Women's worries

Make your days when you can't meet your side! The secret to getting closer to your busy boyfriend


1. Why does he prioritize busyness?

What is the psychology of him saying he's busy

 There are many different psychology hidden behind the words of a man, "I'm too busy at work to meet you." When you're really busy with work, it often includes a sincere desire to prioritize your career and responsibility. Men may also be unfamiliar with expressing their emotions in words, and sometimes they indirectly communicate their situation with the word "busy." On the other hand, it is a time when he is feeling physically and mentally exhausted and stressed, and even if he wants to meet someone, he may want to prioritize his recovery. For this reason, it is important to think about the situation and emotions behind him before feeling anxious about what he says.

High priority for men

 For men, work is a huge weight in life. In particular, men who are more aware of "surviving in society," tend to want to gain a sense of independence and accomplishment through their work. Therefore, when work gets busy, you often have to cut down on your time in love and personal life. This is not because of the feeling that it is not important, but rather, it also leads to a sense of responsibility that will make the person you love happy by building your foundation firmly. When his priorities are focused on his work, understanding his hard work and positive attitude to support him is key to deepening his relationship with him.

Things I cherish even when I'm busy

 Even a busy guy doesn't have the time to spare, and he often thinks about what to value within his limited resources. While putting all your effort into your work, you may find yourself looking for a moment of relaxation or refreshment that includes time to spend with certain hobbies or close friends. However, in order to become a priority for him, it is important to respect his life and values. Also, before you feel anxious about whether it's not being valued, pay attention to small actions and words. Even if it's a short communication, remembering and sending a message while you're busy is proof that you are important to him.

How to tell if you're really busy

 When you hear the word "busy" from a man, it can sometimes be difficult to determine how true it is. However, when it comes with specific information or supplementary actions, it is often a really busy situation. For example, if he talks about the specific job content and schedule, or gives a solid explanation or apology for not being able to meet, it is likely that he is not lying. Also, if you have a positive suggestion like, "When will we meet again next time?", it is proof that you are considering spending time with you even when you are busy. On the other hand, if you are always turned down for abstract reasons or the frequency of contact is reduced dramatically, you need to carefully assess his feelings.

2. How to make positive use of the time you can't meet

Focus on improving yourself

 In order to make positive use of the time you can't meet him, it is recommended to concentrate on improving yourself. When he says he's too busy to meet you, try watching it as an opportunity to improve yourself rather than feeling down. For example, you can incorporate exercise and skin care to get your body ready, or read new books to deepen your knowledge. These efforts will also help him to be more attractive to him and to develop self-confidence.

Start a new hobby or skill

 Instead of pessimistic about not being able to see him, think of it as a great opportunity to challenge new hobbies and skills. For example, starting yoga as a hobby or trying to learn languages ​​or obtain a qualification is a good idea. These activities allow you to enjoy your own growth by empathizing with the man's true feelings and psychology of how a "busy guy" feels. And by gaining new experiences, you will be able to broaden your conversations with him, and will leave an impression on him as an attractive woman.

Cherish time with friends and family

 It is also recommended to turn the time you can't spend with him into opportunities to share with friends and family. You can go to lunch with a trusted friend to refresh yourself, or spend some time with your family to calm your mind. As time is limited with him, deepening your relationships with other important people will give you a sense of fulfillment. When men feel "busy," it is only when they feel that they are "busy" that they are not chasing too much, but instead have a sense of independence and fulfillment that leaves a good impression.

Use messages of support

 It's easy to get worried when people keep saying things like, "I can't meet because I'm busy with work," but sending a message of support is also effective in order to be a reassuring presence for him. A word like "Don't push yourself too hard" or "I'm rooting for you" can be a great encouragement for a busy guy. However, the key is to avoid messages that blam the other person or contact them too frequently, and not put any strain on them. This kind of concern will help increase her charm as a woman who makes her want to see him.

3. Build trust through communication

Keep your connections on short LINE or phones

 When someone says, "I'm too busy at work to meet you," you may feel anxious and lonely. However, even if you can't meet up, it is important to use short LINE messages and phone calls to keep you in touch. For example, a simple word that concerns you, such as "Thank you for your hard work! Good luck today," can be a heartwarming message for him. Men often want to avoid heavy topics when they are tired, so it's a good idea to keep simple and positive. This kind of trivial communication helps you feel connected and deepen your trust even in busy times.

