do. Here are some specific steps to start a conversation with your body.

  1. Keep a meal diary - First, keep a meal diary to understand when, what, and how much you are eating. Not only does it record meal times, foods eaten, and amounts, but it also records your mood and physical condition at the time, and you can sometimes see the relationship between your diet and your physical condition.
  2. Be aware of the timing of feeling hungry, and then be aware of the timing of feeling hungry. Signs such as a tummy groaning, fatigue, or poor concentration are signs that your body needs energy. If you notice these signs, don't force yourself to eat and don't put up with it.
  3. Listen to your body while eating, and while eating, enjoy it slowly and listen to your body while enjoying it. If you start to feel full, try to finish your meal there. There's no need to force yourself to eat it.
  4. It is also important to observe your health after meals and to observe your health after meals. If symptoms such as sleepiness after a meal, bloated stomach, or stomach upset, it may be a sign that you are eating too much.
  5. Review the quality of your meals. Not only do you think about the amount of food you eat, but also the quality. If you eat only processed or fast food, your nutritional balance will be unbalanced and you will likely become unwell. Make sure to eat a well-balanced diet, including vegetables, fruits, fish, and meat.
  6. Incorporating exercise and moderate exercise can help boost metabolism and promote waste excretion. Introduce exercises that are right for you, such as walking, jogging, or yoga.
  7. Getting enough sleep - Lack of sleep can cause hormones to secrete appetite-enhancing appetite, which can cause overeating. Make sure you have enough sleep and get high quality sleep.
  8. Relieve stress - Stress can reduce the brain's function that controls appetite and lead to overeating. It is important to enjoy your hobbies and make time to relax in order to relieve stress.

Investing in the future through improved diet

By practicing these steps, you will gradually be able to interact with your body and find the best amount of food you eat for yourself. Improved diet is not just about maintaining health, but also an investment in the future.

  1. Extending healthy life expectancy/A healthy diet reduces the risk of lifestyle-related diseases and extends healthy life expectancy.
  2. Beauty benefits and an appropriate diet will keep your skin firm and glossy, and enhance your anti-aging effect.
  3. Improve mental health and a healthy diet improves brain function and improves mental health.
  4. Increased productivity and proper dieting will improve your concentration and memory, and improve your work and study efficiency.
  5. A rich life and a healthy diet will help you stay healthy both physically and mentally and enrich your life.
Through dialogue with the body, we will reach a bright future

We live in a modern society filled with food temptations. However, not to resist this temptation, valuing your physical interactions and finding the best diet for you is the key to building a healthy future.

Starting today, why not review your diet and start a dialogue with your body? Those little steps could really change your life. Your body is always talking to you. Listen to that voice and build a bright future through dialogue with your body.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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