Providing a bright atmosphere with positive topics

 When you can't meet for a long time, you may find yourself wanting to convey your dissatisfaction or negative feelings, but be patient and try to be aware of positive topics. For example, one way to share fun events and interesting topics that were common in your daily life. By feeling that he can "smile even when you're tired," you will feel more comfortable while you're connected to you and feel more secure even in busy situations. Positive attitude also serves to refresh his mind.

Show understanding without blaming you for being busy

 "Why can't we meet?" accusing him of his busy schedule of busyness unconsciously puts pressure on him. Rather, by choosing words that show understanding, such as "You're busy and doing great things, you're amazing," he will also feel that "this person is someone who supports you," and will begin to value your relationship with you on your own. In addition, men often need time to focus on their work, and comments that understand this background easily resonate with him.

Tips for conversations that don't put a strain on others

 When communicating with a busy boyfriend, it is important not to put pressure or burden on the other person. For example, instead of forcing him to interact for a long time, try to make sure he can reply at his own pace. It is also recommended that you choose light and fun topics to avoid serious issues or topics that you may have to think about for a long time. By understanding the true feelings and psychology of men who are too busy at work to meet people," and maintaining an appropriate distance, you can naturally create an environment where you can relax and not be bothered.

4. A step-by-step action that resonates with his heart

Provide casual support

 Understand the true feelings and psychology of men who are too busy at work to meet, and be aware of casual support that will ease the burden on him. For example, it is effective to give him a refresher to relieve stress, or to give him a drink or snack that he likes. Furthermore, rather than directly helping, men's feelings of casual support are resonated with. Just adding consideration to you, such as "Don't overdo it too much," will make him more likely to feel trust in you.

A date proposal that respects his schedule

 If you want to meet a busy guy ahead of you, you may end up making a date suggestion at an impossible time. However, suggesting a flexible date plan that suits his schedule will make him more attractive and not feel burdened. For example, try to make plans that can be done in a short period of time, such as "Let's have a little tea between work," or suggestions that allow you to relax, such as "Please let us know when the next day of the off-off." This will allow him to enjoy his time with you and build a smooth relationship.

Surprise that creates a special feeling

 For those who are busy with work, a small sense of specialness can be a relaxing moment. For example, a small warmth can be effective, such as giving him a surprise gift or letter after work, or sending a message of support via LINE where he reads. The feeling of "I'm thinking about you even in busy days" is a great encouragement for men. However, a major surprise can actually put pressure on you, so it's best to casually convey your feelings.

Emphasizing your support

 Men often feel grateful for the people who support them in difficult situations and deepen their trust. If he is devoted to his work, acknowledging his efforts and using words to support him will strengthen his bonds. It is important to use positive words such as "That's really amazing" and "I know you're working hard" to create an atmosphere where he can show himself in peace. This natural cheering attitude is key to maintaining a good relationship with your busy boyfriend over the long term.

5. What is important to build a long-term relationship of trust

A sense of balance that doesn't expect too much from each other

 In order to build a long-term relationship of trust amidst the busy schedule, it is important to have a sense of balance that doesn't expect too much from each other. Unfortunately, when men are "busy at work and can't meet," they often don't have time to meet up right away. On the other hand, if women expect too much to meet up, they can cause dissatisfaction and stress, which can affect the relationship. Therefore, it is important to avoid putting too much strain on the other person and be flexible enough to make yourself feel "anything is surprisingly okay."

How to deepen love based on trust

 Some of the true feelings and psychology of men who say they are busy with work can be that they are telling the truth because they value the other person. Believing in those feelings and not questioning others will lead to deepening love based on trust. For example, even if there is less communication, it is important to have a mindset that understands his situation, rather than perceive it as "a cold of affection." This attitude gives him a sense of security and will further strengthen his trust.

Be prepared to overcome busy periods

 No matter how close you are, there is always a "busy period" in life. This is only temporary and it gives us peace of mind to believe that we will have time to meet again in the future. Taking this period with a positive attitude of "Let's overcome it together," will reduce the worries that the two of them will be separated. Send him a message of support and sharing positive topics even in a short amount of time will further strengthen your bond.

Face while holding your own axis

 It's important to be close to his busy schedule, but don't forget to keep his own core. By not relying solely on love, but enriching your own life and goals, you can create a healthy sense of distance in your relationship. Women who have a strong sense of self are often attractive to men too. A constant attitude of thinking about how to make the most of the time you can't meet and working on your own growth will also lead to a relaxed behavior towards him.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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